The Day the Earth Stood Still

Probably the last big science-fiction movie with the emphasis on "science" was "Contact". It's got a slower, more thoughtful story that is more like a book than a movie.

yeah, I enjoyed that movie (thoug hI know it generally doesn't get favorable reviews). the science probably has a lot to do with that, as well as it being a Carl Sagan work. the socio-political stuff was interestign too. hopefully there will be a bit of that in this movie.
So was there or was not there alien contact? I tend to believe it wasnt a hoax...some of my friends argue otherwise...

Yes there was, hence the suppressing of the hours of blank recording after the trip that apparently didn't happen. You see what happens in the movie, just there is no evidence beyond the one eyewitness account - except for the mysterious hours of recording that should not exist if the trip never took place.

The recording is suppressed so as not to panic people and so as not to upset the current political power bases, and the aliens never give any evidence. The aliens first step is always allowing people to come to believe they are not alone in the galaxy, to get used to the idea before being inducted into the greater galactic society. They don't want the culture/future shock to rip new societies apart.
So was there or was not there alien contact? I tend to believe it wasnt a hoax...some of my friends argue otherwise...

Yes there was, hence the suppressing of the hours of blank recording after the trip that apparently didn't happen. You see what happens in the movie, just there is no evidence beyond the one eyewitness account - except for the mysterious hours of recording that should not exist if the trip never took place.

The recording is suppressed so as not to panic people and so as not to upset the current political power bases, and the aliens never give any evidence. The aliens first step is always allowing people to come to believe they are not alone in the galaxy, to get used to the idea before being inducted into the greater galactic society. They don't want the culture/future shock to rip new societies apart.

^ What he said :D

This conversation in one of the final scenes of the movie (after Ellie's hearing) made it pretty clear to me at least:

Rachel Constantine: I assume you read the confidential findings report from the investigating committee.
Michael Kitz: I flipped through it.
Rachel Constantine: I was especially interested in the section on Arroway's video unit. The one that recorded the static?
Michael Kitz: Continue.
Rachel Constantine: The fact that it recorded static isn't what interests me.
Michael Kitz: [pauses] Continue.
Rachel Constantine: What interests me is that it recorded approximately eighteen hours of it.
Michael Kitz: [leans forward so he is looking directly in the camera] That is interesting, isn't it?
^ What he said :D

This conversation in one of the final scenes of the movie (after Ellie's hearing) made it pretty clear to me at least:

Rachel Constantine: I assume you read the confidential findings report from the investigating committee.
Michael Kitz: I flipped through it.
Rachel Constantine: I was especially interested in the section on Arroway's video unit. The one that recorded the static?
Michael Kitz: Continue.
Rachel Constantine: The fact that it recorded static isn't what interests me.
Michael Kitz: [pauses] Continue.
Rachel Constantine: What interests me is that it recorded approximately eighteen hours of it.
Michael Kitz: [leans forward so he is looking directly in the camera] That is interesting, isn't it?

Well it seems I am in agreement with all of you. :)

I have not seen the original version of the Day the Earth Stood Still but since this will be coming out in IMAX and its a Keanu Reeves movie I will definitely check it out. I am not ashamed to say but I do enjoy his sci fi movies. :)
Actually I think that a lot of these older sci-fi films would benefit from a remake as we could replace the laughable old special effects with modern, photorealistic versions.

The effects from the original The Day the Earth Stood Still are actually not that bad, and I'll bet that they will age a lot better than the remakes's effects will.