Rainbow Six: Vegas (360) Announced

AKA I don't know and even if I did, I couldn't tell you...

I am very impressed, but please make this R6 more like RS3, and NOT like Lockdown! It looks great though, keep up the good work.
this is why i would never want to be a dev on a forum.... lol

thanks for setting it straight in this instance, but for the love of all that is holy don't endager your job just to correct the errant howlings of other forum go-ers!

You say you are working on the R6 project? get back to work... i want my game dammit ;)

good luck with it!

1) If its possible try and have a hudless display, if you want to know the number of bullets, press button to see how many are left. AKA make it realistic cuz soldiers are not wearing GRAW headgear.

2) Please make animation similiar to how snake moves in the MGS4 technical demo. Animation is my only gripe in next gen

3) Make the player have emotion, when he is under pressure, have voice actors show it by saying something under pressure so when the gamer feels the pressure, he feels awed that the game is responding the same way.

4) Please have a third and first person view. Third person view when judging strategy how to get from point A to B and FPS during action sequences.

thats all I can think of now, just suggestions
This is the first game I've seen screens of and honestly have a hard time telling if they're real time or not. Other games have come close, but this is tremendous. I didn't think I'd see such excellence this early in the generation.
cloudscapes said:
argh! I should learn to shut up! ;)

blakjedi: don't quote me on this, because I'm not certain of everything. I've never worked on GRAW nor have I even played it (just seen videos). I also don't want to say much in fear of breaching my NDA. Just consider that GRAW uses a different engine, and that that series is generally geared towards open combat, where R6 is more geared towards close-combat. Naturally, any game that has more close-combat will be able to concentrate more details in the immidiate suroundings. I'd rather not get into more details. :S

mckmas8808: yeah, those are in-game, as stated on several sites. again I don't want to get into details. we're still a ways from release and art direction and minor details are always changing slightly.

Although I'm totally prepared to be disapointed, I do hope R6:Vegas contains far more realistic modes of play and has iron sights aiming finally included as an option for weapons without scopes.
I feel about this same way I felt about Riddick when I first saw it. Stunned. For me this came out of nowhere.
cloudscapes said:
Yes, I'm from Ubi, and I'm also part of the R6: Vegas team. Unfortunatelly I can't say much because I'm all NDA'ed up, but I know that those aren't PS3 screenshots. That said, XB360, PS3 and PC will pretty-much all look that nice (with minor variants, and I'm personally guessing PC will look a bit better, that's my own opinion though).

I won't be saying any more than has been officially released. ;) Just clearing things up here. I can't be bothered to correct Fishie over there though, as I'm not a member of that board and I don't have time to make an account just for that. Who'd believe a member with just one post anyway.
Glad to hear this is comming to PS3 as well :)
cloudscapes, just wanted to say that you guys (Ubi Montreal) kick ass and that R6:Vegas looks awesome. I just got one Q for you, how's Project Assasins coming along?
Korrupt said:
cloudscapes, just wanted to say that you guys (Ubi Montreal) kick ass and that R6:Vegas looks awesome. I just got one Q for you, how's Project Assasins coming along?

He more than likely doesn't know.
Korrupt said:
cloudscapes, just wanted to say that you guys (Ubi Montreal) kick ass and that R6:Vegas looks awesome. I just got one Q for you, how's Project Assasins coming along?


dunno, I'm not on that project. :p
Joe DeFuria said:
Because you're the one "spreading the rumors" over here, not him.

Exactly. And passing it along as practically fact. I'm just saying: be more careful of how you spread information.

Yeah, I agree with you that it looks as if I was spreading the rumor. I actually came here not to perpetuate it but to see if someone could validate it or shoot it down, which CloudScapes did. That's why this board is great. Developers come here.
On the offical Rainbow Six Vegas forum I saw this post.

These new detials were posted by SFLUFAN over on the IGN boards and is information from the next issue of EGM magazine

Here are the facts:

- the game has been in development for nearly 2 years now
- after the debacle known as Suckdown...I mean Lockdown, development was taken away from Red Storm and given to Ubi-Montreal
- you will play as one character, don't ask me his name because I didn't care to remember it - all I remember is that it was some generic tough-guy white man name (Ding Chavez does make a return though)
- you will have 2 or 3 teammates who will have unique (ie, "cliche") personalities
- the game will be presented using the "Half-Life" (yes that is exactly what they said) style of storytelling using only the first-person perspective and no cutscenes (not that there were very many cutscenes in the previous games anyway)
- the game will have lots of destructability/interactivity in the environments and you will be able to do stuff like rappel down the sides of buildings and fast-rope out of choppers
- it appears that there will be no pre-mission planning phase (just like Suckdown) rather you will issue commands "on-the-fly" (like in Raven Shield)
- it will be a more "cinematic" presentation as your teammates will engage in conversations and ARGUE during the missions

Let me stop right there for a second. Conversations? ARGUE? These are elite counterterrorist operatives. They don't argue or converse with one another on a mission. Do you know what happens in real life if you "converse" or "argue" on a mission such as this? YOU ****ING DIE - THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU!!!

- game is not using any form of the Unreal engine that previous R6 games used nor is it using the GR:AW engine, it's using its own graphics engine.

And here is the kicker that about caused me to laugh/cry/vomit/scream simultaneously was I was reading the article at Borders:


Rainbow Six Vega forum link
cloudscapes said:

I so want to say stuff in response..... but I can't :(

Damn I don't get it. What's so funny? Seems like a good post to me, except for the whole Halo re-energize thing. Can you tell us if that post was over-hyped or under-hyped?
mckmas8808 said:
Damn I don't get it. What's so funny? Seems like a good post to me, except for the whole Halo re-energize thing. Can you tell us if that post was over-hyped or under-hyped?

maybe Cloudscapes is laughing about the reference to the engine that guy is claiming to be used? or the "battle chatter"? which sounds cool to me and the health system? (if even true) is pretty necessary for the general gaming public to enjoy the game IMO :D
Tap In said:
maybe Cloudscapes is laughing about the reference to the engine that guy is claiming to be used? or the "battle chatter"? which sounds cool to me and the health system? (if even true) is pretty necessary for the general gaming public to enjoy the game IMO :D

Well the health system would be better if you could be bandanged up with a first aid kit or something. It seems a little more realistic.
mckmas8808 said:
Damn I don't get it. What's so funny? Seems like a good post to me, except for the whole Halo re-energize thing. Can you tell us if that post was over-hyped or under-hyped?

Nope, sorry. Devs can't say anything unless they've talked to PR first, since it's usually PR's job. "SFLUFAN" should recheck some of his sources, though, as well as write in a less biased way.

It's really bothering me, I really want to elaborate/correct a couple things, but it's not my job!
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cloudscapes said:
..... "SFLUFAN" should recheck some of his sources, though, as well as write in a less biased way.

It's really bothering me, I really want to elaborate/correct a couple things, but it's not my job!
:D thanks