lol brainstew, i dont think they could even enforce a 30fps since during gameplay it stays between 20-25.
brain_stew said:Oh dear, they reallyneed to enforce a 30fps cap in the PS3 version, there's no hope that this is going to be hitting a steady 60fps so SEGA might as well give up on the dream and at least release the game in a playable state. I know 30fps caps are seen as sacriledge in Japanese action game circles but, its the lesser of two evils here, just gotta bite that bullet and admit defeat for the greater good. Heck, provide it as an option in the game menu á la Bioshock if you must, at least give PS3 only users that are distracted by tearing and uneven framerate the chance to enjoy the game. Fwiw, any reason why an optional cap like Bioshock isn't available in more console games? Is it simply a QA issue?The 360 performance is a little disapointing considering all the reports I heard of it being a rock solid, silky smooth 60fps title. You really can't trust the judgement of a game journalist for this stuff, can you?
So, if 360 could render a scene at 55 fps, it will be locked down to 30 with v-sync enabled. If PS3 can render the same scene at 40, it will output at 40, which of course doesn't mean higher performance.
Considering how MT framework had been, I doubt PS3 had the edge on DMC4.
I even heard reports of some severe slow downs on boss fights, while it's all smooth on 360.
There is no game on console that has a rock solid 60fps that never goes down. I also notice that the ps360 video includes the cinemas that are locked at 30fps and that help to make the average lower at 47fps when most of the time gameplay is above 50.
GT5P , FNR 4 , FMS 3 and more yes there are. And the average seems 48 fps. Adding tearing at 28 % on 360, the same of RE 5 on the ps3 if capcom not have prefering the lag of triple buffers, well, this engine is really not much impressive. Only the gameplay.
GT5P , FNR 4 , FMS 3 and more yes there are. And the average seems 48 fps. Adding tearing at 28 % on 360, the same of RE 5 on the ps3 if capcom not have prefering the lag of triple buffers, well, this engine is really not much impressive. Only the gameplay.
You got me with FNR 4 and FMS 3 :smile:. But for GT5p look at the video bellow, you can see it sometimes go below 60fps and why do you think that the races start with the cars already running? Is just to avoid having a lot of them together, but try to get more than 8 cars together to see what happens to the framerate. Regarding Bayoneta, if you see the video it almost always above 50fps on gameplay, the average includes the cinemas that are running at 30fps.
Well, almost all gameplay in this video is sub 50fps (with constant tearing), its actually only the cutscene at the start that manages a consistent 60fps refresh:
We're not just taking abut the occasional dip here and there, its consistantly failing to reach its 60fps target. That just screams bad technology choices to me, if you're no where near a consistent framerate on a closed box system after all reasonable amounts of optimisation then its time to start cutting some of the effects and graphical fluff.
Errr... GT5p has slowdowns and quite noticable and hefty to. Especially with multiple cars onscreen. F3 seems solid though except start.
For what I seen gt5p stay 60 fps for the most of the time....
In that video the 60 frames cinemas are helping the average for gameplay, which seem to be around 46-47? it?s clear that one of the goals for this game was to have as much happening on screen as possible, they have succeeded in that part because I haven?t seen a game for consoles with so much going on at the same time, but they had to sacrifice having a stable framerate, We'll have to see if the rest of the game is like that. But in my opinion it doesn?t affect gameplay so much because when it goes down it remains stable in the 45-50 range, the problem for me comes when the framerate starts jumping from 40 to 60 during gameplay.
For what I seen gt5p stay 60 fps for the most of the time....
His point is that slowdowns exist.
+1. Framerate is pretty solid for the most part. Only time there's some slowdown is if there are several cars bunched up on screen on 16 car races which rarely happens (especially when you're usually ahead of the pack ). GT5 should be even more solid.
As for FM3, I don't have it, but something worth mentioning is, in the Inside Sim Racing review, they said they noticed some frame rate problems most noticeably in replays (they show several clips with slowdown). But in game, the framerate seems pretty solid as well.