The free Hd-DVDs don't count in the sales totals because they never go through a PoS computer.
While sony has the upper hand hd-dvd has one last chance this fall to make a stand. Get a player under 250 preferable 199 and sell a bunch of stand alone players to combat the PS3. The way things look right now blue ray will win but if they can't get the cost of a stand alone player down some time in the next 9-12 months they are leaving the door open for HD-DVD to drag this out for a while.
While sony has the upper hand hd-dvd has one last chance this fall to make a stand. Get a player under 250 preferable 199 and sell a bunch of stand alone players to combat the PS3. The way things look right now blue ray will win but if they can't get the cost of a stand alone player down some time in the next 9-12 months they are leaving the door open for HD-DVD to drag this out for a while.