The game's problem is the lack of content together with the lack of a rewarding progression, both of which are limiting replayability. There are only 4 (four) maps that support Walker Assault - which is the only mode that anyone wants to play because of the higher player count and vehicle availability, save for the curiosity of trying the other modes once or twice.
4 huge, immaculately designed and realized maps. Plus a 5th for free in December. And 12 other maps we've decided to disregard for "reasons"? I had more fun in the beta playing the dropship mode than walker assault. I could cite 4 different reviewer all of whom said a different mode was their favorite.
Battlefield 4's initial vanilla release in comparison brought 10 maps supporting the equivalent "flagship" mode (64 players + air/water/ground vehicles). Moreover, the weapon variety was immensely larger than Battlefront's and each weapon was customizable through ranks and points. On top of that, the game has character classes (just like previous Battlefront titles) which have to be progressed independently. Plus, there was a single-player campaign.
Battlefront has none of it.
All of Battlefield's maps took place on Earth. By the standards being applied to Battlefront that's only 1 map! And yeah, it had single player, a mode people thought wasn't very good and many reviewers actually said they shouldn't have bothered. And I'm certainly not impressed that Battlefield and CoD games make you unlock the same five fucking sights 20+ times. That you can get every gameplay option in Battlefront in a reasonable amount of time is actually a significant advantage in my eyes. Let's stop pretending time-sinks are a substitute for content.