Sony Vita Games Thread

yes, its possible but u can do it once in 6 months. I had deactivated my accounts when my ps3 had died , so cannot do it right now.
BTW, still can't understand why the vita stops downloading when left idle :???: ! There seems to be no settings to affectsuch behaviour.
Mine doesn't ... only happens when I manually lock the screen.
yes, its possible but u can do it once in 6 months. I had deactivated my accounts when my ps3 had died , so cannot do it right now.
BTW, still can't understand why the vita stops downloading when left idle :???: ! There seems to be no settings to affectsuch behaviour.

Which PSN region are you downloading the item from ?

On the client side, Vita should not mess with your downloading unless someone pressed the power button. Did your Vita have enough charge to download the entire package ?

Note that you can open up a pop-up notification window by clicking on "More" in the notification list. If you have partially downloaded items, you can purge them by clicking on the trash can icon at the top left. Helps to save your memory card space.
Went to sonystyle to try out vita. I'm completely sold to it now. I had grown ways apart from my PSP and felt beforehand that there is no life left in psp style contraption. I was so, so wrong, what an amazing piece of hardware and games. I will probably wait a bit more and buy the damn thing once gravity rush is out on US.

^_^ Wait till you can take one home. The little machine is very good at building relationships with its owner. I carry it everywhere I go now.

The only negative was load times which are hugely disappointing. I wonder if that is the price to pay for flash distribution(have super slow chips to make the price manageable?). Are the load times any better if one buys the games from PSN instead of those flash carts?

Based on Eurogamer's last tests, the performance is unpredictable. Sometimes, game cartridge loads faster. Sometimes, the memory card loads faster. The discrepancy may be due to high level mechanisms such as DRM, network and OS overhead.
Also, i played a few mins of Uncharted and , frankly, found it boring. OTOH, thw Wipeout demo was absolutely amazing ! I should have got Wipeout instead of Uncharted. Lets just hope Uncharted gets better later on, but Wipeout was instant fun ! I want that on my portable !

As with other Uncharted games, it starts slow. ^_^

You will have more stuff to do in Golden Abyss as the game progresses.
Nope, I'm in the Bay Area.

Why ? You wanna invite me to a Sushi dinner ? ^_^

I took 100-level Japanese language classes in college.
Initially I found the vita strange, weird and ummm....uninteresting, like kindof a waste of manoey, but boy has my opinion changed in two days ..... Now I find it amazing, ubercool and unseparable from me :D ! Ya, it just happened !

BTW, I will be using my indian account with the vita: RenegadeRocks, same as my id here as I don't want to switch accounts to buy stuff when those dollar apps hit the market later this year. I have sent a friend request to Arwin, please accept it.

@patsu: could not send u a friend request, maybe ur friend list is full or something. Can u please send me a friend request, delete my old account if required, i will be using that only when I get back on the ps3.

And all the other Vita guys on this thread, please do send me a friend request, id is :


Now, back to playing the oh so awesome Uncharted :cool: ! The game is superb, its just that the first time I played I wasn't using my headphones :LOL: ! With headphones, I don't think I need a ps3 anymore :) !
As, tried Unit 13 demo, which I liked a lot as a shooter. Might get it after I am done with UC. But Wipeout is on top of the list after UC !
What an amzing game this uncharted, i went from chapter 1 to chapter 15 in a single day :p ! Had to stop as the battery completely died :LOL: ! There wasn't any warning of low battery either, which is strange, cos it just went absolutely zero, which i think isn't good for any device.

Anyways, and amazing system , this Vita and what an amazing game !
You guys are making me so jealous :(

I'd have bought my Vita by now if i didn't have to move house and pay for my wife's plane ticket into the UK.

Damned life! :devilish: Why'd you have to come between me and my enjoyment!:cry:
What an amzing game this uncharted, i went from chapter 1 to chapter 15 in a single day :p ! Had to stop as the battery completely died :LOL: ! There wasn't any warning of low battery either, which is strange, cos it just went absolutely zero, which i think isn't good for any device.

Anyways, and amazing system , this Vita and what an amazing game !

That is surprising - so far I've always gotten a warning. You've in one fell swoop caught up with me by the way.
If it wasn't for ME3 I doubt my PS3 would have got a look in since I got the vita. I've just downloaded escape plan and spent yesterday playing the mutant blob game. They're like old games.

Now all I need is for Skyrim and Mass Effect to come to the Vita and it's game on!
If it wasn't for ME3 I doubt my PS3 would have got a look in since I got the vita. I've just downloaded escape plan and spent yesterday playing the mutant blob game. They're like old games.

Now all I need is for Skyrim and Mass Effect to come to the Vita and it's game on!

I got Journey last week as a Plus subscriber, but I still haven't played it for the same reason. ;) But I did spend some 30-40% of my Motorstorm RC time on the PS3, and the game looks very nice in 1080p as well. ;) In fact that game is a dream for me, because I can play on my livingroom PS3, my study PS3, or on the Vita. This is definitely a big plus, and I can see how the Wii U would work with that kind of thing (and I expect it will run much better than Remote Play currently, so will be interesting to see if Sony will and can take up that challenge), except of course it doesn't have that nice of a screen and my living room PS3, if I can't use it, then 50% of the time it's in use for DVD/BluRay playback, so remote play wouldn't do me much good in that respect.

That said, after many, many hours with the Vita, it feels very luxurious at times to return to the PS3 with a big screen, big controller and fantastic sound. It definitely hasn't made it obsolete for me, but the Vita sure is a nice addition, and it is much easier to find time to play than it has been before. A little too easy in fact. ;) If you'd check my progress in various games, you'd detect quite a lot of time spent. ;) I don't think I'd want to know how much time I've spent actually, which I think is a feature in the 3DS that we don't have on the Vita.
Vita is really cool in many ways. Like, take the case of me n Wipeout. I had wipeout on my ps3 but even after repeated tries I completely sucked at it and could never get myself to like it and finally gave up on it.

I downloaded the demo on Vita, and boy I got hooked from the very first race ( well, the only one in the demo, but the very first try got me glued! ) :D ! I finished 6th on my first try, 4th on my second and 1st on my third try !!!!! I was amazed, suddenly I understood why so many people love Wipeout, but its the Vita which did it for me. Having the screen right between my buttons suddenly made my it work for me. On my TV, I used to bump at every corenr, never able to anticipate my ships movements correctly. But having it in my hands suddenly made my brain work out each movement easily and correctly. Its as if I am steering the ship really . It just worked ! And now I can't have enough of the demo race, I keep playing it again and again !

And boy , playing uncharted and Unit13 makes me so damn happy. Its as if the best of both the worlds has come together. Gaming on the ps3 meant an activity which would disturb the whole house, and especially with my wife studying for her exams, it had become a complete no no. But my iPad could never satisfy me with its casual 'soft'core throwaway games(except for PvsZombies). Now woth my Vita, I have my best games, with them best gfx right in my hands :) ! Gaming is private yet of the highest quality, without any compromises of being on a handheld ! I love u Sony for this ! The iPod and iPad games wear off very soon, but Vita has brought 'vita'(life) back into my gaming life !

Cheers :cool: ! Bring them Resistance and Gravity Daze along ! They can't come soon enough !

@all those people worried about the twin sticks and small buttons: In just one day I went from WTF to absolutely smooth aiming and shooting without any hassle ! To me its just like a DS3 now. I don't even realise that its a new controller/device in my hands now !
Initially I found the vita strange, weird and ummm....uninteresting, like kindof a waste of manoey, but boy has my opinion changed in two days ..... Now I find it amazing, ubercool and unseparable from me :D ! Ya, it just happened !

BTW, I will be using my indian account with the vita: RenegadeRocks, same as my id here as I don't want to switch accounts to buy stuff when those dollar apps hit the market later this year. I have sent a friend request to Arwin, please accept it.

@patsu: could not send u a friend request, maybe ur friend list is full or something. Can u please send me a friend request, delete my old account if required, i will be using that only when I get back on the ps3.

And all the other Vita guys on this thread, please do send me a friend request, id is :


Now, back to playing the oh so awesome Uncharted :cool: ! The game is superb, its just that the first time I played I wasn't using my headphones :LOL: ! With headphones, I don't think I need a ps3 anymore :) !
As, tried Unit 13 demo, which I liked a lot as a shooter. Might get it after I am done with UC. But Wipeout is on top of the list after UC !

Dude, you're already on my friends list. Renegade_Rocks right ? Or you have a new one ?

I think BillyIdol has 2 accounts also: Billy_Idol and Billy-Idol

My friends list is full. Will have to drop someone to add more friends.
You exclusively and frequently use Japanese emoticons.

This one ? ^_^
Sometimes I use @_@ too. I don't know their origin.

Emoticons work better with the face upright. My son loves these emoticons because they are more intuitive than the sideway ones. :yes:
If it wasn't for ME3 I doubt my PS3 would have got a look in since I got the vita. I've just downloaded escape plan and spent yesterday playing the mutant blob game. They're like old games.

Now all I need is for Skyrim and Mass Effect to come to the Vita and it's game on!

For me, Vita has an aura similar to iPad. It feels very good when you interact with it. And there is this sense of intimacy and connection with the device. There is not a dull moment once I take it out. If i'm not playing games, I'm surfing, listening to music, watching SI Swimsuit videos, reading FaceBook posts and Tweets, checking out Near, etc.

On my phone, I tend to be more reserved. Here I usually go all out until the battery is flat.

I wouldn't mind a "bug free" Skyrim on the Vita. Haven't played that game yet.

I want more tower defense games, and more alternate games like Ciel no Surge, SoundShapes, Demon's Souls, Catherine and Journey.

EDIT: Yes, yes, and everyone's favorite... Gravity Rush/Daze.
That said, after many, many hours with the Vita, it feels very luxurious at times to return to the PS3 with a big screen, big controller and fantastic sound. It definitely hasn't made it obsolete for me, but the Vita sure is a nice addition, and it is much easier to find time to play than it has been before. A little too easy in fact. ;) If you'd check my progress in various games, you'd detect quite a lot of time spent. ;) I don't think I'd want to know how much time I've spent actually, which I think is a feature in the 3DS that we don't have on the Vita.

I'm waiting for my next big stereoscopic 3D game. :(

Currently playing FFXIII-2 and StarHawk open beta slowly. Playing on a large screen with Sennheiser headset is definitely nice. Toying with Vita in my comfy bed feels right at home too. ^_^

Some day, I will play Vita in a warm, soap bath, with my wife feeding me grapes.
The Surprising Origins of Gravity Rush for PS Vita

Ryan Clements, IGN: How did you get started on the project? What are your roots in the industry?

Keiichiro Toyama, Japan Studio: I was studying art as a student. I joined Konami as a graphic artist and become director on Silent Hill, and then joined Sony and worked on Siren: Blood Curse.

Jeff Rubenstein, PS Blog: The tonality between Silent Hill and Siren is so different than Gravity Rush. Did you get sick of scaring people? Or were there different emotions that you wanted to explore besides fear?

JS: Originally, the reason I was working on horror games was not by choice. The company asked me to make horror games because they were popular. I enjoyed it to some extent. But with advanced technologies, HD and the like, making horror games with a limited audience isn’t really cost efficient. You need more money to make big games like that, and so it was becoming challenging.

So I thought, I just wanna make something that I wanted to make when I was a student studying art. So that’s how I changed direction.
