hey now! FM2 may very well turn out to be an incredible game even with it (possibly) falling short of 1 technical goal. :smile:
Hey Tap In, I decided to respond to your comment here instead of the Halo thread. I hope that is ok
It isn't a matter of Turn10 falling short of 1 technical goal but a lot of the expectations they set themselves and then continued to mention them in PR. Like I mentioned before I 100% understand the need to alter your design goals, even cutting features, if they preclude you from achieving your primary goals. The problem was Turn10 felt compelled (pressured from MS?) to hype the game, and seeing as there was no worthy gameplay footage to show they made a choice to hype of graphical features they were never able to deliver, even after a 6 month delay. (My opinion? Hype the gameplay and let the graphics speak for themselves).
And it isn't just one feature, but quite a few features and content:
- 4xMSAA. Part of their holy triad (720p - 60fps - 4xMSAA) of Turn10 PR, it now appears that the game shuffles between no MSAA to 2xMSAA and 4xMSAA to maintain a framerate of 60fps.
- Reduction from 12 cars on the track per race to 8 cars on the track per race.
- 3D animated grass. Was shown in some
old shots and now replaced with very sprase sprite grass.
- Motion Blur. Dropped because it was "not needed" ... but it si good enough to apply to replays.
- Per pixel reflections @ 60fps. This may change, but at least one current video clearly has reflections updating slower than the framerate. Do car reflections still reflect other cars?
- Reduction from over 60 tracks in 18 environments to over 45 tracks in 12 environments.
Turn10's site changed their paths (someone else can try to figure them out), but here are the old pages with all the data. (
here here and
And some other features (like dust build up on cars, cars departing paint on walls/cars they touch and receiving paint from such, etc) haven't been shown in ages. Hence my question: "
Where is all the ingame 720 direct feed video?"
What rubs me wrong the most was how they really did shove a few things down our throats (4xMSAA being an example), pimped it over and over again in interviews and pitpass reports, and and so forth. On the MSAA it was just a couple months ago the Che confirmed 4xMSAA as Xbox.com was noting 2xMSAA. Just really, really poor PR -- and where is our gameplay footage? Not replays, not photomode shots, but stretches of real gameplay?
Things can still change, but the game goes gold in a week. Unless they are intentionally releasing really old footage and plan to introduce a ton of new graphical features in the last week or two I am not holding out much hope for many of the missing features. Notably the non-edge aliasing has been present in all their shots and aside from apply AF recently they still show a lot of shader aliasing, aliasing in some reflections as well as aliasing render targets.
That isn't to dog on the game (the little we have seen). It sounds robust and deep and the cars look pretty good (although some tracks look
really plain,
flat, and too colorful/not saturated enough...
I was expecting environments more like this). The sound is great, car component and aesthetic customizations look insane, they are bringing back their strong AI, deeper online play, richer damage modeling, and have fixed the two biggest issues with Forza Motorsport 1: 60fps and no force feedback.
The game looks good, and should play great. And they have made some nice strides lately (more AF applied, at least in photomode; decal resolution was increased; general lighting model was greatly improved). But the PR has been horrible and they have missed a lot of the targets they themselves set. And IMO the game looks average for a 360 game in quite a few areas -- far below what I expected from a 1st party title delayed 6 months that gutted 33% of its content to focus on what was to ship. But graphics don't make a game. If I wanted graphics I would just wait for PGR4

Delays, cuts, and lack of progress have marked a lot of titles on the new consoles so this isn't completely surprising. Downgrade grenades all around. But I do expect more class from game dev PR. I think a number of companies have handled it well (Bungie, Ubisoft, Bethesda come to mind) when things were not going the way fans expected.
Petrol Heads should love the game. No doubt. So never mind me