What do you mean "mistake". You've had this thing for how long now?motion interpolation left on by mistake, and Uncharted was just painful to play.
What do you mean "mistake". You've had this thing for how long now?motion interpolation left on by mistake, and Uncharted was just painful to play.
I was playing something that looked a bit better with it on....... and so it was on.............?What do you mean "mistake". You've had this thing for how long now?![]()
Maybe he likes the input lag or something.Didn't you notice the increased input lag!?!??![]()
Few gameplay screenshots from Scotland
Beautiful level, subtle colors but beautiful.
Hi Jupiter, I also have a big plasma and initially I started the game with the motion interpolation left on by mistake, and Uncharted was just painful to play.
So if it's on, turn it off. The motion blur is still there but much, much more bearable without the TV messing with the image even further.
Just a suggestion![]()
Dude, can you please leave off the 4K? I'm not even visiting this thread because of spoilers and I'm still getting '4k 4k 4k' leaking out across the board, even when we're talking about 1080p consoles here in the console forum! It's stupid talking about aliasing and saying UC4's not all that when projected onto a 200" screen as its solution is frickin' amazing even if it can't compete with monster PC rigs cranked up to 11. View it in context and give the developers credit where credit's due, and hope we get a peper on it.
Seriously, Tomb Raider versus UC4? The aliasing in TR is the worst of any game this gen with the PS2-leve shimmer!
And finally, damn, he goes to Scotland. Is there anything left to this game for me to discover??
Of what? The discussion? To talk about games on consoles and how they look and what techniques they use.Well, If I can't mention 4k what's the point?
Why compare to it?? We never compared to 1600p and the like before now on PC, so why the sudden need for you to compare console games to 4k? Also, assuming BluRay's aren't also an aliased nightmare, it's possible for 1080p to get to a very clean image quality so they should be your reference point.1080p is an aliased nightmare for any game when comparing to it.
And finally, damn, he goes to Scotland. Is there anything left to this game for me to discover??
Of what? The discussion? To talk about games on consoles and how they look and what techniques they use.
Why compare to it?? We never compared to 1600p and the like before now on PC, so why the sudden need for you to compare console games to 4k?
Also, assuming BluRay's aren't also an aliased nightmare, it's possible for 1080p to get to a very clean image quality so they should be your reference point.
U4 = loudest 30fps ps4 gameSome sequences near the end have no place on a Ps4, that could also explain why the Ps4 literally sounds like it's about to explode at any moment...
Do you really dont understand the difference between people saying there is no other game in general that looks as good overall as U4, and a wise-ass making the irrelevant and captain-obvious-worthy observation that a game bruteforcing its way to 4k on pc looks less aliased?It was my understanding that this thread was NEVER intended to be limited to just discussion of UC4 graphics compared to other consoles. We had several pages of comparing this game to PC games. Why all of a sudden is it now a console only comparison thread when you get comments like "This is the best looking game on all platforms". How do you explain the title by which you created (and we agreed on)?
I'm not comparing console games to 4k, I'm comparing UC4 to 4k. Why? Because it's commonly touted as the best looking game no matter what platform and no matter what settings -- technically. I'm arguing that even with good AA techniques, a 1080p image is still not as crisp or sharp as a 4k render. We'll see these kinds of comments as soon as the PS4 Neo comes out and have a 4k implementation of an exclusive game (you heard it here first). I can see the difference in rendering quality so when I'm playing RoTR, it has a much cleaner image than playing UC4 despite it looking inferior artistically. Same goes for all the games I play at 4k. Hell, even QB looks pretty blurry @ 1440p compared to 4k.
Bluray movies don't map texels to pixels or have the requirement to blur between foreground and background plates. The footage is already captured at 1080p from a camera, so it's not the same thing (i.e. textures are usually used in powers of 2).
I apologize for irritating the masses here, so I'll just not talk and listen when concerning this game's graphics.