What are you playing now? [2023]

Was playing Baldurs Gate 3 but needed a break from it something that didnt need me to think too much, a bit of run and gun so I chose Enemy Front since it was in my backlog. It's a competently made ww2 shooter that uses cry engine it's ok but very by the numbers but it lacks charm it does everything ok but nothing outstanding.
Ghost of Tsushima is gorgeous, and the amount of effort they put into having near 0 UI to get in the way of looking at it is commendable. But it's not as fun as I was hoping. The open world is mostly a waste, there's no exploration because some stupid bird comes and just points you directly at 99% of things to find and there's a bunch of Ubisoft style "liberate this thing" whatevers that are pointlessly boring.

The story is well written, if pretty standard "Samurai movie" fare, but there it's still just "follow this invisible line, kill these guys, ok you're done until you repeat the exact same thing next story mission". Considering there's like, 5 enemy types total, and while the combat might be fast and control well it just isn't that deep, I'm surprised to find myself just stopping with half the playtime I put into Forbidden West.

Maybe next game they can have stealth that's fun at all. Seriously I can't remember seeing enemy AI this dumb, it's worse than Skyrim, who thinks an arrow in their dead buddies head "must have been the wind".