Sony Vita Games Thread

Thats strange cos Sony just announced during GDC that Mutant Blons was the highest selling Vita game, unless suddenly there was a spurt in Escape Plan and Stardust sales.

As for Lumines, I tried the demo and found it utterly uninteresting :( ! Maybe I am not the tetris kind.
I am also making a GDD for a simple puzzle game for Vita which can be quickly made:) ! Just need to find a programmer in time, cos my partner is busy with an e-learning demo we are making for engg. colleges. Can't wait for the open Beta to start in april. Sony hasn't announced any sharing percentages yet, have they?
Thats strange cos Sony just announced during GDC that Mutant Blons was the highest selling Vita game, unless suddenly there was a spurt in Escape Plan and Stardust sales.

As for Lumines, I tried the demo and found it utterly uninteresting :( ! Maybe I am not the tetris kind.
I am also making a GDD for a simple puzzle game for Vita which can be quickly made:) ! Just need to find a programmer in time, cos my partner is busy with an e-learning demo we are making for engg. colleges. Can't wait for the open Beta to start in april. Sony hasn't announced any sharing percentages yet, have they?

Not too strange if you're like me and are just now receiving your free SSD:D game for purchasing the Vita 3G.
Sony said you set the base price, and then depending on what it is and how it's projected to do, they add something on top. It's a bit vague, but for the example they give in the presentation that was posted online it is similar to iOS.

The Vita Store itself has rankings of most popular, top selling, etc. In EU, Motorstorm seems to be on top.
Sony said you set the base price, and then depending on what it is and how it's projected to do, they add something on top. It's a bit vague, but for the example they give in the presentation that was posted online it is similar to iOS.

The Vita Store itself has rankings of most popular, top selling, etc. In EU, Motorstorm seems to be on top.

Thanx for the info, everyone seems to ba as confused as everyone else. For example, the open beta starts next month, but when can we publish as th elicensing stuff isn't sorted out yet. They can't ask us to wait till year end to publish games we make now !

Also, browsing the vita store again n again, I am getting a strong desire to buy a PSP game and play it, as anyways they are much cheaper too. What should I go for, is th ebiggest dilemna :( ! As I never owned a PSP, the only titles that I know are good are KZ:Liberation, GOWs, MGS titles, patapon and none of those are available on the store right now. How are the Ys games, I never played any? What do I get :cry: ? !!!!! I would have loved to get Arctic Edge, but thats been removed too, and no Twisted Metal Head on either T_T !
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Gaf has some good threads on recommendations. From what I'm reading, if you like the genre, the Y's games are almost all must-play.
Bought Ys Seven just because I wanted to try out something new genre wise as well as IP wise. Chose Ys Seven cos it has straight forward battles and not some contrived "Battle System". Lets hope it turns out good :) !
Gaf has some good threads on recommendations. From what I'm reading, if you like the genre, the Y's games are almost all must-play.

Can u link me to the thread. And I haven't played any jrpg except for an hour or two of FFXIII and some Demons Souls( which I loved) before my ps3 died.
Finished uncharted. It was quite a bit better than the first few chapters led me to believe though plot is still too thin of an excuse for action. I enjoyed this game still a lot, solid 8.5 game. Could have been awesome game with some extra effort. And I did really like the female lead on this one, superb

I only got 21% after finalizing game on normal. I think I need to replay a bit :D
Can u link me to the thread. And I haven't played any jrpg except for an hour or two of FFXIII and some Demons Souls( which I loved) before my ps3 died.

if you like fast pace arcade style action with rpg element, get those. Ys Felghana is the best of them all, crazy crazy sound track too. Ys Felghana is also structured kind of like a metroidvania game, where you can to upgrade or get certian item/weapons to gain access to different levels.
if you like fast pace arcade style action with rpg element, get those. Ys Felghana is the best of them all, crazy crazy sound track too. Ys Felghana is also structured kind of like a metroidvania game, where you can to upgrade or get certian item/weapons to gain access to different levels.

Just strted Ys Seven and I love the music and presentation. Just roaming around the city right now, but it feels so damn good :D ! Where were u yesterday? i was unable to decide between Felghana and Seven and just went for Seven after watching CGRs review !

Lets hope the story starts soon, I have been roaming the city for quite some time now, but I am enjoying the music, people and chatter a lot. And I never used to like such meaningless chatter, but somehow it feels very charming and fresh here. I think I am gonna have a good time here !
Too bad the Vita PSN doesn't let u play demos of PSP titles. So, there's no way of trying any new genre before buying. They don't even have screenshots to have a look before buying :-/ !
Just strted Ys Seven and I love the music and presentation. Just roaming around the city right now, but it feels so damn good :D ! Where were u yesterday? i was unable to decide between Felghana and Seven and just went for Seven after watching CGRs review !

Lets hope the story starts soon, I have been roaming the city for quite some time now, but I am enjoying the music, people and chatter a lot. And I never used to like such meaningless chatter, but somehow it feels very charming and fresh here. I think I am gonna have a good time here !
Too bad the Vita PSN doesn't let u play demos of PSP titles. So, there's no way of trying any new genre before buying. They don't even have screenshots to have a look before buying :-/ !

To be honest ys games always have mediocre story, but the characters are charming enough to make up for it. And all Ys games starts slow, once you get into your first dungeon, you should be having fun. It doesn't really matter which Ys you choose, because they all play different enough to worth checking out and not feeling burnout. Just be careful with Ys Chronicles, its currently not compatible the content manager if you are thinking about buying from PS3 PSN, and it also play complete different from the rest, like a action shumps games almost. Here is music from it that still blows me away whenever I listen to it.
Got my ass handed to me by the very first boss :LOL: ! The two headed turtle ! How the f* do you defeat this long a health bar ! Old School FTw, but I need help here :) !
Bought Golden Abyss yesterday after much trepidation. So far I think it's lovely, and I'm surprised at the amount of shit the game seems to be getting from every which way. I think the sub-native rendering resolution is a complete non-issue on the Vita screen itself and I even prefer the gunplay to its equivalent in U1-3, simply because Bend seems to have a better understanding of when enough is enough. Shame about the unnecessary excessive touch screen crap though. Surely something Sony forced down Bend's throat.
Bought Golden Abyss yesterday after much trepidation. So far I think it's lovely, and I'm surprised at the amount of shit the game seems to be getting from every which way. I think the sub-native rendering resolution is a complete non-issue on the Vita screen itself and I even prefer the gunplay to its equivalent in U1-3, simply because Bend seems to have a better understanding of when enough is enough. Shame about the unnecessary excessive touch screen crap though. Surely something Sony forced down Bend's throat.

I got bored of the game after about midway. The touch screen crap becomes enjoyable once u realise that you don't have to do those gestures at the centre of the screen, but anywhere u wish. once u realise that, the touchscreen melees etc become enjoyable, at least for me it bacame enjoyable and non intrusive. I do them at the edge of the screen near the analogue stick where my thumb can easily reach without changing my hold on the device. In fact, now they feel better than the QTEs of UC3.

On the Ys Seven front, I lowered the difficulty but am now regretting it. Actually now I realise that it has a demon Soouls kindof way of playing. This time I farmed for sometime in the ALtago plains and bought some armour and a Long sword for Adol and some weapon for Dogi. So, this time I was better prepared to deal with the turtle, but since I had lowered the difficulty, the fight ended too soon :( !!! I shouldn't have lowered the difficulty at all, but now I have laready played through the beginning two times and don't want to do so another time :(. Thats a lot of dialogue to press 'O' through. I hope the difficulty will automatically ramp up later and the fights will feel better.

Or should I go back again and play on normal:???:, now that I grasp the structure of the game that one isn't supposed to rush but grind, get new gear and then take on bosses ?
Question guys. My 1 Month AT&T 3G plan expired but I have not received any code from Sony for my Super Stardust Delta game.

Who do I do contact to try and resolve this issue? I'm irked.