so leaving apart any clock argument, it will be complex to speculate on framerate, maybe impossible as there's too many factor that we don't know about
we don't know about the main parts, let alone what we can know about bottlenecks in the systems and other important factors
this remind me the x360/ps3 question, the ps3 was talked being 2x the x360, remenber?
reality said quite the contrary, mostly of the multiplatform games looked better on x360
this is because a lot of factor are involved, are those facts or my conclusions, Brad?
Any comparison to last generation is completely invalid due to the major differences in not only the architectures but the focuses of the architectures.
We know clock rate, its pretty obvious is the same as the PS4. The APUs are so large it would be pushing it just at the 800mhz/1.6ghz rate.
Also don't forget the cloud specs are only the CPU and storage (so add 300GFLOPS ontop of the XBONE) and the amount of things it can leverage for is a lot less then what you can use local resources for.