I agree. It's like they cut most of my favorite tracks. I'm really missing the point-to-point races (Fujimi Kaido!) and some of the regular tracks like Blue Mountains and Alpine Ring. I'm hoping that they left those out so that they can include them in some DLC at a later point (good news is that new DLC is
coming very soon, hopefully there's something there).
The car sorting/searching feature also took a huge step back from Forza1 too. It wasn't perfect then either, but it was a hell of a lot easier to find a car in your garage than it is in Forza2.
I'm also dumbfounded that for a relatively serious racing sim they have no cockpit camera view at all.
Anyway, here's my first attempt at custom paint... B3D themed of course...

Oops, new DLC. Sweet, that's good news. I have saved a lot of MS points just for the DLC of this game.
Regarding the tracks you did mention, I wasn't a big fan of Kaido but it was an excellent track for drifters, which I am not, and had excellent graphics.
Alpine Ring was also good, better than Kaido in my opinion. Even so, my favourite was, without the slightest doubt, Blue Mountains. In my eyes, there was something special about BM. The colorful landscape, the huge draw distance, those blue kerbs, elevation changes, challenging and progressive turns....
If they don't add Blue Mountains as DLC

its bloody brilliant real life version,
Bathurst, would be nice because given the current technology they could accurately capture the feel of this track, particularly the scenary from up top "The Mountain", which is so fantastic. Realistiic elevation changes, draw distance, dips and bumps are not a problem nowadays, Nurburgring is an example of this.
There I've also had some of my best times playing FM1, against the AI. Too bad the AI tended to be quite agressive, specially in tight races and narrow technical tracks like Blue Mountains.
I am wondering if, once Turn 10 add new tracks via DLC, they could integrate them in the Career mode replacing some original ones. Specially those annoying King Cobra variants in Proving Grounds series races.
Neat design, btw. I'm trying to complete a design like this one;
http://i.eurosport.com/2007/03/14/344491.jpg .
I prefer real race car designs over comics and animes. Graham's Audi is pretty good. Taking into account the tools FM2 provides, Ostepop's designs are great from an artistic point of view, although I don't like anime a bit but something more natural; Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johanson, etc. Anyway, wish I had the talent of either designers.
Rys, actually correct. It's quite ironic I suppose, the game automatically asume the suckers must be behind on the grid line-up while those cars that are born under a lucky star are put at the front positions.
I still love this game, though. Specially now that I am not under the boring, creepy, soulless, worthless, mindless Proving Grounds effect anymore.
Even if the Career Mode has its flaws, the game makes up for them with features like mechanical setups, the realistic feeling of every change on your car's settings, car's graphics, smoothness, etc.
Let me tell you what my dreamed Career Mode is --I'd like to start from scratch and to be a part of a team, not some random individual who collects a lot of expensive cars throughout a Career mode, I'd love to get attached to my cars, dynamic weather, nocturnal races, actual real-time communication with your team's engineers and staff, up to 12+ cars on screen (AI should be tweaked a bit to be as clean as possible) plus other features I can't remember of.
As for playing online, B3D people are more than welcome. Sounds fun and, as Mark, I'm also up for that. As weird as it sounds, I never played this game online, not even once. I tried, though.
Time ago I moved the router to a different location, the signal level went from excellent to average and it's sometimes unstable now.
I am limited to an 1MB DSL connection because I live in a mountanious, very rainy, isolated area -40 inhabitants village-, in the Northwest of Spain (my mother is Spaniard, my father was Irish).
The ashen guy in this photo taken at dusk -6:00 P.M. aprox.- it's me 5 months ago. It was a rainy and dark day so I got PRETTY soaked. I was pointing at a poor dead horse that wolves have killed.
Back on topic, while I am an intermediate player I am not that bad making adjustments to the cars. I have a 549 P.I. C class FWD car that's both fun to drive, fast and even quite competitive against some B Class cars. Most importantly, it's fast on corners because its great grip and responsiveness. I'm very proud of it. My car is super glue.
Time ago I've played with and made some great British (even American) friends and didn't experience lag at all.
Nowadays.., I don't know, lag is a concern for me so I barely play on Xbox Live.
scooby_dooby, I noticed this also. The AI doesn't crash as often, which is realistic, but I believe they toned down some human like maneuvers (very typical of Forza) to compensate that. A balance between both approaches would be great.
Ostepop, afaik, as you go on in Career mode things get tougher and tougher. That's the way difficulty used to be in FM1.
Cheers m8