Ubisoft announces Assassin's Creed (formerly Project Assassin)

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_phil_ said:
a console maker NEVER give monney to get exclusivity.Thats 's a fanclub myth.
Dean Takahashi X360 Uncloaked described the process like this:

Microsoft could only assume it would have 20 million or so customers at the most. But Sony could plan for about 00 million customers. That meant that Sony could afford to give a big advance to a game developer to make a game into a PS2 exclusive. It knew that royalties on selling games would pay off in the end, considering that many of the top games sold far more units because of the huge installed base of the PS2. Microsoft, with a smaller installed based, couldn’t afford to outbid Sony on many exclusives, because the business case never justified big advances. Sony had a network effect going where one customer led to another, and the logical end of that process was monopoly power. Microsoft was the little guy in this fight.
Arwin said:
I just think that if I were a developer, I'd prefer to start development on the more capable platform. My own software also always gets better with time or with translation to another platform. Just seems sensible.

This game is rumored to only be up and running on 360 hardware at the moment. So you're saying the 360 is the more capable platform?
Hardknock said:
This game is rumored to only be up and running on 360 hardware at the moment. So you're saying the 360 is the more capable platform?

That's completly FALSE. It's was not running on a 360 at E3. That was a lie/rumor.
mckmas8808 said:
That's completly FALSE. It's was not running on a 360 at E3. That was a lie/rumor.
I believe the original source of this rumour was 'some MS guy said that some guy from ubisoft said that assasin's creed was running on an xbox360'.

It's funny how certain scooby is that the game WILL come out on x360 without any reasons to believe so. We're talking about the same critic that said PS3 wouldn't have a standard hard drive disc because phil harrison @ GDC said 'games would require a HDD' which was absolutly no confirmation. :LOL:
mckmas8808 said:
Word on the street is this game could be a one year exclusive for Sony.

How ironic that you are all over Scoob for a rumor started by IGN (which only confirms the X05 annoucement), yet you will repeat comments like this :LOL: Word on the street? What, do you hang outside Ubisoft's HQs and trade industry secrets at lunch?

You guys really need to get over the bickering. The title was announced at last years X05 and they have yet to say the magic, "It is a PS3 exclusive and wont be coming on any other console" line. The no-comments, ignore the issue are just like FNR3 treatment.

In the Bioshock thread you got all geeked out over the prospect of Bioshock coming to the PS3 (which I am pretty sure it will), I don't know how this is any different. In fact there is more evidence pointing toward Assassin's Creed ending up on the 360 than Bioshock on the PS3.

Exclusives are rare from 3rd parties, and right now with the small install bases exclusives are even more dangerous for the publisher. Its not that they are not possible, but unless they are calling in an absolute exclusive then chances are it is not.

Bioshock is coming to the PS3.
Assassin's Creed to the 360.

And now back to discussing the game!
Why are people so worked up if this does end up an exclusive?

Is it going to kill your enjoyment of the X360? Or will you just say later that this game isn't that great anyways?

Hey, people without X360 aren't pulling their hair out because Oblivion and Fable aren't coming out for the other consoles.
Laa-Yosh said:
That 'polishing' might as well be a bit of Photoshop work though... a few simple filters and color correction would do it IMHO.
uh no, i take it youve never worked with graphics then.
one thing to remember unlike what the movies may say, is its practically impossible to generate details where few exist.
thus u cant do this http://assassinscreed.us.ubi.com/html/images/screen1_enlarge.jpg from http://www.gameinformer.com/images/media/{78332A5D-EDC4-4CBA-80DF-13E0DC95F0A4}/zip2.jpg
by applying a few photoshop filters,
but the opposite is possible ie startuing with
Laa-Yosh said:
That 'polishing' might as well be a bit of Photoshop work though... a few simple filters and color correction would do it IMHO.
You know, stuff like that makes me really doubt either your objectivity or your claimed field of expertise. Not only are there obviously details in the new shots that just weren't there before, some of the models are completely different. A few examples: The palm trees, the shack in the back, the "bridges" between the buildings to the right, the wall of the building in the front or the central part of the fountain. However, I do agree that the old screenshots have a somewhat photoshopped feeling to them, but that may be an artifact of being taken from a video with postprocessing on.

Anyway, zed, in this case obviously neither direction is possible with 2D image manipulation.
zed said:
uh no, i take it youve never worked with graphics then.
[Edit: I'm removing my needless insult to zed's experience.]
PeterT said:
You know, stuff like that makes me really doubt either your objectivity or your claimed field of expertise.
The key wording from Laa-Yosh is "might as well be" not, "it's the same image just photoshopped." When I first looked at the two images, I thought one was a scan and the other a direct feed. The point being that calling it "polish" may be incorrect, given all we know. There are some differences, but can we speak to quality at this point? (Other than, it looks really good so far?)
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Anyway, zed, in this case obviously neither direction is possible with 2D image manipulation.
are u sure? just opened up the image + had a quick play + it was quite close. the only sticky point is the fog but apart from that u can mimic it quite close pretty easy
zed said:
are u sure? just opened up the image + had a quick play + it was quite close. the only sticky point is the fog but apart from that u can mimic it quite close pretty easy
No way. Many models are completely different. Perhaps we have a strongly diverging definition of "quite close"...

Please show your results.
Acert93 said:
How ironic that you are all over Scoob for a rumor started by IGN (which only confirms the X05 annoucement), yet you will repeat comments like this :LOL: Word on the street? What, do you hang outside Ubisoft's HQs and trade industry secrets at lunch?

You guys really need to get over the bickering. The title was announced at last years X05 and they have yet to say the magic, "It is a PS3 exclusive and wont be coming on any other console" line. The no-comments, ignore the issue are just like FNR3 treatment.

In the Bioshock thread you got all geeked out over the prospect of Bioshock coming to the PS3 (which I am pretty sure it will), I don't know how this is any different. In fact there is more evidence pointing toward Assassin's Creed ending up on the 360 than Bioshock on the PS3.

Exclusives are rare from 3rd parties, and right now with the small install bases exclusives are even more dangerous for the publisher. Its not that they are not possible, but unless they are calling in an absolute exclusive then chances are it is not.

Bioshock is coming to the PS3.
Assassin's Creed to the 360.

And now back to discussing the game!

Hey man I was just passing along the information. Not saying it's 100% true or anything. Just thought that it would be nice for some people on this board to get some information that might be true.
mckmas8808 said:
Hey man I was just passing along the information. Not saying it's 100% true or anything. Just thought that it would be nice for some people on this board to get some information that might be true.

you mean like spreading a rumor? ;)

I think Acert93 is saying, if you're going to get upset when someone posts a rumor about one subject, it might be wise to not start them on another subject.
Tap In said:
you mean like spreading a rumor? ;)

I think Acert93 is saying, if you're going to get upset when someone posts a rumor about one subject, it might be wise to not start them on another subject.

Okay looks like I was totally misunderstood in this thread and the other thread. I was never mad that the other rumor was posted. What I was mad at was certain people acting as if Sony's response wasn't good enough.

The same way it's basically a rumor that this game will be X360 bound. It's not written in stone yet, but it's okay to post certain little things that makes it possible that the 360 will get this game. You see what I'm saying?

Again posting rumor is not bad in itself (I mean that's what forums/discussions boards are for).
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