What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Phantom Pain. Close to perfect apart from the flying zombies and fiery unicorns.
TW2 EE, I've played TH3 a few times, wanted go back and try TH2, not sure how far I'll make it since I'm used to TW3, Geralt seems slower/less responsive wrt rolling and I don't like how you change signs, doing it via mouse middle button is easier than trying to remember what the keybind is.
Oh ya, and the game looks bad and performs much worse at times then TW3 for my config, using the menu is still horrible after I "fixed" mouse lag, but I will try to get used to the changes as I do like the story.
Diablo 3. New patch so good.

Playing seasonal this time around and have already beaten my previous highest Greater Rift. The power creep is real.
Just finished The Witcher 2, apparently I made it all the way, though I still dislike the combat, rolling and using your sword is slower than I would like. On the plus side aside from the Kayran fight (God I hate that fight) and the first fight with Letho combat is pretty easy, just gotta be patient and not attempt to just spam attacks, at-least for the tougher ones. I took Roche's path, might play again soon and do Iorveth's path.
I'm doing a bit of CS:GO and Defense Grid 1 again!

Defense Grid is one of these games you can come back to over and over again, like Tetris or Pong, just better!
Dead Island. I like cutting heads and limbs, jumping on heads making them explode while drinking whisky. All this thanks to a Asian girl dressed like a little girl that likes sharp weapons. It's a valid uni-anti-stress game.
Dead island was fucking fantastic in coop with friends. Thoroughly enjoyable with good melee mechanics and light rpg.
Just finished Pillars of Eternity last night after nearly 100% the game on expert mode. I clocked in about 83 hours.

Good game. The hardest boss was by far not the last boss.

Time to wrap up W2 hopefully done before H5. And then wait for that solid W3 digital deal. I really should stop with these RPG open world games. Huge time investment.
Been playing a hell of a lot of games but only for a few minutes each
because I had to wipe my c: drive and re install windows I am now in the process of going through the games installed on other drivers re creating the shortcuts in the
start menu and making sure they work.
I am currently up to Games 7 (H:) and the Letter T
Next game to test is The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Finished the DA:I Trespasser DLC last week, it's was all right.

This week end I began Deus Ex : Human Revolution. Damn it's frustrating sometimes, but addictive too !
Just finished Assassins Creed Rogue. Really top notch game which is very similar to, but IMO probably even better than Black Flag (as in Rogue actually has a decent story). It also ties in very nicely to AC3, Black Flag and Unity.
Just finished playing SOMA over the last two days and loved the hell out of it! Fantastic story, great atmosphere, AND it broke my gaming slump!!! :D

Not sure if it's as good as I thought it was, but damned if I didn't enjoy almost every minute of it. Some seriously interesting sci-fi concepts and philosophies are raised, it's much more than the jump/scare game it is billed as. (I HATE jump/scare games, I didn't hate this at all)
Currently playing Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes. Absolutely great game, I certainly understand what all the fuss is about The Phantom Pain now. Once I'm done with all the side missions it seems I have a a very pleasurable choice ahead of me. Do I play:

The Phantom Pain
The Witcher 3

3 of the best games released in the last 2 years and I haven't played any of them yet, But where to start.... In any case, it looks like the next 6 months or so are all tied up for me!
Rift, mainly as a time killer, I'm not really taken in by the story, the quests seem to be more old school, like kill X things or retrieve something and I each area has separate quests, it's pretty close to the opposite of the last MMO I played, SWTOR, which has stories for every class and lots of cut scenes and NPC voice acting, which serve to draw you more into the world. What is nice though is you can just log on and do instant adventures once you hit level 10, it, just que up for a random one(it will level you up if needed) and usually within a few minutes you can join a random group of players to complete some goal and not all of them are just killing X numbers of mobs, I did one today where for part of it I had to get a drill and place it other an unstable area and activate it, somewhat interesting, different.
The way they do damage and hitpoints etc is bit inflated though imo, my Mage can throw fireballs for well over 50,000 damage when I'm mentored up to level 60~ :cool:
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