I was curious about something... I hear these broad statements about "x is better than y" but the problem with such a statement is that it may be true in some instances but not others. Or maybe x is better at some things while y is better at others. Or heck, maybe x isn't as good as y at anything but because y is held back by something else then x ends up looking better in the end.
I bring this up because I hear the statement "Xenos is better than RSX" or vice versa quite often, but it doesn't seem like it would be anywhere near that simple. I think that we can assume that Xenos will have more usable bandwidth due to its EDRAM, and we know that the Unified Shaders are supposed to be more efficient. But those two things alone don't necessarily guarantee the graphics crown either.
I'm definately no hardware expert, but isn't it possible that both chips have things they will do better than the other? And as much as I may have hoped it would be otherwise, I'll agree with Jawed that it seems like the RSX will be a faster clocked G70 with maybe a couple slight tweaks.
If we look at PC hardware, it looks like the R520 is going to be clocked substantially higher than the G70, yet they are supposed to be within the same ballpark performance-wise. Because of the difference in hardware, one requires a faster clockspeed to keep up with the other. I guess where I'm going with this is that you have to take a holistic viewpoint when looking at any architecture.
My guess is that devs will be doing things with the hardware in a few years that we haven't even considered yet, as is usually the case when you have 5+ years to work with a single hardware setup. So, some of these limitations we're seeing with each setup could be worked around, while others never will.
To sum it up, I didn't really prove anything and I wasn't exactly technical with my response, but I wanted to hear some other people's opinions on two things... Is it possible for each GPU to be better at certain tasks than the other (given what we know), and is it possible that due to clever developers we may end up seeing some of the features thought to be much better on one system actually performed relatively comparably?
Well, enough of my rambling... any responses would be appreciated.