God knows who will be playing R2 in two months, but if the old fans are the people kept playing R1 after two years, but hate R2 now, I think it's fair to say Insomniac can safely ignore them, since that's not really splitting the userbase considering their size.
Well let's see whether they'll have any kind of loyal fanbase now that the old fans are gone.
Sure you have.But that's besides the point. The discussion is about what they changed from R1 for the worse, not whether there are any better shooters in your world.
There are better BETAS out there than R2, and oh they did change from R1 for the worse. The point is that it's not about the fact that they changed the gameplay, it's about changing the gameplay and ending up with something worse because you're trying to force a play-style that isn't consistent with the map design.
Does that make it OK? (note that I have ever complained about them)
Sure, as long as a weapon with a longer range can trump the shotty from outside the shotty's range, it's all about effective range and how well-tuned they are and how the maps enable people with different weapons to still play with their favorite weapon, it's about making sure the players gets a clear sense of how far they can reach with their weapons of choice and figuring out the sweetspot.
That's getting ridiculous. How many maps in R1 are completely safe for shotgun? None. Have you not played Manchester, Summerset, Nottingham? Even relatively closed maps like Grimsby maps have large long corridors or open areas.
Who the hell would want a map where one weapon completely dominates any other?
The difference is that in R1 you start with a carbine or a bullseye, NOT a shotty, AND you can switch to another weapon given the situation, in R2 if your load-out is the shotty as a primary, you're STUCK with a shotty, and regardless, R1 maps are still way better in terms of giving short-range players enough cover to go from A to B, in the hangar even with snipers you CAN make your way across, in R2 on maps like orick and chicago it can be insanely bad for shorter-ranged weapons like the shotty or the splicer, except you cannot switch to a more appropriate weapon because of the two-weapon load-out. Being able to provide routes for short-range weapons does not make the shotty or any other weapon dominate, on the contrary, it PREVENTS one weapon from completely dominating the others by providing a sweetspot for every type of play style.
You can get completely wasted with any weapon against someone with wraith depending on the situation.
Given the wraith's short range AND its underpowerness compared to the carbine, it would be silly for a carbine user to ever lose out against a wraith user in a one-on-one situation without one side being blindsided by the other.
Don't use it then. For the record there are many Orick maps (regions), and the one in the beta is the most open one. That said, I have seen people rule with splicer in that exact map.
I'm sure you have, but successes with the splicer are relatively rare.
I'm really curious whether you were also complaining because Far Eye was useless in all 8p maps besides Manchester in R1?
Actually I find the fareye to be quite effective on most maps.
I'm sorry but you either don't know, or don't care what balancing means.
I'm sorry but I do know what balancing means and you probably don't.
Let's rephrase this. "Good balancing" implies all weapons feel adequate for all situations? Right?![]()
Good balancing means all weapons feel empowered on the map, not in all areas but the maps would provide a way for a player with a particular play style to play effectively, meaning a particularly weapon won't feel completely shitty on a particular map, which isn't the case in R2.
There's just no comfort zone for the player who plays games based on HDR maybe.
Seriously, speak for your self.
I'm obviously not judging the gameplay by the lack of HDR, I'm merely judging the graphics based on the lack of HDR in terms of the poor lighting in R2.
I bet you all used Auger, Dragon, prepatch Arc Charger in R1 since they are full of comfort zones.
And bullseye is an awesome weapon for all maps if you are willing to run.
I don't have to use the auger dragon or the arc charger because I'm not spawned with any of them and no one is forced to load out with any of those weapons. The point of the bullseye is to tag and bag, and it's not an awesome weapon at all for any of the maps, it's main function in terms of tagging has been completely destroyed and it does not possess much range or accuracy compared to many of the other primary weapons.
40mm doesn't magically appear in your carbine. You need to find ammo boxes and this is why people with carbine are always racing over dead bodies. Sometimes you 40 an opponent, the game gives you another 40mm.
At this point the way R2 handles the 40mm is basically garbage.
Sorry, I have nothing to say to that.
Well I did make a great point.
No we cannot, for a couple of reasons. There is no game that does everything right graphically. And I can nitpick your favorite game way more than you. For example, R2 destroys vegetation and geometry of Uncharted. So what?
The problem with your statement is that it isn't remotely close to being true. First of all Uncharted as a 2007 game COMPLETELY DESTROYS R2 in terms of visuals. Secondly, Uncharted has more interactive vegetation and geometry that is more than just things in a skybox, no it's not an MP game, in terms of SP it's actually more wide-open and interactive in terms of levels than R2 which is ridiculously linear given how much they boasted about geometry. Yes, no game does everything right graphically, it's just that R2 did a lot of things wrong. Flat lighting, poor shadowing and weird-looking water are just some of them.
Also your obsession with HDR is a joke. Among all the visual shortcomings of R2, HDR is the least important one.
On the contrary, poor lighting/shadowing is one of R2's biggest flaws, it made a lot of things stick out like a sore thumb, good lighting and shadowing could have seriously pulled the scenes together.
Again they aren't any worse than R1 maps in terms of landmarks. Downtown Orick is actually way better since there are signs on the buildings.
Downtown orick is terrible in terms of landmarks and you're supposed to improve on things with a sequel.
I had enough of this tough. Maps are generally bigger and more open than R1, thus ranged weapons are favored more so than R1 especially with gimped tagging and carbine range.
So you ADMIT the tagging and carbine range are GIMPED? Good. And no, ranged weapons shouldn't be favored on a balanced map, so yeah, there's a balancing issue right there.
If you want to criticize R1 to R2 MP changes logically, be my guest. If you cannot find any logic, just cite your personal preference and leave it at that, it's way better than what you are doing.
I did, I find it strange that you're trying to defend the changes like they were supposed to be good, I don't mind the change in play-style if they made it work, but they didn't, stop-and-pop on open maps didn't work so well and I'm not sure HOW they can even begin to fix it.