hmmm, I see. It may come to an advantage if xbox is the only one using it. water coolers give up to a 85% efficiency rate for overclocking. It would be nice to see what the inside of Ps4 looks like in comparison.
The dimensions of the PS4 and Xbox One have settled. The PS4 is significantly smaller by a reputable margin. The xbox one is almost 2x the size in total area space.
The visual comparison of the Ps4 and XB1 could be easily discerned as comparing cubes VS rectangles, Diced VS whole, and split matte paint job VS... Split Matte paint job. :neutral:
But I'm surprised by how much Efficiency the PS4 is boasted to have inside of their tiny little box, that's very commendable. Microsoft has the money, price point and space inside of the XB1 for more efficient accommodations... plus a freaking water cooler to boot.
Microsoft should just do away with the things that are causing the console great pressure and opt for more cooperative parts. the XB1's casing can actually fit 2 high end laptops. (with the LCD screens taken out.)