Wow, that interview on with David Reeves is pretty amazing. He seems to be very insightful, and very focussed on the cultural differences between the regions.
I would have expected a price drop in Europe anyway, but apparently the console is selling well enough, and besides, if you now get 2 games and 2 controllers for 599, in consumer retail value, even if those games were 30 euro each (which they really should be considered to be, as both games have sold over a million) that would still be 489 without the games.
He says about as many strange things as really sharp things. I'm quite surprised, really.
Pretty sure that the price itself will be down before Christmas though. I guess that's what they are planning for. Anyway, these are the two games almost everyone bought, and they're worth the money imho. Great stuff.
I agree with you Shifty, but Motorstorm is the game you give to your guests, even if you don't like it yourself. It looks ace, and the sixaxis tilt steering is amazingly good and draws everyone in, big or small, old or young. It has a certain 'wii' factor.
And in the meantime, you do still have that second controller.