Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed (formerly Project Assassin)

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Yeah, Timed Exclusives are all the rage these days.

I suspect that ideally developers would make the game for the highest spec console first, and then make the version for the lower spec, which requires more time optimising. It may seem unfair to the lower spec console to get the games later, but whenever I saw an exclusive for Xbox turn up on PS2, the game had usually improved a lot and was very close to the Xbox original in speed and such.

We'll see what happens with the new machines. If indeed discspace becomes an issue, that could be a reason to develop on PS3 first, especially if you don't have to worry about not having a HDD. On the other hand if you are developing a game that's also suitable for PC, you might choose to go for the 360 and XNA first. And then of course there are companies like EA which have two big teams, one working on a 360 engine, the other on a PS3 engine.
For instance, my posts on B3D are ALL timed exclusives! I may repost them on another forum, after all. ;)

At any rate, I'm not sure if developers will really "aim for" the higher spec first. If they know what their target platforms are (provided launch dates are any time reasonably close, giving them less time for specific alterations), they'll probably "aim for" a level both platforms can handle, and "tweak for" the specific platform they're finalizing at the time.

Won't always happen, of course, but I assume this would probably be closer to the majority sample? Especially from a publisher like Ubisoft.

EA indeed seems more likely to want to build the engine tools per-platform first, but then the art and assets will still likely be aimed at that happy medium.
rabidrabbit said:
Just makes you wonder. The trailer certainly looks way beyond anything yet shown for xbox360. The PS3 however did show something of almost as high quality, confirmably realtime demos of PS3 games, notably FFXII.
But at the same time I still question whether it was realtime or not. Looking at the trailer I'd say no, but looking at the high res images from that trailer, they do have clear signs of realtime.

Are you saying the reason this may not becoming to the 360 is because its not powerful enough, yet the ps3 is?

cthellis42 said:
For instance, my posts on B3D are ALL timed exclusives! I may repost them on another forum, after all. ;)

As long as you wait a week before posting the same content/opinions elsewhere, i'm ok with it. ;)

Anyway, the demo shown at E3 was given using an xbox 360 controller. I cant think of any logical correlation between that and the game being a PS3 exclusive.
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expletive said:
Anyway, the demo shown at E3 was given using an xbox 360 controller. I cant think of any logical correlation between that and the game being a PS3 exclusive.
Any pics of that? We were told it was a generic 3rd party controller and PC, despite rumours of it being an XB360 running the demo. Could also be an XB controller on PC. I wouldn't say use of an XB controller is any guarentee that AC will be out on that platform! Especially when the devs are saying it's an exclusive.

Seems all stories that talk about the 360 controller being used have been altered or pulled. The story i originally linked to in this thread was definitely modified. In the original version they talk about the 360 controller during a behind closed doors demo.

The only logical explanation would be that they started development as multi platform and were then incented to go PS3 only - forever, or timed.

IN the original article here's the only damning quote, after its alteration:

Eurogamer said:
It looked awfully spanky when we had a look at it at E3 last week - rather intriguingly, the Ubi rep who presented a playable demo behind closed doors at E3 mentioned the game was also coming to the Xbox 360.
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you guys really wont stop talking about this timed exclusive stuff will ya lol, why dont we just wait and see instead of beating it to death without any actual evidence to support both sides of the argument.

for now...lets just talk about the game itself, or is that a bad idea? lol

really looks like the game is polishing up the rough edges.

old shot:

new shot:

looks a lot closer to the trailer, a little AA and this should look pretty damn nice in motion. :D
TheChefO said:
From the website, there's only mention of PS3. From the video interview linked to earlier, there's only talk of it for PS3. It seems people want to believe it'll be coming for XB360 based on the evidence that no-where does it say 'not for XB360', by which logic, it's also coming for PC, Wii, Sega GameGear, Sinclair Spectrum... If they have plans to release on XB360, why aren't they communicating them? They've got devs writing code for a product they're not going to release? A port might happen later, but all info is that the game is being developed for and released on PS3 and no other platforms. The fact that once upon a time it may have been announced as multiplatform is neither here nor there. So was Heavenly Sword. So was Dungeons and Dragons : Heroes on XB. Yet they ended up only being released on one platform, the platform being indicated by the logos and announcements of the games.

Until there is an announcement or other contemporary evidence that Assasin's Creed is headed to XB360, there's no reason to believe it is.
Shifty Geezer said:
... If they have plans to release on XB360, why aren't they communicating them?

People said the same thing with fight night 3 and Unreal as well. It could be related to funding/advertising by Sony.
TheChefO said:
People said the same thing with fight night 3 and Unreal as well. It could be related to funding/advertising by Sony.
Fight Night is always multiplatform. Whether Unreal makes it to another console is a different story. We are talking about AC and shifty made some good points.
RavenFox said:
Fight Night is always multiplatform. Whether Unreal makes it to another console is a different story. We are talking about AC and shifty made some good points.

yes FN is typically multi, BUT when it was shown w/ Sony at e3 last year and no word was mentioned from MS on the subject or by EA, everyone assumed ps3 exclusive. Or some thought it may come out on 360 but with nowhere near the graphic fidelity as ps3. In fact it came out of NOWHERE late last year only to show up on store shelves a couple of months later.

I'm not saying IT IS coming to 360, but I can't say it isn't without the developers/publishers saying "ps3 exclusive!" which I haven't seen yet. A logo for one does not mean a no go for the other.
TheChefO said:
yes FN is typically multi, BUT when it was shown w/ Sony at e3 last year and no word was mentioned from MS on the subject or by EA, everyone assumed ps3 exclusive. Or some thought it may come out on 360 but with nowhere near the graphic fidelity as ps3. In fact it came out of NOWHERE late last year only to show up on store shelves a couple of months later.
That's different to having an official website that says 'coming for PS3' and nowhere else. This isn't just a demo at a show, but the official Publisher's PR is in effect now. Any machine they are going to sell it on, they would be telling people about. Why, on http://assassinscreed.uk.ubi.com/ is there a PS3 logo and no XB360 logo if they are writing XB360 code right now with the intention of releasing on that platform? One could argue conspiracy theory that Sony are paying them not to advertise the XB360 version, but good luck trying to present some real evidence for that one!
Shifty Geezer said:
Until there is an announcement or other contemporary evidence that Assasin's Creed is headed to XB360, there's no reason to believe it is.

Well i do think its obvious that at one point this title, in one of its incarnations, at some point, was intended to be multiplatform. Whether that has changed for good or temporarily remains to be seen.

Certainly developers at E3 saying it would be on 360, and 360 controllers being used for the demo at E3, is more than enough evidence to believe it *might*.

You think there's still no chance that Oblivion will come on to the PS3 even though there's been no 'official' announcement? I can certainly see why Ubi would be keeping mum on other versions if theres some sort of timed exclusive with Sony.
Shifty Geezer said:
That's different to having an official website that says 'coming for PS3' and nowhere else. This isn't just a demo at a show, but the official Publisher's PR is in effect now. Any machine they are going to sell it on, they would be telling people about. Why, on http://assassinscreed.uk.ubi.com/ is there a PS3 logo and no XB360 logo if they are writing XB360 code right now with the intention of releasing on that platform? One could argue conspiracy theory that Sony are paying them not to advertise the XB360 version, but good luck trying to present some real evidence for that one!

It may very well be in limbo at the moment. Perhaps they are in financial negotiations with both ms and sony regarding exclusivity, timed exclusivity, or multiplat. I'd be using the good press I just got at e3 to the fullest if I were the publisher. Makes sense to me. All I know is I haven't seen the "exclusive" card thrown out there by Sony and after the praise it got at e3 I can't see them being hush hush about it if it were a lock for exclusivity.

Make sense?
This game seems really interesting and one of the best looking too, one of the best of E3, I ope i ends in more platforms than just PS3.
Bad_Boy said:
you guys really wont stop talking about this timed exclusive stuff will ya lol, why dont we just wait and see instead of beating it to death without any actual evidence to support both sides of the argument.

for now...lets just talk about the game itself, or is that a bad idea? lol

really looks like the game is polishing up the rough edges.

old shot:

new shot:

looks a lot closer to the trailer, a little AA and this should look pretty damn nice in motion. :D

Hmm. I don't know, maybe it is the lack of AA, but the new shot looks much more, like a "game" i guess than the trailers did. Theres some sort of cg'ish quality missing. The first thing that I noticed is that the lighting changed...it is not longer as subtle of realistic. On the other hand some of the textures look sharper, and the water looks better too. Shadows seem to have been left intact. Honestly, if it plays like an evolutionary version of PoP in an open city environment, I'll have nothing to complain about. Those games were middle-class in terms of graphics, and still rocked.
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