What are you playing now? (console edition) [2011 - 2017]

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Yeah, I'm talking about maps. I have a Raven alt (I pay for all three accounts)...message me sometime when I'm on, and I'll join you for whatever (MAG, KZ, COD, etc). Even games I don't like all that much are more fun with competent people.

Except White Knight Chronicles. I decided to ignore reviews, which was a mistake. The game is deep fried crap on a stick.

Did I send you a link to the GAF or R3 chatroom ? You should be there. We have great players, usually (read: always) top our matches so far.

I am increasingly getting bored, and think we should do a chatroom skirmish (i.e., GAF vs GAF) sometimes. I :love: it when the game assign me to the opposite team in a regular match. I can measure our relative strength better. ^_^

We play R3 mostly now, but I am very certain we will also do BF3 and U3 soon. I think they were on U2 online previously. MAG and KZ3 are more challenging, so they get less love. But I shall join you the next time I see you playing either one. ;-)

EDIT: Oh yes, in case you think we are only about competitive MP, people ask for online co-op buddies there too (e.g., R3 Superhuman co-op).

And there's also odd MP requests for say... the new $0.99 card game, Elemental Monsters. One of the regulars boasts that he's one of the top players in the world. So if you're up for the challenge, hop in ! He's been bugging me the whole week to join him. :devilish:
Hm... dunno how it is where you're at, but the lag wasn't too bad with Graham (UK) and a full party for co-op.

I'll try to get on with you guys after I pick it up today.

Let me know if the lag ruins it for you guys on your side. It may not be too bad as I believe the game is utilizing dedicated servers.
I think the only times we've noticed the lag go bad are when trying to pick each other up when getting downed. :)

Multiplayer shouldn't be a problem as they are using dedicated servers for that.
For me RE5 and RE4 were equal in terms of gameplay. There's really nothing in RE4 that's "infinitely better" than RE5.

Saying it's "Infinitely better" might be a wee bit hyperbolic, but I really do think part 4 is a vastly superior product. (as does just about anyone else) RE4 actually has enemies that are aggressive. You better take them down before they reach you unless you fancy a machete in your face. In RE5 they still run towards you, but oddly enough they don't do anything for 5-10 seconds when they are in range. Instead they just walk in place like complete morons, waiting for you kill them off one by one. RE4 also has a huge edge when it comes to boss fights unless you really love black gooey tentacle monsters. (not to mention one of the best boss battles is ripped straight from part 4) Del Lago, The Village Chief, El Gigante, Verdugo, Krauser, Salazar, U3, Saddler - all are memorable, varied, and all are quite tough.
The whole game is tough in general. Leon goes down much quicker than I remembered, and there's no partner to save your ass when things go bad.
RE4 also has these awesome regular enemies like the giant insects than can cloak themselves, the blind guys with the Wolverine claws (complete with a nasty looking one hit kill) and the Regenerators which you have to (or rather you should) take out with the infrared scope.
The game also throws you in lots of cool and unique situations: from the opening parts in the village (which was basically replicated in RE5), the part where you are trapped in a small two story building with Louis, the cage fight with the Garrador, the dual El Gigantes in the mines (where you can drop one through the floor into molten metal) and the Krauser QTE.
RE4 is also legitimately creepy. I wouldn't call it scary, but then most horror games aren't. In RE5's case on the other hand I didn't get the feeling that anyone even bothered to think about creating the unsettling atmosphere so evident in every other entry of the series. It's a straight up linear action game with big explosions under bright sunlight.

RE4 is also about twice as long.

All my opinion of course.
Well, they changed a whole bunch of stuff with the 1.12 patch in KZ3, like making the Sniper's scrambling ability an active power. They claim to have toned down the overly enthusiastic death yells, too. I'm going to give it another try


Edit: Yep, they fixed all that stuff. It's a little better now, but the matchmaking still stinks. I keep getting stuck in matches with under 10 players, when ostensibly, the game supports 24.
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Do you have the "new" map packs ?

EDIT: I sent you the chatroom invite this morning. It's the general GAF room. We also have game specific rooms for organizing group games.
I bought Catherine over lunch time. Should complement my R3 diet well these few weeks until Dark Souls hit.

According to the manual, if you press and hold the [SELECT] button, you get to pick a "Very Easy" game mode. :cool:

Curious to see how the anime part turns out. :D

I tried to get into "Very Easy" mode. There was no audio or visual indication even though the game manual says the game will sound a note when I press the [SELECT] button for a few seconds. In any case, I got into the early part of the game.

The anime is nicer than the usual TV anime. ^_^
I like the production. It also has this online survey err... mini-game ? Is that real ?

The game asks for my views on marriage and love, and then supposedly tweaks the game and story along the way. It also shows me what other gamers' answers were, which is pretty neat. No wonder that girl gamer said she's glad someone made this game. :LOL:

A little uneasy about my decisions so far. Will see if I die a horrible death here. :devilish:
Colleague of mine told me he is in chapter 15 or something like that in Resistance 3, and he's really digging it, playing it partly with his brother in co-op. He's never played any of the previous ones, and he likes the alt-fires, and the freedom you have in approaching the battles, although he sometimes finds it pretty hard (in a good way). Other games he likes are Call of Duty et al, so there. ;)

I just finally started on Heavy Rain (was only 30 euros now). Quietly impressed so far! I'm thinking about switching language - I like that this is one of these games were you can switch to any combination of language and subtitles, and I'm thinking that probably with all the complaints I've heard, German is better, and I understand that language well enough. Have seen quite a few 'crimis' in that language. ;)

Really digging the Move implementation so far as well. It worked with my wife too - I let her do the shaving part, which she rushed like any beginner and which amusingly the game set her straight on, and she was *very* interested to see what she'd get in the showering scene, and she was not disappointed. ;)

Nice touch with the Move that the actor looks where you point it, even if it's limited and subtle. This is indeed a great fit for Move, and they made a pretty cool interface method for it.
If you like FPS, you should give R3 a try !
The MP is still a little broken though. Gotta wait for patch 1.05.

For Heavy Rain, I think the Datura trailer gives a good idea how Move can be used in an adventure game. Although Datura is first person view, I reckon it can be tweaked for third person view too.
Lots of strong language, booze, sexual subject matter and some mild T&A. It's a truly weird game. Bought it because I'm just drawn to stuff like that, but unfortunately the actual game part of Catherine is completely ruining the experience for me. It's like watching a really interesting tv series, but instead of commercial breaks you get fiendishly difficult block puzzles. Unlike with commercial breaks you can't switch channels though. I'm really enjoying the presentation and all the little details (every time you empty another drink you get a bit of alcohol trivia for example), but I'm just dreading the nightmare puzzles. They are hard, no fun at all and the controls are going to kill you time and time again. Catherine would be a really cool anime, because everything that happens outside of the nightmares is really interesting and well presented. Unfortunately there is a game sandwiched in between the interesting bits.

Sigfried, did you try playing on Easy (or Very Easy) ? The gameplay seems relaxing and interesting so far. I am on Stage 5, first floor now (3 more stages to go ?). I guess the difficulty will become steeper as the game progress. At first I was stuck at one level. I see it could get frustrating because the game doesn't give you enough time to study the level. When I paused the game, the pause screen immediately covered up the game area. :-/

I used YouTube to cheat. It looks like the levels are not quite the same if you play on different difficulty. :)

The anime part is indeed rather intriguing and sexy. ^_^

EDIT: Oh god, tomorrow/today is Battlefield 3 day, isn't it ?
Yay ! Completed Catherine. First part is more interesting than the second part. :love: the
showdown between the girls in Vincent's apartment.
Overall, story is too wacky for my taste. Gameplay-wise, I like the puzzles in Easy mode, just a wee bit challenging but keeps the pace going.

Ico next !
Just finished LA Noire.

An interesting game, with a well told story. Was strange recognising actors in a game for once (visually that is). Not convinced that there was an awful lot of gameplay in there though.
About Catherine...

Catherine Sells Half a Million to Support Atlus and Index Earnings

Index, the company that now houses Atlus, was in the red in its previous fiscal year. But there was some bright news in the company's games business thanks in large part to Catherine.


he company's games business, which includes Atlus, the mobile focused Index, and the online focused Rosso Index, saw sales of 18,452 million yen and operating profits of 2,695 million yen. The results were boosted by Catherine, which sold 500,000 units in Japan and abroad. The company also mentioned strong brand performance for the Persona series.

Thanks for the Easy and Very Easy modes, Atlus. Wouldn't have bought the game without them.
Demons Souls Whenever I get time, and sometimes R3 MP ! If you see a lot of flaming guys running away, chances are its me with my Rossmore spewing fire :devilish: !
Forza 4 and GT5 2.0 ... It's fun to play them back to back for the same combinations of car and track, though I don't change that often as I also have to change wheels. ;) For now though most of the time I'm just playing Forza 4, but already the campaign is boring me and Rivals is really where its at for the moment. I'm learning that it's really rewarding to immediately stop when you beat someone, because going back and forth gives a lot of cash and xp. I've had a few times that when I beat a time on the Ring in some fast car, I go up two levels in XP.

GT5 is really missing this Auto-Log type feature. It would already help if the highscore list defaulted to the friends filter, but notifications of being beaten somewhere.

Also, it's rewarding to have the skills I got on tracks from GT5 apply directly to Forza 4, the Top Gear track being a good example.
Just completed Resident Evil 5 : GE. It's pretty dull in the first half but does pick up a bit to be fair.

The game has just about the worst screen tearing I've ever seen though. I assumed it was just the way it is, buit a bit of googling suggests changing screen res on the Xbox can fix the issus. Bit late now, but is that really the case?
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