Running higher resolution textures will not bring a performance hit unless the jump results in texture fetches that exceed the maximum ram-gpu bandwith.
gpu <-ram and cpu<-ram bandwidth in modern consoles is one of the worse problems for a dev together with limited memory space
Bad_Boy said:Is'nt Rockstar Ping Pong more focused close up, in a closed environment?
virtua tennis is a closed envirorment too, there's no long drawing distance, don't make you wrong only because there's a sky
While Virtua Tennis is very open,
no, it is not
huge stadium
it's a very simple model
if you want to see some real huge stadiums, take a look to the screenshots of the new fifa
extended 3rd person camera angles?
the POV really don't change anything in rendering quality to the hardware, and table tennis is 3rd pv too
Is it even fair to compare the two? Wouldnt top spin be a better choice?
yes, it is fair I assume, we are talking of textures, then take a look something that VT5 ps3 and 360 can't touch:
is top spin a better choice?
if we are talking about the texturing capabilities of the machine, we have to take the best textures that we have seen, not the average