I couldn't be bothered because the effort needed to actually take some of your posts seriously is quite exhausting. Also as I already said, I didn't assume anything. Its hardly an assumption to take the word decent to actually mean decent is it?
Yes, it's real exhasting to attemtp to find things wrong with every sentance I say, providing it's about the gamecube that is. If it's exahsting, then you should consider that YOU are exerting too much energy trying to find something when it's not there! As people have already written, decent is one of the meanings of the word "good". I was using it with that meaning, even if you don't like it, get over it!
This isn't about over analyzing anything. Its about you, yet again, making a comment and then backpeddling at great speed once your called on it. You were simply playing down an aspect of the game because any real positivity would have diluted an otherwise negative post. As Grall said earlier, it would take a gun to the head to make you say anything positive regarding Nintendo or GC, or anything related to them.
WRONG! I said what I wanted to say, there's NO backpeddling there at all. What there is, is you wrecking a perfectly fine thread by making accusations again and again. The game IMO has good graphics and I don't NEED to say anything more than that to make you, cyebermerc, or Grall happy. I said smehting positive and you STILL have a problem with that. Wht if I sai I don't like the graphics? What ar eyou going to do then, cry? You're pathetic man, there's not much you can do about people when they express thier opiniion. I didn't mean anything negative by it, but you simply refuse to accept that.
It would take a gun to your head to stop being such a fan, and looking for anything written that you don't like about the gamecube.
BTW, yeah, you don't have to answer to me, Cyba, Paul, Grall, or anyone else who called you on this. But what you should do is actually stand by what you say and take responsibility for it. Instead of pretending you said something else when you later realise it was a stupid thing to say in the first place.
Are you blind teasy? did you see the posts form myself and others that told you what I meant, and there's nothing wrong with it. If you have a problem with it or any others, then TOUGH, ignore it just like you would if someone else said the same thing! You can send me a private message and we'll argue there, but I don't need you and your buddies jumping down my throat for saying somehting you don't consider postitive enough. I gave the game a compliment in the graphics area but said it lacks game play. You don't like that? Sorry I don't have to answer to you, or anyone else you listed.
And if you do want to claim that you didn't really mean decent then the least you should have done was to say "I meant good/great (whatever) when I said decent, but I can see how my comment was unclear, my mistake". Instead you actually had the audacity to accuse other people of assuming the worst, basically putting the blame elsewhere as usual.
Um, i suggest you go back a few posts and read what I've written for once. I did say I meant "decent" as slang for "good". You are simply not reading, and now you're back tracking. Don't try to accuse me of doing something I heren't! I said the game had good graphics already but you obviously ignored that.
YOU and your pals assumed I meant "average" and in some way I chose that wording because I didn't want to say something MORE postive sounding. So when you guys are qaccusing me of something that wasn't correct, you should say you were wrong and forget it, instead of trying to spin more BS and point the blame at me. I wasn't the one tha thad a problem with what I wrote, remember?
Anyway, in an effort to take this thread more on topic and lighten the mood a bit. What kind of sales does everyone think this game will get over the next month? (and don't say decent :lol). Post a few guesses and we'll see who is right when the official software sales eventually come out.
If you really wanted to keep the thread back on topic you shouldn't go around accusting people of saying/meaning things they aren't doing. Instead if that hadn't happened this thread would still be about games, but OH no you gotta get you defenses way up!