I finally got around to finishing Red Dead Redemption and Heavy Rain. I was really really impressed by both. Heavy Rain has some WTF moments sprinkled all throughout, but I'd rank thw story and the storytelling as very, very strong. Better than LA Noire by far. Better than any games in a modern setting that I can think of. Often zi was screaming at the screen, frustrated by my limited options, but it was all still pretty compelling, and a lot of the story really comes together in the final scenes. If I have one recommendation to Mr. Cage as he refines his art, it's the same one I might have made previously, but now, more than ever: just because a scene or a tech may allow Great Art to come out of Major Drama does not mean that it needs to be done this way every time. The best emotional elements of HR are gently nostalgic and less hamfisted. Also, maybe umm, exclude any nonsensical, random serial murderer scenes which appear to be unconnected to the plot, full of machine rape innuendo, and seemingly FORGOTTEN by the near-rapee five minutes later. I appreciate the very nicely-designed fight scene, but it was a seriously WTF (not in a good way) scene. A lot of ppl complain about the QTB gameplay. I think it worked well in Shenmue and previous QD titles, and it probably works the best ever in HR. It's a far better way, imho, to trivially involve people in an interactive movie, than the miserable combat of Dragon Age 2 or Dreamfall.
It's ironic to transition from a story-centric game like HR with its peerless acting and production values, to a player-centric game like RDR, with its emphasis on character building and world exploration, and say that RDR is the better story, but that's what I have to do. RDR may be the best story ever told through video games, and that despite distinctly mediocre voice acting and quite poor plot pacing (a plot over which you have almost no control). Despite all that, I've rarely been so impassioned about a video game story, and the gameplay was topnotch, to boot. I only wish it had been a PC game, and possibly have a difficulty slider. Also, way way way more variety to the horses, and maybe PONIES *_* ...heh, it was a really great game and I just found it a little easy and low on variety at times. Compared to a GTA world it's quite sparse and repetitive. Some of the very best missions were ones like herding cattle and rustling horses, and I wish you could have done them more often. The honor system seemed a little hastily implemented, too, with not a lot of advantage to playing as a thief, no trains to rob, boring safecracking, and no cattle rustling or other obvious ideas. I nitpick, though, the game was Very Good, and again, shockingly, the story was Peerless. The storytelling could have been a lot better, though. Marsden's voice actor makes him come across as some sort of wild west BroShep, completely disengaged from the conversations he's in and All Swagger. He finally gets a few moments of humanity in the last act, but he was extremely disappointing. Also, the main quest had a bit more filler than I thought was necessary. Stick with real intensity and less bullshit, and save more of the kookier missions for the side quests (many of which were outstanding). Sound and art were out of this world, and the real reason I want RDR on PC is so I can take better screenshots of the Mexican desert. One of the best games of all-time.