Sony Vita Games Thread

Pleeeaasssse, can someone point out a place where I can buy NGS+ online in the US? the game seems especially scarce.

Why don't you buy DD from PSN Store ?

I have learned my lesson. I lost my launch day PSP together with my entire UMD collection on a long flight to Asia. Had to rebuy them.

If I had those games on PS Store, I only need to redownload them today.

My plan is to buy "important" or play-all-the-time games digitally. Those I may trade away will be on physical game cards.
Does anyone know if you can store your US account in 1 memory stick and have Japanese account in another stick?
Is it possible?
I'm hoping for more Japanese SRPGs to be announced.

So far the launch lineup looks great, and i already have a list of games i want to pick up when i finally get one (holding out for the 3G version - can't buy yet, life is in the way :p).

I sometimes go to bed at night and dream about a Super Robot Wars OG game for Vita that actually gets released on the US/EU stores... :cry:
I was watching the video for Gravity Rush (which looks mighty fine) and I just suddenly got a longing to play InFamous on my Vita. Now that's a game I could quite happily buy a rover ticket for and spend the day traveling to random places on a bus.

And tonight Near picked up 57 people around my location with Vitas which is quite surprising as that's like ~1% of the total population of the town I live in...
I'm not going to bother with that, plenty of good enough stuff for now so I can wait.

I just got my first ever Platinum trophy, for Motorstorm RC! Fantastic, and I'll get another when I boot up the PS3 version again tomorrow. :D

What a fantastic game. 39:50 is my current total time for the Festival. I don't know how many hours I've played but more than 20 for sure. What a steal at 5.99 Euro :)
You should try Uncharted some day. Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a better game than U1 - 3. There are more (interesting/fun) things to do, and the pacing is better. I have not completed the game but so far it feels that way.
Since I wanted a fighter with some robust single player content for the Vita, I decided to buy Blazblue instead of MvC3 today. Lovely looking game. Looks just like the console games in fact. That display was truly tailor made for the vibrancy of traditional 2d animation, and you obviously get none of that blurry pixel response time crap. It also controls exceptionally well. That's one damn good set of d-pad and buttons the Vita got there. Nearly 3.5 GB download though. That 8GB card is now full unfortunately.
Generally, how big are the games for the VIta? Like the uncharted, Unit 13, Wipeout, Little Deviants, etc. WhenI get one, I would rather have one 32gb card and download all games on that rather than get different cards for each game(I mean physical copy).
ALso, I think Gravity Rush seems to be th ebest game on this device and I have a gut feeling more n more devs are goin to shift to Vita from PS3/360 as development costs for home consoles skyrocket with each game. I think PSVita is the future and max companies will be making games for handhelds rather than our TVs soon.

Which makes me think maybe I should skip my new ps3 and instead get Vita. Maybe I should wait till this year's E3 to see what SOny has planned ....hmm..
if you are always interested in Sony first party line up, this alone should be safe to get a vita. As bad as PSP was doing in the west; Sony have never really abandon their system, there is still a very good and high production value game like GOW coming out very late in the system life cycle.
Just to be 100% sure, have not been on PSN/SEN for about a month.
All Vita games are available online, I do not have to buy discs/carts if I do not want?