Rebel Strike gone GOLD!

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> I guess some decent graphics are all this game has going for it.

You really felt it was necessary to revive an old thread just to say that?

> The reviews seem to say it's pretty mediocre...

Mediocre means average and RS3 is getting above-average scores.
I guess some decent graphics are all this game has going for it.

Rebel Strikes graphics are "decent".. I've heard it all now...

The reviews seem to say it's pretty mediocre...

Its getting some good reviews if you take the time to read them. What is dragging down the scores are the on foot levels, which are like 10% of the game. All reviews I've seen are very positive about everything else in the game.

Even then its scores are still higher then Grabbed By The Ghoulies, a game you don't seem so eager to describe as mediocre.
bas1975 said:
"but no missions have that many ties,"

From what I've seen there are alot more ties on screen in Rogue Squadron 3 than there has ever been in the past.

The only mission to me which seemed to have a lot of TIEs was the Hoth mission, and you don't get to fight them for very long. The final Endor mission of Rogue Squadron 2 had far more TIEs then basically every Rogue Squadron 3 mission.

BTW, the on foot misisons comprise a significant portion of the gameplay. The developers say 20%, but it felt closer to 40%.(just cause they seem to take so long to finish, yet the flying misions seem way too short)
80% or more, that's far from mediocre to me...

ah well, it's Rogue Leader remake somehow with poor none flying sequences from what I read which can explains why it didn't get the same score.
I guess some decent graphics are all this game has going for it.


Try some of the best visuals this generation. Better than most all Xbox and just about all PS2 games. Games that are OUT BTW.
Fox5 said:
However, the real bad is that the game is easy, and short. I would've loved missions that would just let you dogfight ties for a while, but no missions have that many ties, and all have urgent objectives(and too many crappy cutscenes that break up the action). It's still fun, and the speeder bike levels are great, but this is barely a full game. Seems a same that they strayed from the series strength. There is also little(if anything) linking the different missions together. While someone familiar with tons of star wars books and has recently watched the movies would know what is going on, for me most of the missions just seemed completely unrelated, and the story involving one character from early in the game really confused me later on.(a dramatic change iwth no explanation of anything in between)

The multiplayer seems like it would be fun though. I haven't had a chance to play it, but rebel strike does have good play mechanics for all its vehicles, so I could possibly recommend the game for multiplayer.

I agree with the bold/underlined completely... the levels break up with cutscenes too often IMO.

Oh, and the co-op is AWESOME. It isn't just "2-player Rogue Leader", the difficulty has been ramped up... scary thought. Endor is going to be hell, but it's gonna be awesome!
Paul said:
Try some of the best visuals this generation. Better than most all Xbox and just about all PS2 games. Games that are OUT BTW.

Not if the Hoth level is any indication heh.


One of the best looking games this gen. God bless GameCube. The system that has so much but it always shit on.
Based on possibly premature impressions of the demo at Wal-Mart, I have to agree with Zurich.

Hoth looks great, runs great, but seems more plain in certain ways compared to Rogue Leader's Hoth. Maybe I wasn't looking closely enough as I played, but bump-mapping wasn't evidently present. I know that pixel-shading is used on the water in the game though, and that's definitely something that most GameCube developers haven't delved much into. TEV, pixel shaders, same thing.

*wink wink* *nudge nudge*
Teasy said:
Rebel Strikes graphics are "decent".. I've heard it all now...

Sometimes I think it would take a gun to the head for Roach to say something nice about the cube, and then it would still only be grudgingly and with a negative slant or spin to it somehow.


The bump mapping was toned down because it was a little too obvious in Rogue Leader. Check out IGN's article of RL and RS side by side. The lighting is far better in RS and you can even see more polys being used on the terrain and more self shadowing And as you mentioned the effects on the water are pretty amazing. Also the split screen RL actually manages to look better then the original despite the fact that it has to do loads more work!
The walker level with large station that sitting in the middle of the ocean, with a large water fall is just amazing. Textures are top notch, polygon count is amazing especially when you enter the facility. I didn't want to complete the mission and just observe the scenery.
God I wish some people in here would relax and stop over analyzing what's written. Saying the graphics are decent can mean MANY different things, and it doesn't necessarily mean the context that you guys are crying about.

The game has alot of good things going for it, mainly the graphics IMO, but from a gameplay point of view it's mediocre. I don't know how many times I've seen the same people chastising xbox titles for good graphics and little game play, teh same can be said of this game. The graphics in this game are very well done, but as I've said a million times, I'm more impressed with good character modeling, design, and animation, than I am with modeling of inanimate objects. I'm almost always more interested in character based games. There's a rvery good reason why 3D artists and animators are told not to bother putting space ships on demo reels.

Even then its scores are still higher then Grabbed By The Ghoulies, a game you don't seem so eager to describe as mediocre.

LOL, that's fan talk. I could careless what score Grabbed By The Ghoulies receives! It's a game for young kids to play and hav efun with. It has good graphics , but not enough gameplay to satify most gamers. That says it all right there. let's compare the gameplay in a game that designed for young kids to a starwars shooter you once claimed wasn't designed for younger gamers. Teasy, unless you're going to try and convince me that this game is actually designed for young gamers, then don't bother taking that comment any further.
Decent means acceptable - nothing more, nothing less. It's not a matter of over-analyzing but rather knowing the English language.
Despite the above average reviews RS has been recieving, I'm still very much looking forward to playing it, not just as a Star Wars fan but from an eye-candy perspective.

Some of the screens and movies floating around... :oops:

Has anyone read any articles talking about how F5 got the light-scattering up and running in RS? Anything special or just a smart hack? It's very, very impressive.
I think it's just a hack.
But what's it doing anyhow? I can't really notice the effect at all, but I probably don't know what to look for.
Fox5 said:
I think it's just a hack.
But what's it doing anyhow? I can't really notice the effect at all, but I probably don't know what to look for.
I posted this earlier:

Me said:
Exclusive: The Making Of Rebel Strike!
They've showed a scene in that video with and without light-scattering. It illustrates the effect very nicely, it's quite a difference ...

Screenshot of that scene:

Rebel Strike (light-scattering)

Rogue Squadron 2 (no light-scattering)

Yeah decent can mean many things, it can mean modest, adequate, acceptable.. a whole range of words that basically mean average :)

Also is this you not caring what review scores the game gets then?:

It (Grabbed by the Ghoulies) was reviewed by Kaiser Hwang... if you can look though all of his reviews on games, I don't think he's ever given a decent score to anything. I met the guy 4 months ago, and he's a bit of a flake... I certianly wouldn't trust his opinion. wait and see how other review it.

Anyway, IGN needs to have multiple people review games. trusting one reviewers opinions just doesn't cut it IMO.

BTW when did I compare gameplay for the games? I didn't do any such thing. What I was comparing was your extremely contrasting reaction to 2 games with similar-ish scores. One gets no negative comments and excuses, while the other gets only negative comments.

P.S. just FYI its couldn't care less not could care less. I'm not trying to insult you or be a smart arse or anything, its just FYI.
That little picture just looks like a picture with and without fog...

Ok, with the big pictures it's a pretty dramatic difference, but the two scenes aren't even from the same game. But it does help it look more realistic.
Yeah, that little comparison pic looks pretty crappy to be honest, its just too small really. But just look at the big Rebel Strike pic there! The lighting really shines through in that pic. Also look at the difference in the water in those two games. The water in the RL pic looks pretty bad, while the water in the RS pic looks absolutely :oops:
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