Rebel Strike gone GOLD!

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Fox5 said:
That little picture just looks like a picture with and without fog...
Yes, but light-scattering interacts with light sources, like the light of suns or stars penetrating and interacting with the planet's atmosphere. Check out the small yellow star or the red radiation around the red moon. I am not an expert, but I think thats the real difference ... its more like full-screen HDR than simple fog.

Well, I think the red radiation from the moon could be done without any special techniques if it's just a bitmap. The ring around it looks pretty constant.

BTW, what's HDR?
Fox5 said:
BTW, what's HDR?
High Dynamic Range rendering technique. It's "atmospheric lighting"/"light-scattering" effect, but more focused than full-screen.

You'll find a few examples and details here.
ChryZ said:
Fox5 said:
That little picture just looks like a picture with and without fog...
Yes, but light-scattering interacts with light sources, like the light of suns or stars penetrating and interacting with the planet's atmosphere. Check out the small yellow star or the red radiation around the red moon. I am not an expert, but I think thats the real difference ... its more like full-screen HDR than simple fog.

Light-Scattering is nothing but gold old Rayleigh scattering (19th century physicist: ). Basically it describes how light is scattered on the particles in the atmosphere. You know those little satellite picture where the earth looks very blue? That's Rayleigh scattering at work.
It's not very advanced math, though. :LOL:
Yeah decent can mean many things, it can mean modest, adequate, acceptable.. a whole range of words that basically mean average

It figures you'd automatically assume the worst possible meanings. I guess since you're in the UK, you've never heard someone use the word as slang. Ever hear someone say, "that's the Bomb", or "that's bad"? when in both cases it's meant as something postive and not the real meaning of the word?

Either way what I wrote still stands. Rebel strike is more about graphics than gameplay IMO. It was much easier than the last game from factor 5 and I didn't like the controls all that much to begin with... the flight combat physics just felt way too arcade like.

Also is this you not caring what review scores the game gets then?:

What's wrong with waiting to see how others review it? that doesn't sound reasonable to you? Oh of course it doesn't. As I said, Kaiser hwang has given poor reviews to lot's of games he's reviewed. He's the only guy that I've seen give a 1 and 2 to any game out there on a semi consistent basis. btw, he doesn't just review xbox games if that's what you think.

It (Grabbed by the Ghoulies) was reviewed by Kaiser Hwang... if you can look though all of his reviews on games, I don't think he's ever given a decent score to anything. I met the guy 4 months ago, and he's a bit of a flake... I certianly wouldn't trust his opinion. wait and see how other review it.

Anyway, IGN needs to have multiple people review games. trusting one reviewers opinions just doesn't cut it IMO.

that's abotu general reviews, and not jsut this one specifically. Which is very true and a valid concern of that webstie (and other websties). That's the exact reason I think teh average score on game ranking by many people is a better way of coming to a conclusion.

I saw Hil review a game genre he didn't even like and follewed by giving the game a low score while saying he just couldn't get into it. Do you really want to trust a review of someone that doesn't like a specific genre he's reviewing?

BTW when did I compare gameplay for the games? I didn't do any such thing. What I was comparing was your extremely contrasting reaction to 2 games with similar-ish scores. One gets no negative comments and excuses, while the other gets only negative comments.

If you weren't comparing gameplay in teh two games, then what were you comparing? If you wanted a contrasting reaction to two games, then you SHOULD have compared your oipinion to the same two games.

You know that's funny how you're calling the me out on somehting you did yourself. What about this from the gholies thread?

teasy wrote:

There are some positives about this game. For a start I like the homorous play on words in the title.... and then there's... erm.... I'll get my coat

But seriously, it looks like an ok game, but its pretty disapointing from Rare.

Well what do ya know. negative comments coming from you Teasy in a thread about a game you've never played (btw I played rebel strike) compared to zero negative comments coming from YOU in this thread on a game that is ALSO getting mixed reviews. sound like the typical double standard from the likes of yourself.

P.S. just FYI its couldn't care less not could care less. I'm not trying to insult you or be a smart arse or anything, its just FYI.

Bollocks, I don't live in the UK. You could actually say that statment a number of ways.
The RS2 water doesn't look that bad in motion, but good lord that RS3 water is sexy. I wasn't the biggest fan of RS2 (good, not great; average gameplay) but I'm going to rent Rebel Strike to try out the co-op and stare at the water.
Qroach said:
It figures you'd automatically assume the worst possible meanings. I guess since you're in the UK, you've never heard someone use the word as slang. Ever hear someone say, "that's the Bomb", or "that's bad"? when in both cases it's meant as something postive and not the real meaning of the word?

It used to be common where I lived about 10 years ago (I'm in the UK btw) for decent to be used to mean that something was actually rather good. Infact, with phrases like "well decent" and "fairly decent" you could almost directly switch it with the word "good". Infact I still hear it used that way.

Bad. Now that was a genuinely exciting corruption of a word.

"Hey, check out the Miami Vice hair man."
"Bad. They should never have canned that show. Check out the rolled up jacket sleeves?"
hey function you got the saying and just what I mean then. there's quite a few words that have been used like that. "Bad" has to be the worst of the bunch though :)

Bad, as in "good" lol!

Anyway, knowing teasy and others, they would have had a problem even if I wrote "good". They would have said the graphics aren't good they are great or something like that.
Qroach said:
Either way what I wrote still stands. Rebel strike is more about graphics than gameplay IMO. It was much easier than the last game from factor 5 and I didn't like the controls all that much to begin with... the flight combat physics just felt way too arcade like.

Turn off 'auto-roll' and 'auto-level'.
This "light scattering" effect seems to have absolutely nothing to do with actual 3D lighting in the game - it looks more like a relatively advanced fog or other post-processing effect. Not that it would make it any worse, but I find the name misleading...
Also, it looks like they are using normal maps instead of simple grayscale bumps; for example, the sea surface looks like the result of some procedurally generated geometry. This is also evident on some of the starships and maybe even on the characters.
Light Scattering ATI demo does the same kind of things...

Not sure but I think this is correct light scattering, and yes it's an advanced form of fogging since it's a way to 'simulate' particles in the atmosphere...

Might be wrong it's late in here.

> I guess since you're in the UK you've never heard someone use the
> word as slang.

Now I've heard it all.

> You could actually say that statment a number of ways.

Of course. But only one is proper English.


> Infact, with phrases like "well decent" and "fairly decent" you could
> almost directly switch it with the word "good".

Notice the little words in front of "decent". Those are adverbs and make all the different. "Decent" and "mediocre" are both words that are used to describe averageness. It's not uncommon however to see them used with a negative slant. Mediocre in particular is often used when people in fact think something is bad (and by that I don't mean "good"). Knowing Quincy and his attitude towards Nintendo and past activity in Factor 5/Rogue series threads there is no reason to believe that the words should be interpreted with a positive spin.


> Also, it looks like they are using normal maps instead of simple
> grayscale bumps

I doubt it. EMBM is somewhat cheaper on the Cube. Emboss BM is still used for most stuff.
cybamerc said:
> Infact, with phrases like "well decent" and "fairly decent" you could
> almost directly switch it with the word "good".

Notice the little words in front of "decent". Those are adverbs and make all the different. "Decent" and "mediocre" are both words that are used to describe averageness. It's not uncommon however to see them used with a negative slant. Mediocre in particular is often used when people in fact think something is bad (and by that I don't mean "good"). Knowing Quincy and his attitude towards Nintendo and past activity in Factor 5/Rogue series threads there is no reason to believe that the words should be interpreted with a positive spin.

I should have been cleaer there! With or without an additional adverb placed infront, the word decent was used frequently to denote something being good. I still hear it quite a lot actually (the more I think about it the more I know I've heard it). But I suppose you have to hear it to know how it's meant for sure.

A lot of the meaning in casual, spoken language comes from the way things are said: intonation, emphasis, pause etc. When those things are stripped out (on a forum, for example!) it's easy for something to be interpreted differently to how it was meant.

I can't say for definite what Qroach meant when he used the word decent, but I interpreted it to mean, well, basically, "good". Your past experiences of course may lead you to hear him differently.

I wouldn't say 'decent' necessarily meant 'mediocre' btw.
Stop press dictionary excitement!

My big dictionary (Oxford English, if anyone cares enough to check) lists "good" as being one of the meanings of the word "decent". Nothing to indicate it means average or mediocre though.

To try and get this thread less of topic, I'll end by saying I think Rebel Strike looks ... very decent? :)

I didn't assume any meanings for the word decent, never mind the worst ones. What would have been an assumption (and a rather huge one) would be to assume that you were using the word decent for anything other then its correct meaning. Especially when you gave no indication of that in your sentence.

If you had said "I thought that game was bad" I would also not assume you meant the game was good.. why should I if there is no indication of that? Now if you said "Wow, I loved that game, it was bad man!" then I'd assume that in this case bad means good.

Even if I assumed you meant good when you said decent (which is the very most I could possibly have assumed if I had been inclined to do so) that would still be a large understatement for RS's graphics AFAICS.

Anyway I can't be bothered with this anymore. Lets just face facts here. You simply didn't want to say "excellent graphics" (or something equally fitting), because that would have been too much like a compliment in an otherwise negative post.

Its late so I'll reply to the rest of your post later.
Lol, function I guess that must be where decent "as in good" came from. Does it really say that in your dictionay? anyway, I thought I was using it as slang, but I guess slang wasn't needed.


Anyway I can't be bothered with this anymore. Lets just face facts here. You simply didn't want to say "excellent graphics" (or something equally fitting), because that would have been too much like a compliment in an otherwise negative post.

You can't be bothered with it because you were proved wrong again. You assumed I meant something negative by that, but you and your fan buddy cybermerc can't help but over analyze every freaking word people use when talking about something nintendo related!

Now you're complaining that I said it because I didn't want to say something more postivie? Or more specifically not postive enough to YOUR liking? Do you see how pathetic you both look? I got some advice for the both of ya. I'll say what I want, WHEN I want, and I don't need the approval from either of you blokes for saying ANYTHING!!!

I couldn't be bothered because the effort needed to actually take some of your posts seriously is quite exhausting. Also as I already said, I didn't assume anything. Its hardly an assumption to take the word decent to actually mean decent is it?

This isn't about over analyzing anything. Its about you, yet again, making a comment and then backpeddling at great speed once your called on it. You were simply playing down an aspect of the game because any real positivity would have diluted an otherwise negative post. As Grall said earlier, it would take a gun to the head to make you say anything positive regarding Nintendo or GC, or anything related to them.

BTW, yeah, you don't have to answer to me, Cyba, Paul, Grall, or anyone else who called you on this. But what you should do is actually stand by what you say and take responsibility for it. Instead of pretending you said something else when you later realise it was a stupid thing to say in the first place.

And if you do want to claim that you didn't really mean decent then the least you should have done was to say "I meant good/great (whatever) when I said decent, but I can see how my comment was unclear, my mistake". In which case I would have taken your word for it and nothing else would have been said. Instead you had the audacity to accuse other people of assuming the worst just because they took the word decent to actually mean decent, basically putting the blame elsewhere as usual.
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