Its good to hear that they are going for 30fps. Who needs 60fps when we have 30fps as stable as the first Resistance.
Eurogamer has a transcript of an interview with Ted Price:
Its good to hear that they are going for 30fps. Who needs 60fps when we have 30fps as stable as the first Resistance.
Having already stated that they would only release 60fps games from Ratchet onwards, I am slightly disappointed with the admission that R2 will only be 30fps.
I'm sure it will be as smooth as the first, but hell, colour me disappointed all the same.
With faced paced shooters imo 60fps is a must.
Most people cannot see the difference between a constant 30fps and 60fps for a FPS. IMO COD4 looks no smoother than R1, so I'll take the extra eye candy @30fps.
Bioshock (after unchecking the FPS fixer option) bumps to 60 for most the of game, though in combat it tends to dip to >30 but <60, resulting in some tearing. Having said that, it's certainly the best option for enjoying the game since it's so beautifully smooth.
It's difficult to measure, but if you've got the game, put it in and play for a bit on each option... the increase over the 30FPS mark is very noticeable.
You are misinterpreting the term, in that slide they are not talking about deferred rendering ala KZ2 or STALKER.I wonder if their deferred rendering (slide 28) has something to do with them making R2 30fps instead of 60fps.
I tried it, but why ask for tearing when you can have a smooth 30fps? I like the consistant frame rate without the loss of IQ, but I like the option.