Sea of Thieves [XO, PC, PS, XGP]

Is the map always the same or procedural generated?
It's was always the same the last couple of Alpha sessions. I ended up making my own map using a spreadsheet. Going to compare it against the next session to see if it still the same.

Tommy McClain
I was tempted to stream the game through Win10 just to be able to take a few screen-shots of the map for the same comparison purposes.
Somebody asked me on Reddit if it was like GTA Online, and honestly... it's got a very long ways to go to become the GTA Online of Pirate games.

It's simply gorgeous, that's its primary selling point IMO. Also, on a large ship, the mechanics of sailing are complicated but awesome.

I'm hoping the closed beta really has more about customization or progression, because honestly this game feels more like a tech demo than it does a $60 full priced AAA game at this point.
I was a little surprised its set as a $60 game. I could understand $40 range. However, what I havent seen and dont know is how they plan on using the building blocks shown during the alpha test sessions. If the game comes with updated content or planned expansions through the first year, then I can see $60 asking price as justified as that would be like other games $20 to $30 for a single DLC.

So it all depends on whats included and what the core is.

I'm still going to get it as its a Play Anywhere title and it's something different, both of which I want to support.
For 60 USD I hope they have a really well fleshed out story campaign and it isn't "just" an open world sandbox.

It’ll be like eve online I think. You join a Corp. run missions. Different corps have different types of missions. They did mention they tried to model after it. With no progression in the game, trading corps are the most important aspect of the game. As is questing for those corps.
I little surprised at the $60 price tag too. If it had launched for $40 then I'm all in, but now I will most likely wait 3-6 months when it's on sale. From the new site update I can it possibly being worth more, but I'm no longer buying games at full price. With my growing family it's hard to justify $60 anymore. $20-$40 yeah. Something tells me Microsoft probably had different monetization plans but I suspect the recent loot box uproar had them backpedaling. They had always said they weren't ready to discuss their pricing plans. But they at least said it wasn't free to play. Guess we may never know what they planned.

Tommy McClain
I little surprised at the $60 price tag too. If it had launched for $40 then I'm all in, but now I will most likely wait 3-6 months when it's on sale. From the new site update I can it possibly being worth more, but I'm no longer buying games at full price. With my growing family it's hard to justify $60 anymore. $20-$40 yeah. Something tells me Microsoft probably had different monetization plans but I suspect the recent loot box uproar had them backpedaling. They had always said they weren't ready to discuss their pricing plans. But they at least said it wasn't free to play. Guess we may never know what they planned.

Tommy McClain

Good point on the loot boxes possibly impacting the price of the game. I know that MS struggled with how to sell this game, there was an interview early one when people thought the game was going to be free to play and Rare said it wouldn't be... but, they didn't yet decide on the pricing structure. So I think they did originally think it was going to be some sort of loot box or GTA Online pricing system. The closed beta will really have to have a bunch more features fleshed out for me to buy it at $60. Essentially, it will have to demonstrate that there's really a game fundamentally underneath rather than just an episodic adventure.

We'll see. I'd like to support it because it is Play Anywhere, it is beautiful, and I'm very impressed with the work they put into the sailing aspect with the different sails and the wind and the teamwork aspect.
Played a bit more yesterday. Seems they're slowly adding more content. I think the beta will be or do or die though. Good thing I got in the beta. No way I'm pre-ordering to get it.

Tommy McClain
I also see this title showing up on Nintendo's platform in the future. My final comment I make on this topic though, but I'm pretty sure I forsee MS heading into this direction.
Thought all play testing was over till release , but ....

"This week, jump into Sea of Thieves' biggest ever play session, running from Thursday December 14th - Wednesday December 20th. "
Thought all play testing was over till release , but ....

"This week, jump into Sea of Thieves' biggest ever play session, running from Thursday December 14th - Wednesday December 20th. "
I think I can at least say this. I've just been invited to their Pioneer sessions. It test new builds to a smaller subset of users before going to the larger Insider program. I'm hopeful we will get a few more sessions before the closed beta in January. Hopefully we will get more details during tomorrow's Mixer announcement.

Tommy McClain