The Second Controversial Thread

Yes and to JoshMST's credit he even posted his second article here for 'Beyond3D wolves to rip apart' (his words).

His second article was significantly better (technically) but still had some technical flaws.

I dicussed some feadback with Josh via PM and I got the impresion that his second article was ment for a less 'techniaclly oriented' audince (he was worried that to much tech-info would scare away the majority of readers).

So he make a choice to make it more like a newspaper article (resynthersize lots of complex issues and 'water it down' for the masses). Unfortunatly some of the interesting a essential nuances are usally missed out completely when this happens.

Anyway *huge* kudos to Josh as he is striving to improve his articles.
DaveBaumann said:
Vinegar, polystyrene and a little wooden fork and you're done.
All three tasting somewhat considerably better than the cockles themselves it has to be said. Mind you, I am found of mussels quickly cooked in white wine, shallots and parsley.
Us American's seem to eat anything with cheese on it...would a cockle work like that??

/me is too chicken to find out for himself :)
Cockles and cheese would be the culinary equivalent to eating your own sick.

The wooden fork, vinegar and polystyrene cup approach is thoroughly British and the only way to eat them.
I have seen videos of people eating their own sick, and oddly enough they seem to enjoy it. I myself would rather pass on that experience, but to some "eating their own sick" is a viable form of culninary enjoyment.
Cockles are actually quite palatable, especially when compared to that cock-er-nee delicacy - Jellied Eels.

(where's the vomit smily?)
JoshMST said:
I have seen videos of people eating their own sick, and oddly enough they seem to enjoy it. I myself would rather pass on that experience, but to some "eating their own sick" is a viable form of culninary enjoyment.
Eating my own sick never bothered me, but I still rank someone else throwing up into my mouth as one of the grossest experiences of my life...and I've had some pretty gross experiences! :?

(It was my daughter when she was about 1-1/2 and I was lying on the floor holding her over my playing airplane with her.)
Mariner said:
(where's the vomit smily?)
Your choice. Classic single puke:


Or the infamous puke battle:


(I LOVE EB's emoticon collection!!!! :LOL: )
GUYS!!!!....Your'e putting me off my breakfast! In fact....I don't feel so good, think I'm gona puuuu.........
martrox said:
GUYS!!!!....Your'e putting me off my breakfast! In fact....I don't feel so good, think I'm gona puuuu.........
Sorry. Would you prefer all my gross shit stories? After two kids and four puppies I got some seriously gross shit stories.... :devilish:
ACK!!! Makes me glad I'm childless, puppyless and wifeless...... However, I got 2 - 18 years old cats - they are brothers - that think the world is their litterbox...... :rolleyes: One is diabetic, weighs about 30lbs and has recieved insulin shots for the past 10 years.......