And many other drivers with it. Sure it will speed things up a bit, but expect many more blue screens and other unpleasanties.
And that's MS's fault how? And that's different from the current situation how? Except since it's in the USER SPACE, it's less likely to bring down the system.
At what users is that aimed? Do I care?
If you are incapable of turning it off, maybe you should consider having it on after all. Because that clearly indicates you don't know enough about computers to be trusted to secure it.
Great! Does that include dll's and stuff as well? What other efforts do I have to make to get software distributed to users?
Thus you demonstrate you have no idea what this is and why it's important. It has nothing to do with DLLs and software distribution and everything to do with keeping malware from hacking in their own "goodies" into the kernel.
Is that why no sound drivers work?
If you mean OLD drivers then yes. Even Creative has gotten off their asses and just released a new XiFI driver.
Did they exchange the BSD source code for the Linux one?
A glib and useless response. How trite.
So, you have to press a button multiple times after a minute of inactivity?
No, if you sit there, Windows will do something useful. If you do something, you get the full attention. It's called not wasting resources.
Ok. Although that is going to generate very many calls to helpdesks worldwide.
Yeah, people are going to call MS about not having as much memory free? When clearly upgrading to a new Windows will obviously use more memory?
And not backporting it to XP et al. That makes it into a marketing gimmick.
Right. A sweeping change that involves rewriting and entire subsystem and providing entirely new APIs. A marketing gimmick. How about you understanding what this implies for developers who no longer have to deal with a half dozen APIs.
Hm. More packaging and distribution worries.
Bullshit. You say that without even knowing what it is from this comment since there's nothing to do with that. This is all about making sure each user only screws themselves up and not the entire Windows installation or other users.
Hm. More software compatibility tests. And I don't care: I use Firefox.
Again this just shows your ignorance in what this actually means. It's a GOOD thing to properly partition memory so that malware can't go and mess about with some other program's memory. And then you bring up Firefox when that has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Disregarding XP SP 2? Those changes were pretty far-fetching. I would call it a draw.
Tell me which subsystem in SP2 was rewritten from scratch and I'll get back to you.
But yes, no matter if I want to, I know it's going to be forced down my throat. Many people will want it, because "it looks nice, and it's new!".
Why on earth would you buy Vista if you don't have a use for it?
I've been adamant in all my other posts about how nobody should really UPGRADE to Vista. However, if you get a new computer, there's no good reason NOT to get Vista with it.
I'm personally waiting to see what the final EULA for Vista is though. It'll be worth boycotting MS if the terms end up as draconian as being rumoured right now. Especially the VM clauses since I need that for work.