The Big Forza 2 Thread *

The game has shaped up well. Some loose ends still but definately clean and nice enough (the art contrast kind of sits wrong with me, but the quality appears very good). Argueably the best looking retail racer come May and should be a killer sim.
Hey if they want to do accurate damage modelling for an Enzo, well.... here's something they could use as a reference.


Nice Interview.

Forza Team have some technology interchange with PGR team confirmed.:smile:

Turn 10 weekly report said:
Q: Alright, so when last we met, we covered Forza 2's Auction House. Today, we're gonna take our first look at the other big new feature in the game -- Tournament mode. So, from a high level design standpoint, what was the big idea behind giving tournaments their own official space in the game this time around?

Bill Giese: Well, we had always wanted an in-game tournament system since the first Forza Motorsport. After we shipped the first game and began scoping out Forza 2, tournaments was the first multiplayer system I put down on paper as the multiplayer design lead. After we saw the work that was done by Microsoft Game Studio's tools and technology group to create tournaments for Project Gotham Racing 3, we knew we could easily implement a compelling tournament structure within the game.

Q: So can you explain how these tournaments work?

BG: Each tournament will have a two-day qualifying period. In those 2 days players can go to the tournament select screen and choose a tournament to qualify for. Really, this is similar to a Time Trial and/or Free Run time attack. Players will be shown the Qualification Bar needed to make it into the tournament. This bar is set by the players themselves based on how many people are allowed in the tournament. If a tournament will only allow 128 players in, then the player with the 128th fastest time is that qualifying bar. Players can qualify as much as they want before the cut-off point.

Q: What happens after you qualify for a tournament?

BG: Once you have qualified for a tournament we will place a graphical helmet icon on that tournament in the menu list. Here, you can select this tournament to see the tournament bracket breakdown (as well who is assigned to in each room). You can also see what track is set for each round as well as who you will be playing with in the first round. Players are randomly seeded after the qualifying round into the first round. You can also choose to practice any of the rounds before the tournament by selecting the track on the bracket screen. The number of brackets depends on the amount of players we determine at Turn 10 for that tournament.

Q: How many total players can be in a tournament?

BG: The player size for each tournament breaks down as follows:

64 players = 8 Brackets – 4 rounds
128 players = 16 Brackets – 5 rounds
256 players = 32 Brackets – 6 rounds

To allow more players into a tournament we have branched out some of the tournaments after the qualifying round. This will allow a great deal more people to play and get to experience tournaments. We will take the top third from qualifying and put them into the gold tier tournament, the next 3rd of the qualifying will be put into the silver tier tournament, and the last 3rd will go to the bronze tier tournament. The track and lap assignments are the same, the payout at the end of each race will just be different. We have also incorporated our career payout system to the tournaments. So those who finish 7th or more will still be given a reward. This payout is scaled based on which tier tournament you are in, so no matter what, you are still earning money toward you career profile -- and besides the glory of winning tournaments and getting called out on, money is the main motivator for joining tournaments.

Don't copy complete interviews. Other sites need ad revenue as well.
I personally feel tournaments need to be balanced to the players skill level.
In PGR for example, you've got a damn sight better chance of getting in a tournament if you have the wheel. Simple things like that.
Considering the work the forza guys did on drivatars, etc, surely they could give players a category rating.. Just like real drivers race at different levels.
Makes a good chunk of the game inaccessible and frustrating otherwise. It's annoying tyring for a PGR tournament only to find your 8 seconds off the pace...
...and some examples of the new Livery editor. Looks cool, I'm not going to be designing anything, I'll probably let someone else do all the hard work and pick up something sweet off the auction house.





:LOL: @ the CHE license plate

Great pics :D . Argh, this game is tempting me to get X360 now, but I must continue to resist :mad: :cry:

Its a given that Halo themed cars will sell like hotcakes on auction house ;)
The first shot looks great (though I'm still not digging the super chrome finish that makes it look... "not real" or whatever, it's good, but something is off). The wheels look nice.

The second and third shots... they look like weird captures. The aliasing on the car combined with the blur makes it look funny, like it was rendered at a lower res and upscaled; I'm not saying that's the case, but it just looks odd to me. But on further reflection, I think I like the third shot the most (Che's dream car? :p). They seem to have nailed down the look of the plastic for the car lights. While the exposure is extremely distracting, the car itself looks great, and again, the detail in the wheels and rims is superb.
Thanks for the link :cool:

I actually like these pics better than the usual ss that all games get when previewed by websites, because for me, this is more of an actual representation of how the game would look like on my set, which is in this case, looks very good :D