Yeah decent can mean many things, it can mean modest, adequate, acceptable.. a whole range of words that basically mean average
It figures you'd automatically assume the worst possible meanings. I guess since you're in the UK, you've never heard someone use the word as slang. Ever hear someone say, "that's the Bomb", or "that's bad"? when in both cases it's meant as something postive and not the real meaning of the word?
Either way what I wrote still stands. Rebel strike is more about graphics than gameplay IMO. It was much easier than the last game from factor 5 and I didn't like the controls all that much to begin with... the flight combat physics just felt way too arcade like.
Also is this you not caring what review scores the game gets then?:
What's wrong with waiting to see how others review it? that doesn't sound reasonable to you? Oh of course it doesn't. As I said, Kaiser hwang has given poor reviews to lot's of games he's reviewed. He's the only guy that I've seen give a 1 and 2 to any game out there on a semi consistent basis. btw, he doesn't just review xbox games if that's what you think.
It (Grabbed by the Ghoulies) was reviewed by Kaiser Hwang... if you can look though all of his reviews on games, I don't think he's ever given a decent score to anything. I met the guy 4 months ago, and he's a bit of a flake... I certianly wouldn't trust his opinion. wait and see how other review it.
Anyway, IGN needs to have multiple people review games. trusting one reviewers opinions just doesn't cut it IMO.
that's abotu general reviews, and not jsut this one specifically. Which is very true and a valid concern of that webstie (and other websties). That's the exact reason I think teh average score on game ranking by many people is a better way of coming to a conclusion.
I saw Hil review a game genre he didn't even like and follewed by giving the game a low score while saying he just couldn't get into it. Do you really want to trust a review of someone that doesn't like a specific genre he's reviewing?
BTW when did I compare gameplay for the games? I didn't do any such thing. What I was comparing was your extremely contrasting reaction to 2 games with similar-ish scores. One gets no negative comments and excuses, while the other gets only negative comments.
If you weren't comparing gameplay in teh two games, then what were you comparing? If you wanted a contrasting reaction to two games, then you SHOULD have compared your oipinion to the same two games.
You know that's funny how you're calling the me out on somehting you did yourself. What about this from the gholies thread?
teasy wrote:
There are some positives about this game. For a start I like the homorous play on words in the title.... and then there's... erm.... I'll get my coat
But seriously, it looks like an ok game, but its pretty disapointing from Rare.
Well what do ya know. negative comments coming from you Teasy in a thread about a game you've never played (btw I played rebel strike) compared to zero negative comments coming from YOU in this thread on a game that is ALSO getting mixed reviews. sound like the typical double standard from the likes of yourself.
P.S. just FYI its couldn't care less not could care less. I'm not trying to insult you or be a smart arse or anything, its just FYI.
Bollocks, I don't live in the UK. You could actually say that statment a number of ways.