The Day the Earth Stood Still


hardware monkey
Just got back from the new Bond flick (decent, 7.5/10) and saw the trailer for this movie. Looks quite good, regardless of Keanu Reeves' presence ;)

A remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? Am I showing my age here by simply knowing of the original?
A remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? Am I showing my age here by simply knowing of the original?


I'm glad you mentioned it :) I nearly found myself posting yesterday "tut tut, another Hollywood remake of an old idea. They don't make movies like they used to. What is it with kids these days?! <blah blah blah>", but thought that made me found too much like my own father.

I'm glad you mentioned it :) I nearly found myself posting yesterday "tut tut, another Hollywood remake of an old idea. They don't make movies like they used to. What is it with kids these days?! <blah blah blah>", but thought that made me found too much like my own father.

Actually I think that a lot of these older sci-fi films would benefit from a remake as we could replace the laughable old special effects with modern, photorealistic versions. They can be made more modern and gritty, rather than the 30s/40s/50s niave pulp we got from movies of those eras.
Can you post a different link to the trailer? I would very much like to see what it is you mention but Vimeo removed it from their site.

a cam but decent quality, link will probably self destruct.

Trailer (and more?) online next Monday
Today the official site ( has added a new countdown timer, which is counting down to 10AM (Pacific) Monday November 17th. At that time the new trailer (in HD) will be available for viewing. If you cannot wait that long, then go to a showing of the new Bond movie Quantum of Solace this weekend.
A remake of "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? Am I showing my age here by simply knowing of the original?

Do you "know" of it or have you actually watched it.

Why any director or producer hires Keanu will always remain a mystery to me. Ben Afleck is the greatest actor of his day 'n age compared to Keanu, so his presence reduces my interest in this remake to nil.
Oh. I've seen the original movie and I quite enjoyed it. A little cheesy by today's standards but it must have been really good back then. I'm not old either, just happen to enjoy cinema and watching old flicks.

I don't know about Keanu being in the new one. I mean can he ruin it, or it can be a type cast role for him. The director is Scott Erickson, and the only thing of note he did was The Exorcism of Emily Rose. He also directed a Hellraiser movie and something else to do with demons. I don't have high expectations for this movie with a lackluster director and a lackluster Keanu Reeves. I love Jennifer Connolly so at lewast she might be good in it. The guy's next movie after this is Paradise Lost. I hope he doesn't ruin a classic story.

Oh and as for the new Trek movie. Looks decent enough. Sylar pulls off a nice Spock.
Actually I think that a lot of these older sci-fi films would benefit from a remake as we could replace the laughable old special effects with modern, photorealistic versions. They can be made more modern and gritty, rather than the 30s/40s/50s niave pulp we got from movies of those eras.

In principle. In practice are the remakes really better on average? The naivety of the originals has its own charm. Some remakes seem to completely miss the point of the original.
In principle. In practice are the remakes really better on average? The naivety of the originals has its own charm. Some remakes seem to completely miss the point of the original.

I think the problems with remakes nowadays is that Hollywood tends to screw them up. The originals certainly have their place, but they tend to not to age too well given how we've advanced both in our own real world technology, the movie industry's ability to produce a realistic image, and the more sophisticated audience.

The same things that give the old movies their charm is what keeps them dated, and yet they could be updated for the modern audience, if only Hollywood would stop "re-imagining" them.

Look at something like War Of The Worlds. Technically excellent, but just as out of kilter as the original movie. Instead of taking the opportunity to go back to the book, they simply screwed it up in a different way.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given the way that Hollywood manages to screw up it's own sequels, let alone remaking movies from 50 years ago.
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well for Reeves, looks like they needed a character with a wooden expression! looks like they found one. ;)
thoguh Conelley more than makes up for that!

eh, we'll see. at first it kind of looked like there was a heavy Close Encounters influence, but then turned into Independance Day (blaurgh). is it too much to ask for one (1) alien movie with a focus on discovery and science (a la Close Encounters) rather than sensationalist ation shots?

hopefully I will be plesantly surprised.
Ooh. Wonder if they'll do a remake of This Island Earth as well. I remember seeing that one on TV one rainy afternoon as a kid and being thoroughly entertained. I did also read a fair bit of pulp SF from the 1950s and 1960s when I was younger so I'd imagine that was why I enjoyed it so much.
Yeah, I think Keanu will do well with this. He's supposed to be an emotionless alien, so the acting skills of a plank of wood are actually a benefit. Just look at the trailer - he's perfect!
Ooh. Wonder if they'll do a remake of This Island Earth as well. I remember seeing that one on TV one rainy afternoon as a kid and being thoroughly entertained. I did also read a fair bit of pulp SF from the 1950s and 1960s when I was younger so I'd imagine that was why I enjoyed it so much.

This Island Earth is an awesome movie, but only because of how horribly cheesy it is and how wonderfully funny Mystery Science Theater 3000's take on it is.
is it too much to ask for one (1) alien movie with a focus on discovery and science (a la Close Encounters) rather than sensationalist ation shots?

hopefully I will be plesantly surprised.

Look for a nice documentary or such instead of a movie, I'd say ;)