What are you playing now? (console edition) [2011 - 2017]

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Planning on starting Deus Ex HR. any tips for not endng up with a disastrour combination of traits for my character?
What is the best upgrade route?
Planning on starting Deus Ex HR. any tips for not endng up with a disastrour combination of traits for my character?
What is the best upgrade route?

It's hard go wrong in DX:HR. I recommend investing in hacking early because it basically pays for itself. Playing stealthy is generally better rewarded then killing everyone. For boss battles you might want to get the Typhoon, or simply carry some explosives. By the end of the game I still had 17 Praxis kits left. It should be easy to get everything you want.
I'd also suggest getting the upgrade that makes you invulnerable to electric shocks at some point during the game. It comes in very handy.
Ok ! Lets see what I do :) ! I heard people saying that investing in stealth is basically useless against bosses :unsure: !

Also, PSN sale is on , I am getting MGS1 finally :D ! I know I can get it for free on the PC, but wanna play it on my ps3. Wish it had trophies :D !
Just bought Tomb Raider GoL...very good game and the graphics are sweet. I was surprised the new Diablo-like perspective worked so well with this franchise...very nicely done. I've only been playing it in SP but will try coop when I get a chance. After playing the demo I immediately unlocked it...couldn't resist.

This game is great in coop, it's really built for it !
Ok ! Lets see what I do :) ! I heard people saying that investing in stealth is basically useless against bosses :unsure: !

It is, but there aren't that many bosses. Just make sure you have some explosives or the Typhoon and a decent gun and you'll be fine. You can always get some augments to help you kill things if you want to because there are more then enough Praxis kits.
I'd also suggest getting the upgrade that makes you invulnerable to electric shocks at some point during the game. It comes in very handy.

That's one thing I didn't do and haven't picked up the game again since I got to the point where you really need it. I just thought the boss battles in DX were absolutely not needed.
Started Deus Ex and I think I am in love with it ! Totally unxpected, as from the videos I had thought I would not like the game at all, but it turns out the game is a lot of fun and very very engaging !

A question:
At the beginning, Sarif asks if I want to go Lethal or non-lethal. Since I had no idea what I was gonna face, I chose lethal. But now I feel like I wanted to tranquilise guys like in MGS and get the "Ghost" bonus. Will I be asked again or am I stuck with the lethal weapons now?

ALso, All the DLC is dirt cheap right now, do the weapon packs make the game more enjoyable?
I think you'll be able to pick up non-lethals later on.

Non-lethal is way more fun for me. I went half the game using on the taser gun :D
I finally got around to finishing Red Dead Redemption and Heavy Rain. I was really really impressed by both. Heavy Rain has some WTF moments sprinkled all throughout, but I'd rank thw story and the storytelling as very, very strong. Better than LA Noire by far. Better than any games in a modern setting that I can think of. Often zi was screaming at the screen, frustrated by my limited options, but it was all still pretty compelling, and a lot of the story really comes together in the final scenes. If I have one recommendation to Mr. Cage as he refines his art, it's the same one I might have made previously, but now, more than ever: just because a scene or a tech may allow Great Art to come out of Major Drama does not mean that it needs to be done this way every time. The best emotional elements of HR are gently nostalgic and less hamfisted. Also, maybe umm, exclude any nonsensical, random serial murderer scenes which appear to be unconnected to the plot, full of machine rape innuendo, and seemingly FORGOTTEN by the near-rapee five minutes later. I appreciate the very nicely-designed fight scene, but it was a seriously WTF (not in a good way) scene. A lot of ppl complain about the QTB gameplay. I think it worked well in Shenmue and previous QD titles, and it probably works the best ever in HR. It's a far better way, imho, to trivially involve people in an interactive movie, than the miserable combat of Dragon Age 2 or Dreamfall.

It's ironic to transition from a story-centric game like HR with its peerless acting and production values, to a player-centric game like RDR, with its emphasis on character building and world exploration, and say that RDR is the better story, but that's what I have to do. RDR may be the best story ever told through video games, and that despite distinctly mediocre voice acting and quite poor plot pacing (a plot over which you have almost no control). Despite all that, I've rarely been so impassioned about a video game story, and the gameplay was topnotch, to boot. I only wish it had been a PC game, and possibly have a difficulty slider. Also, way way way more variety to the horses, and maybe PONIES *_* ...heh, it was a really great game and I just found it a little easy and low on variety at times. Compared to a GTA world it's quite sparse and repetitive. Some of the very best missions were ones like herding cattle and rustling horses, and I wish you could have done them more often. The honor system seemed a little hastily implemented, too, with not a lot of advantage to playing as a thief, no trains to rob, boring safecracking, and no cattle rustling or other obvious ideas. I nitpick, though, the game was Very Good, and again, shockingly, the story was Peerless. The storytelling could have been a lot better, though. Marsden's voice actor makes him come across as some sort of wild west BroShep, completely disengaged from the conversations he's in and All Swagger. He finally gets a few moments of humanity in the last act, but he was extremely disappointing. Also, the main quest had a bit more filler than I thought was necessary. Stick with real intensity and less bullshit, and save more of the kookier missions for the side quests (many of which were outstanding). Sound and art were out of this world, and the real reason I want RDR on PC is so I can take better screenshots of the Mexican desert. One of the best games of all-time.
thanks for the impressions ... still have to play most of HR and red dead is free on PS plus next month so I'll give that a serious shot
My pleasure... my aim is to finally get around to finishing Valkyria Chronicles this week... I bet it doesn't happen tho ;)
Deadlight - Finished the second chapter two days ago and I am really enjoying it thus far..very good graphics, excellent sound quality and great atmosphere all around -for anyone interested it's more like Limbo than Shadow Complex.

I just purchased and started playing this game...it's very cool and it indeed is a mix of Limbo and SC both of which I also own.
I'm trying to play Assassin's Creed Revelations, but I just can't seem to get into this one like I could on all the previous ones.
Just Cause 2 is a so good looking on the ps3 ! This engine needs more games ! F********K ! :p !
COntrols need getting used to, will have fun soon !
Socom 4(ps3): Great looking game. Excellent 3D and Move functionality, online is bad for me..getting pummeled by the same clans. Could have been better if they implemented the 5p coop into their campaign. Sad that they got dissolved because it is actually a great game.

Crysis 2(360): Seems to be good so far liking the story and flow to it. Graphics are ok but not what I thought they would be. 3D is not that good, doesn't feel 3d almost like 2d cut outs.

Rachet & Clank A41: It's what I expected kidish mindless fun. 3d is really bad, very low rez.

Note: Started using the hand gun attachment for Move...alot easier than using the Sharpshooter.

Enroute via mail:
Rage(360) and Deadspace 2(ps3)
Yea, Socom 4 is a great game with great graphics ! I had played a bit of the campaign on a borrowed copy last year. Wish it goes free on PS+ sometime !
Yeah I enjoyed Socom 4 too.

The story was very very weak in the SP campaign, although I thought it picked up towards the end. I think my biggest complaint was the voice actor for the main character. In all the pre-release media, I could have sworn the guy was an american, only to find when buying the game that he had a most jarring and characterless british accent.

Otoh I loved the squad mechanics of ordering your dude around and using tactics to get ahead. I felt it really worked nicely. Playing with Move was EXCELLENT, as always. And I enjoyed the coop immensely too.

The MP on the other hand i hated, and its funny because I was in the beta and i loved playing the beta... *shrug*

It was a great game. It's just a shame we won't see it improved upon.
Currently playing:

Dark Souls - Almost done with NG+ and getting ready for NG++...I'll probably join some covenants before finishing the game though that I haven't checked in my first playthrough in which I was a sunbro for the most part of the game.
Dust: An Elysian Tail - One of the rare cases these days where I start playing a game and lose the sense of time...played nearly 5hrs yesterday and I could continue playing but checked the clock and it was 4am so I had to stop, such a really fun game with lots of stuff to do, very good pacing and a breathtaking 2D presentation.
Killzone 3 - I am in the junkyard level and not enjoying this at all to be honest - it's just not fun to shoot people in this game...sure the game looks great (though I still prefer KZ2 visually) and the controls work this time around but the encounters with the enemies and the level design feel so rushed and amateur...Guerilla is a top notch team as far as technology goes but gameplay wise their games are average at best IMO.

Also my Darksiders 2 copy arrived this morning so I'll spent some time with the it tonight...loved the first game but this one sounds really unpolished from what I've heard both game-wise and tech wise...let's hope things are not that bad. :p
Not playing KZ3 with Move I guess? (makes it much more fun)
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