As much as I like this game, it's network code utterly dies on high latency connection like mine.
It's made even 1vs1 games with my friends (in NZ or Aus) very, very difficult. Online games with others are pretty damn well impossible. Everyone warps around up to ~40m at a time. If some one warps backwards (or forwards) they can crash into you, sending you flying. It's a bit of a joke really.
I got warp-crashed by someone right at the start of a nurburgring race. Set me back 1200m once I finally got going again.
If only they would show a) ping and b) region.

But at least it does allow for some amusing photo opportunities.
As much as I like this game, it's network code utterly dies on high latency connection like mine.
It's made even 1vs1 games with my friends (in NZ or Aus) very, very difficult. Online games with others are pretty damn well impossible. Everyone warps around up to ~40m at a time. If some one warps backwards (or forwards) they can crash into you, sending you flying. It's a bit of a joke really.
I got warp-crashed by someone right at the start of a nurburgring race. Set me back 1200m once I finally got going again.
If only they would show a) ping and b) region.
But at least it does allow for some amusing photo opportunities.