It doesn't, you can dodeca-buffer if you want to. I have no clue why people keep bringing up edram as the limitation, it has absolutely nothing to do with it. I mean, what do they think about games that use all 10mb on mrt? Do they think those games are single buffered because edram is fully used during the render pass? I don't get it.
Wait, you are supposed to fight it, say that they must be lazy devs, must have done a poor port, they don't know the hardware, etc. Oh wait, they are knocking the 360! Of course, silly me it all makes sense now. Many devs over many years can say the PS3 can't do 'x' and of course people on this forum will refuse to believe it, but a single dev says the 360 can't do 'y' and it's automatically 'real info'. Gotcha.
I'm not gonna waste my time fighting it anymore, I'll let people believe whatever lets them sleep better at night.