Havent played it yet, it's in 'will play someday' folder.They were dos games how you going to apply direct 3d options to them ? also doesnt fsr have to be enabled in game ?
ps: if your a fan of wing Commander have you played
Those games run under Dosbox so you can choose form .CFG file what kind of surface use use to display it on screen. (direct draw, opengl.. etc.)
This means that one can force FXAA through nvidia control panel.
Someone hinted that Lossless Scaler 1.4 has FSR support, so checked it and it seems to work ok and thus I can use it to scale native res dosbox windows.
FSR is just image scaler/filter just like old good MLAA/FXAA is, so no need to be deep in program.
Would love to see straight in dosbox etc.