The good: This shot is absolytely beautiful. Further, the new Detroit vs. Japan video looks great
when you are on the hood cam of the muscle car (the cars in the distance look very similar to the below shot). The game has progressed a ton.
Now the bad: Turn10 is a freaking walking nightmare in regards to PR (and I ain't talking about Che). I have never heard so much boasting about a game that totally under delivered on its promises. This doesn't make Forza 2 a bad game (it looks like it will be really good) but it is a total let down... and everytime they open their mouth they look more and more silly and you absolutely cannot trust their media.
First off, I think I speak for everyone when I say that I am sick and tired of the "it is an old build" line.
Second, where is all the 720p direct feed
gameplay videos?
Finally, I am having a hard time trusting Tun10's recent media -- bullshots anyone. I would love to be proven wrong (and a couple gameplay feeds, not replays, could do just that).Yet between missing their PR targets on features/content as well as being less than candid on replay & photomode (it went from "same as the game" to "well, we add motion blur, DOF, and other stuff and drop to 30fps") I have a hard time blindly trusting their screenshots. Most devs are bullshotting us these days and Turn10 hasn't exactly proven to be squeaky clean either. So call me skeptical.
While things may change with the final build, it looks like even more features have been axed. The long trumpted 4xMSAA is now variable; the 3D animate grass now looks sparse and like static sprites; the per-frame updates reflections are looking to be less than 60fps in some videos as well as possibly cars no longer reflecting. This on top of axing 33% of the number of cars on track, motion blur and DOF, and a number of other features (as well as a ton of content). I find it a shocking that a game delayed by 6 months continues to hack and slash away at content and features. And while the cars are really coming into their own parts of the world the cars drive in look... average at best. Sure, some parts looke nice, but they really look disconnected. Some parts look almost PS2 like. The overbright reflections, overuse of bloom, shader aliasing, render target and reflection aliasing...
Oh well, in 2 weeks we will see for ourselves. Were all those "these are old builds" statements worth the electronic ink they were written with or were they excuses? Some of the progress made in the last 2 months has been very impressive so you hope it is true. But other aspects, especially the appearant cutting of features to make said improvements, makes me skeptical. And then there are those PGR4 screenshots running around.
FM2 is looking like a nice car sim -- and with FF/60fps (missing in the Xbox version) on top of online play, strong AI, robust customization, and damage modelling this should be a really deep game that offers a rewarding experience. So I don't want to be too critical... maybe next time maybe they will borrow BC's rendering engine

But in regards to criticism they really did dig their own grave. How long were we force fed "4xMSAA/720p/60fps/HDR" as major graphical selling points and they seemingly cannot even hit those targets? I can understand compromises and how cutting features can create a better end product -- in such cases PR should really just shut up and let the game itself do the talking.
Ps- Turn10 needs to take Ace's guide to demoing. Notably take some notes from my advice to SK: When demoing your product have your best game players play the game. One only need contrast how NT demoed HS at E3 2006 to how SK let newbs play their game to see why this is important. The Detroit vs. Japan video shows some really, really sloppy racing. For a racing sim I want to see the game excell as a sim--not some newb driver taking poor racing lines and going off track a half dozen times. You can thank me with a free copy of your game.