Sony Vita Games Thread

Generally, how big are the games for the VIta? Like the uncharted, Unit 13, Wipeout, Little Deviants, etc. WhenI get one, I would rather have one 32gb card and download all games on that rather than get different cards for each game(I mean physical copy).
ALso, I think Gravity Rush seems to be th ebest game on this device and I have a gut feeling more n more devs are goin to shift to Vita from PS3/360 as development costs for home consoles skyrocket with each game. I think PSVita is the future and max companies will be making games for handhelds rather than our TVs soon.

Which makes me think maybe I should skip my new ps3 and instead get Vita. Maybe I should wait till this year's E3 to see what SOny has planned ....hmm..

I am very happy with my Vita but I don't yet see it replacing my PS3. Not because of games, if anything Uncharted on the Vita has shown just how awesome the Vita will get, but because of the additional multimedia aspects (iPlayer, NetFlix etc) and because of the simple fact that the PS3 hooks up to a big screen.

Now if there was a way in which the Vita could be plugged into a box under the TV so that games etc were put on the big screen and I could control them with a regular controller that would be ace. If I could then take the Vita from the equation and the box it was plugged into continues to supply multimedia functionality for the family and I could just take the games away that would be even better.

Or even if I could use the Vita as normal but with the games on the big screen then that would truly be a wondrous killer app for me.

But if the Vita is going to provide WiiU controller type interactions with the PS3\4 then I'm going to be even happier than I am now!!
Renegade_Rocks, the game size ranges from less than 1Gb to 3.3 Gb (Uncharted).

A tighter PS3 + iOS + Vita integration would be ideal for me !

I wouldn't mind "TV out" from Vita to a nextgen iPad or HDTV. I also don't mind "resume play" from iOS and PS3 to Vita as long as the process is not clunky. I also don't mind integrating Near into XMB, or PS Home into LiveArea.
Yes, you do have to reset Vita to factory defaults when switching to use a different memory card.

The standard practice is to keep different cards for different region.

However it is possible to keep content from multiple regions on one card.

I haven't tried it myself.

So, that means that I can have multiple accounts on the same memory card? Just have to reset the system to factory settings and log back in with a different account? But can stuff bought from one account be used from the other account like th eps3?
I am asking cos, all my trophies and friend list are tied to my EU account as Indian store did not exist when I bought my ps3. But all my purchases happen from my indian account, cos I use an Indian CC. So, even on Vita, I will have to buy stuff from my indian account while all my ps3 friends and trophies are on my EU account, so I would definitely want to play with that account ! Will it be possible ?

Also, I just checked and realised that the Vita is waaaay overpriced in india compared to the US or EU. In US the vita(wi-fi) costs $250 while in India, the same model costs $400 :oops::oops::oops: ! Does anyone know if a US bought Vita's warranty be valid in other countries or not? cos buying from here seems like a stoopid decision. It costs almost double The 3G model costs $500 here ! :eek:
I think your warranty should be worldwide, as long as you can send it to Sony it should be fine? No direct experience with it, but that is what I would expect with a portable device like this one.

And yes, you can play most things on all accounts. There may be individual limitations though that I am not aware of, but I know that some people buy stuff or get demos with their Japanese account, and then reset back to their EU/US account and can still play.

Recently saw some release dates for Vita games. Don't remember the exact dates, but:

Motorstorm RC US: 6 March
Unit 13: 9 March
Resistance: May? (23?)
Gravity Rush: June 13(?)
LittleBigPlanet: June (25?)

The neogaf thread for upcoming games is probably more interesting though. :D I'll post that here somewhere.
The warranty for the ps3 was not worldwide, hence need confirmation before I make a purchase.
Also, are there any specific functions that are dependent on 3G ? I could not get a clear picture from different websites. I mean, does any feature depend on the sim card/GPS specifically?
So, that means that I can have multiple accounts on the same memory card? Just have to reset the system to factory settings and log back in with a different account? But can stuff bought from one account be used from the other account like th eps3?

I am asking cos, all my trophies and friend list are tied to my EU account as Indian store did not exist when I bought my ps3. But all my purchases happen from my indian account, cos I use an Indian CC. So, even on Vita, I will have to buy stuff from my indian account while all my ps3 friends and trophies are on my EU account, so I would definitely want to play with that account ! Will it be possible ?

I don't know man. Seems like it's going to be a mess. I would complain loudly to Sony. Switching accounts still sounds like a pain (Was told it takes a few minutes).

The easiest way right now is probably to focus on just one PSN account on Vita. If you pick your Indian account, you can cross play with PS3. Why don't you start with the Indian account first since the investment there is sunken ? You can always build up your friends list again.
Not a Vita game, but I decided to try a few old PSP games as I started buying those off PSN a few years ago, and wow, LocoRoco 2 is the first one I tried and that game looks and plays much better ... beautiful colors (orange much better now), no more ghosting, virtually no load-times, fast saves, its near perfect! Word of warning though - LocoRoco 2 is 1.5GB, should you have a smallish card.

Downloading Soul Calibur next. Don't think I'll be playing a tonne of PSP games now all of a sudden because there is a lot of great new Vita games, but I can see that people who have favorite PSP games are enthusiastic about now running them on Vita! And for those who picked up Vita without ever owning a PSP, it's a pretty good way of catching up with some of the great titles that platform had. I haven't seen that many instances where backwards compatibility lead to a significantly better experience on the newer console, but in this case I think in many cases playing a PSP game on Vita is a big step forward.

EDIT: Soul Calibur looks amazing too. And plays much nicer now with a decent analog stick. Now I'm starting to become more interested in Gran Turismo PSP - unfortunately I only have that on disc (twice even I think)
Blazblue is even bigger than that at 3.6 Gb. Maybe I didn't look hard enough, but I couldn't find any info on file size prior to actually buying it.

File size is indicated in the Vita PS Store on the game page. I don't know about the regular PS Store.

I think it may also differ according to region/languages used. I have seen 2 different sizes for Uncharted: GA.
Wasn't there a tweet at one time saying that U:GA was running at 960x544 with 2xMSAA? So what happened?

I have no idea, but the later levels are better looking than the earlier ones. Overall, it's still very impressive, giving me that "home console" look.

I suspect U:GA is one of the earliest titles to run on Vita prototypes. The game probably "grew up" together with the development hardware and OS revisions.
I have no idea, but the later levels are better looking than the earlier ones. Overall, it's still very impressive, giving me that "home console" look.

I suspect U:GA is one of the earliest titles to run on Vita prototypes. The game probably "grew up" together with the development hardware and OS revisions.

It was

the low res transparencies effects is very disappointing to me, and no motion blur at all. Other than that, the whole game is pretty impressive especially when all cut scenes are real time.
Yeah... one can gauge the team's talents from the game itself. So it is not difficult to guess what happened.

I am glad they made the game. Releasing Golden Abyss so close to UC3 probably risk over-exposing the series. But it gives the handheld platform a rather distinct identity/taste. It is also very convenient to pause your game at any point and resume later for such long games.

Also hope Sony fixes the glaring issues in the Vita OS asap, and then focus on the apps/games. Really want to see newer development/integration with web technologies and communities.

I suspect the occasional crashes in Vita OS may also turn off some Japanese gamers. Basically, the OS should not crash at all even if it outperforms in other aspects. The silly registration problem at the very beginning of the unpacking process is also detrimental to the very critical first impression.
One last question before I am buying it guys:

Are the memory cards region locked or something? I mean can I get a US 32gb mem card and use it in my Indian Vita? Cos 32gb cards are not available here and I am not sure how many demos/games can I hold in a 16 gb card. If we go by the 3gb per game, I can hae just 3 games + a few songs in it :( !

What capacity cards are you guys using? and how many demos/games have u got installed at a time?

EDIT: adnd one more: Which is more fun for a first game on Vita:Uncharted or Rayman ? !
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They aren't region locked at all. Sony Europe has even told people to import American 32gb cards before if they want them. I also know people are using Japanese cards with North American Vitas.
It was

the low res transparencies effects is very disappointing to me, and no motion blur at all. Other than that, the whole game is pretty impressive especially when all cut scenes are real time.

To be fair here, The Uncharted games on the PS3 all use lower resolution transparency effects as well, and motion blur didn't make an appearance until U2 either. U1 also isn't quite as smooth in terms of framerate and has plenty of tearing.
Besides, the Vita is no PS3.
One last question before I am buying it guys:

Are the memory cards region locked or something? I mean can I get a US 32gb mem card and use it in my Indian Vita? Cos 32gb cards are not available here and I am not sure how many demos/games can I hold in a 16 gb card. If we go by the 3gb per game, I can hae just 3 games + a few songs in it :( !

What capacity cards are you guys using? and how many demos/games have u got installed at a time?

EDIT: adnd one more: Which is more fun for a first game on Vita:Uncharted or Rayman ? !

Mem card will work anywhere. Game size ranges from around 1Gb to 3+ Gb. 10 games is therefore closer to a conservative number. But it really depends on how you use Vita. I'll probably reserve a good portion for downloaded Music Unlimited songs and other media.

I have a 32Gb card.

Uncharted is a "home console" experience with a handheld twist (Gyro aiming is good but log balancing is frustrating). There are also mixed use of touchscreen. Some I think improve the game. Some detract.

I tried Rayman Origins on PS3. It's a very very pretty platformer but no co-op on Vita. I may still buy it on Vita because I think the genre fits handheld gaming better.

Uncharted is 10 bucks more expensive. Personally I went with Uncharted since I used the B2G1 free deal.

There are other worthy titles. I have seen many thumbs up for that About a Blob (Mutant Blob) game. It's only 8 bucks. Others like MotorStorm RC, WipeOut, FIFA, Virtual Tennis received good feedback from users too. MotorStorm and WipeOut allow you to get the PS3 variant for free.
I can't speak highly enough of Rayman personally. It's just such a joy to play thanks to the perfect controls, amazingly whimsical visuals, the awesome soundtrack and the phenomenal level designs. Loading times are mercifully brief as well and the game has a lot of content.

I'm personally not all that bothered about the omission of multi-player. Rayman Origins isn't Super Mario Bros. Wii. It gets tough. Really, really tough in fact, and it also ramps up the difficulty fairly early on. Played a bunch of it with a gamer buddy who just wasn't all that much into jump and runs, and from world 3 onwards he basically spent most of his time floating in a bubble, waiting for me to come to the rescue. Needless to say he wasn't particularly enjoying the experience all that much.

Rayman, as cheerful as it may look and sound, makes you earn your victories. The game's mentality is decidedly old-school.

So far I have Wipeout 2048, Rayman, Blazblue CS Extend, Motorstorm RC, Escape Plan and Stardust Delta. I'm enjoying them all, but in terms of feature richness and polish, Rayman and Blazblue probably top off the list. A bit unfair really considering neither of the two were traditional Vita launch titles. Both were already amazing on consoles after all.

My feelings about Wipeout are unfortunately a little mixed. On one hand I think it's easily the most stunning looking title on the handheld, and when everything comes together it easily rivals the best Wipeouts on the market. On the other hand I'm super frustrated with the direction the series seems to be heading towards: I hate the combat events. They encourage you to drive as slow as possible in order to not miss any of the weapon pick-ups. Weapon pick-ups which you then unleash upon the opposition in the hope to rake in enough points to pass the event. It's devoid of speed, basically devoid of skill, and depends more on luck than anything else. It's the polar opposite of what Wipeout is all about. This wouldn't be so bad if there weren't just as many combat events as there are racing ones.
I also hate the lack of options. There's no race box anymore, so if you simply want to play an event on a particular track (be it zone, combat or race) at a speed level of your choice, you can't. You can't even do time trials until you've unlocked all the tracks via the campaign. It's either online campaign, offline campaign, or nothing at all.
Online is also quite frustrating due to lack of choices. You are simply dumped into a pre-defined event, and when you complete it you get to vote on whether the next event should be combat or racing. That's all there is to it.
Still, when 2048 is good, it's really good. Track designs are all new, and uniformly outstanding. Handling is fantastic as well, and the audio visual package is an absolute delight. With the prospect of fantastic dlc the game should have a bright future as well. In its current form it probably hasn't even hit its stride yet.
Can I connect to the internet on the vita through the ps3? That is, can I use my ps3, which is connected to the internet through a wired connection, to connect a Vita to the internet wirelessly?