I doubt they CAN split the userbase further, they've pretty much pissed off a significant chunk of the old fanbase and I doubt there's a point or a way for them to try to get back the old fans that are already gone, what they have to worry about is losing the new people they managed to lure in from some other popular shooters, because I doubt they'll keep playing R2 for two years like the old fans did with R1.
God knows who will be playing R2 in two months, but if the old fans are the people kept playing R1 after two years, but hate R2 now, I think it's fair to say Insomniac can safely ignore them, since that's not really splitting the userbase considering their size.
I played R1 and R2 like any other normal human being, not sure how YOU played R1 and R2, maybe you just haven't played something better, but I have.
Sure you have.

But that's besides the point. The discussion is about what they changed from R1 for the worse, not whether there are any better shooters in your world.
People always complain about the shotty or the arc charger when they're on the receiving end.
Does that make it OK? (note that I have ever complained about them

Rossmore was deadly at close-range in R1, that's what the point of a shotgun is, but then in R1 there are more close-quartered situations and if you're wielding a shotgun you can play in a way that doesn't expose you as much, not the case in maps like chicago and orick in R2, even the subway map got some seriously long corridors with not enough cover that are not so good for people with shotguns, and definitely not so good in orick.
That's getting ridiculous. How many maps in R1 are completely safe for shotgun? None. Have you not played Manchester, Summerset, Nottingham? Even relatively closed maps like Grimsby maps have large long corridors or open areas.
Who the hell would want a map where one weapon completely dominates any other?
For its range the wraith is pretty underpowered and you can get completely WASTED against someone with a carbine.
You can get completely wasted with any weapon against someone with wraith depending on the situation.
The splicer is completely useless on a map like orick.
Don't use it then. For the record there are many Orick maps (regions), and the one in the beta is the most open one. That said, I have seen people rule with splicer in that exact map.
I'm really curious whether you were also complaining because Far Eye was useless in all 8p maps besides Manchester in R1?
It's going to be a LONG time before they can even balance those new weapons to make them more viable.
I'm sorry but you either don't know, or don't care what balancing means.
All weapons feeling inadequate in some way or form is NOT called balancing, it's called POOR balancing,
Let's rephrase this. "Good balancing" implies all weapons feel adequate for all situations? Right?
there's just no comfort zone for the player,
There's just no comfort zone for the player who plays games based on HDR maybe.
Seriously, speak for your self.
partly because of the way the weapons are tuned, and partly because of the way the maps are designed, with a set of weapons the player should have an awareness of what you can do with what you have and still feel empowered. The difference in R1 is that if you're a player using a carbine or a bullseye, you can get away with using the weapon of your choice because the map designs provided enough routes and cover for the player, but in R2, not so much if we look at maps like SF or Chicago or Orick, if one is wielding a splicer, it's really not so advantageous. The bullseye is completely neutered and useless for all intents and purposes.
The comfort level is NOT THERE AT ALL and I'm not the only player who feels that way, most of my clan do,
I bet you all used Auger, Dragon, prepatch Arc Charger in R1 since they are full of comfort zones.
And bullseye is an awesome weapon for all maps if you are willing to run.
even with success with the carbine it never felt right. 40mm is NOT plenty,
40mm doesn't magically appear in your carbine. You need to find ammo boxes and this is why people with carbine are always racing over dead bodies. Sometimes you 40 an opponent, the game gives you another 40mm.
and flanking does NOT result in a quick kill, while I don't like the idea of "stealing kills", I can often get easy kills that way.
Sorry, I have nothing to say to that.
If you want to discuss THE LACK OF HDR and all the other visual flaws of R2, we can do that too.
No we cannot, for a couple of reasons. There is no game that does everything right graphically. And I can nitpick your favorite game way more than you. For example, R2 destroys vegetation and geometry of Uncharted. So what?
Also your obsession with HDR is a joke. Among all the visual shortcomings of R2, HDR is the least important one.
Maps like Orick and Chicago are all over the place, the maps being "huge and pretty complex" does NOT mean there's structure in them, maps need to have landmarks that are easily called out so people can co-ordinate, they're not good maps, they weren't during the beta and they still aren't good maps now.
Again they aren't any worse than R1 maps in terms of landmarks. Downtown Orick is actually way better since there are signs on the buildings.
I had enough of this tough. Maps are generally bigger and more open than R1, thus ranged weapons are favored more so than R1 especially with gimped tagging and carbine range.
If you want to criticize R1 to R2 MP changes logically, be my guest. If you cannot find any logic, just cite your personal preference and leave it at that, it's way better than what you are doing.
So true. I honestly hope Insomniac doesn't devote resources to this, because it's just not as worth it as putting towards their regularly scheduled projects, and frankly I think it's got to be somewhat demoralizing to even be in this situation where such is even an option. It's not worth it, as it won't be appreciated even by the gamers asking for it if it arrives; they've already set themselves up mentally to be playing Killzone 2 in two months anyway, so best to focus on the future rather than linger on the present.
Wise words as always.
I'm also with you on the story. While I'm not sure they picked the best way to present the story especially in case of R2, Resistance lore hooked me unlike any other. It somewhat sucks game raises many times more questions than it answers though. Still I'm pretty happy with the little details they revealed, and the general direction in the sequel.