Not only has he not played motorstorm and thinks its better game, he thinks its a better DRIVING SIM
Not only has he not played motorstorm and thinks its better game, he thinks its a better DRIVING SIM
Please, let's not start playing this game. Next thing you know we'll have discussions about the realism of the AI, the damage and physics model, which game does a better job of simulating driving in sand and mud, which game has more realistic weather effects, etc.
You don't know what a sim is, do you?
congratsI think what he meant was that the driving sim is in itself a crappy genre, and therefore no amount of physics, AI, and graphics can negate that you're not blowing stuff up, getting in car chases, and careening off cliffs.
Btw, that "Nissan" is actually a Mazda RX7(though im sure you guys already know )
either that or there are two versions of the reflections, one with cars, one without. The nissan is probably the players car in this instance
Thats my guess
It does look like they don't do any correction to the shape of polygonal object via normal map or other means.and is it me or does it look like the reflections are done per vertex, wouldn't they be smoother if done per pixel
Well I was just taking his word for it, also considering the '......AN' on the bumper.
Seeing some of the CMR: DIRT shots (e.g. 1, 2, and 3), and now this ingame screenshot, I get the feeling that this is more along the lines of what Turn10 was aiming for in regards to what is one screen. e.g. The renders (like this and this and this) share a lot more in common in regards to color and appearance with DIRT than they do with their actual shots. Turn10 has said the game is still not done and features are slowly being enabled...
So on to my question: It appears the general "look" of the CGI is attainable. By this I am not suggesting anywhere near the CGI quality, but I am talking about the cars and the slightly 'tooney' look that has a decided rendered look (versus, say, GT5 which has thus far a more natural lighting and color model). So what are the FM2 shots missing technically, or have balanced differently, compared to the DIRT shots? Is it just a different artistic implimentation of the same technologies or are there substantial differences in how they are rendering the car models?
I ask this because it appears that the DIRT devs are artistically able to capture the general feel of the FM2 CGI models, and am curious if this is something the Turn10 team can target?