Yeah, I think the Forza 5 footage is unlikely to be actual gameplay, most probably it's from replay mode.
Err....duh? The camera angles should've told ya that.
And astrograds 'MS could well have increased the clocks' line is misguided, we haven't heard a single, actual rumour saying they increased the clocks, it's pure speculation at this point and the most likely scenario remains that vgleaks are completely on the money and MS is being creative to come up with their 200GB/s.
"speculation" =/= "misguided"
Ppl here are too eager to use dismissive language inappropriately. Confusing speculation with assumptions with assertions and then presuming any speculation is automatically 'misguided'.
I mean they did claim it was a 1TF machine last gen by counting non-programmable ops (with Sony then claiming PS3 was 2TF lol)
'They' meaning MS's PR department...not their engineers on a hardware architecture panel. I don't think it's fair to hold Nick Baerk responsible for what Major Nelson said almost a decade ago while talking about a totally different product. That's just ridiculous. There are certainly better arguments to combat the points I've raised that don't need to rely on that kind of assumption.