Rainbow Six: Vegas (360) Announced

Lysander said:
It sounds goulish but its true, different shots, different effect, helmets and jackets should be put into consideration, if small wounds then person is still combat ready, if vital organ he is gone, diferent bullets power etc.
Halo=cqb simulator ??? :???:
Btw if ubi wants to sel rb6 as arcade, they shall fail.
more important than anything is calibre of weapon, a .306 to the leg could blow it clean off, a .22 and you might still be able to walk.
cloudscapes said:
just talked to PR and I'm afraid I can't say any more about the engine, for now.

in fact, I want to emphasize the fact that I won't be answering any questions regarding information that hasn't been made public yet. it's just not my job to do so, and PR want certain things to be unveiled at certain times.

I will, however, correct those who may think that what was publically released is false, just like that member from another forum who was saying the 360-advertised screenshots were from a PS3 devkit.

LOL!!! :LOL: I so glad to hear the 360 hasn't reached its peak yet, and that you guys are still pushing the system with to find its limits. Although I'm getting all 3 systems, it's good to hear that the 360 still has some bite. :cool:
blazinchaos said:
LOL!!! :LOL: I so glad to hear the 360 hasn't reached its peak yet, and that you guys are still pushing the system with to find its limits. Although I'm getting all 3 systems, it's good to hear that the 360 still has some bite. :cool:

Yea thanks Cloudscapes

and I'm shocked that ANYone could (with a straight face) say that what we've seen so far from X360 is the best we're ever going to get from that system. :D
scooby_dooby said:
more important than anything is calibre of weapon, a .306 to the leg could blow it clean off, a .22 and you might still be able to walk.
now that IS ghoulish, i`ll need jedi beer after that
blazinchaos said:
LOL!!! :LOL: I so glad to hear the 360 hasn't reached its peak yet, and that you guys are still pushing the system with to find its limits. Although I'm getting all 3 systems, it's good to hear that the 360 still has some bite. :cool:

God, that would suck if they reached the limits of the system within a year from launch.
Tap In said:
Yea thanks Cloudscapes

and I'm shocked that ANYone could (with a straight face) say that what we've seen so far from X360 is the best we're ever going to get from that system. :D

Oh believe me there's plenty of people on the internets that think that what we've seen on the X360 is basically the best that we are going to see. It's crazy! People even bring up the DOA3 to DOA:U on the Xbox comparison.

They think just because the graphic jump between those two games are huge then Xbox 360 graphics now aren't going to change much 3 years later. It's terrible.
cloudscapes said:
They don't. it will definatelly be tactical.
I won't comment on the health system, as I don't know much about it myself, and things are always prone to change.

Well, make the powers in charge know that regenerating health in RS is BAAAAAD. The best part about RS3 was getting down to 1 bar of health left with all your mates killed off. That's when you have to be perfect.
Deepblue said:
Well, make the powers in charge know that regenerating health in RS is BAAAAAD. The best part about RS3 was getting down to 1 bar of health left with all your mates killed off. That's when you have to be perfect.

maybe (hopefully) it will be an option.
I made a thread about the EGM info and quoted the posts from the UBI forum, and it got removed by Team Xbox. The thread had at least 3 pages of replies and had a lot of views the last time I saw it, so it was popular for the time it was up. I came back from the movie theater after watching 16 blocks and checked the Team Xbox site and the thread had vanished. I got no personal message explaining why.

I'm a long time fan of R6 and have made positive posts supporting the game for a long time at GAF and Team X-Box. My post history even shows I made a thread called "R6:III > Halo 2" back in November of 2004 on GAF. This deletion brings to mind Noam Chomsky but a book instead named: Necessary Illusions: Thought control on gaming forums.

I'm not mad or trying to be overdramtic, it's just one post on a simple forum over a piece of entertainment software. There are far more serious things in the world to be really concerned about, but I'm left scratching my head and thinking "WTF"?
blazinchaos said:
Believe or not... many PS ******s around the web swear the 360 is maxed out.
Who gives a f*ck?If they werent ******s they wouldnt have been saying such ridiculous things, right? we expect everything fron f****** :p
Brimstone said:
I made a thread about the EGM info and quoted the posts from the UBI forum, and it got removed by Team Xbox. The thread had at least 3 pages of replies and had a lot of views the last time I saw it, so it was popular for the time it was up. I came back from the movie theater after watching 16 blocks and checked the Team Xbox site and the thread had vanished. I got no personal message explaining why.

I'm a long time fan of R6 and have made positive posts supporting the game for a long time at GAF and Team X-Box. My post history even shows I made a thread called "R6:III > Halo 2" back in November of 2004 on GAF. This deletion brings to mind Noam Chomsky but a book instead named: Necessary Illusions: Thought control on gaming forums.

I'm not mad or trying to be overdramtic, it's just one post on a simple forum over a piece of entertainment software. There are far more serious things in the world to be really concerned about, but I'm left scratching my head and thinking "WTF"?
Well, I guess I'm equally confused why you shared that here instead of on TXB's Suggestion forum.
Inane_Dork said:
Well, I guess I'm equally confused why you shared that here instead of on TXB's Suggestion forum.

I'm just sharing the truth of my experience. The thread wasn't locked with a final post of explaining why. It was removed/deleted, which means all the other people that took the time and effort to type up some comments and post them on the forum are gone as well. We live in a information society, so to have peoples thoughts and expressions erased because it clashes with someones or somethings agenda, that raises the spector of George Orwells 1984 in my mind.

This was a case of blatant control in broad daylight, how often does covert manipulation go on under the cover of darkness? What skullduggery goes on in the darkest corners of the video game industry? We know for sure that their henchman engage in viral marketing. Inane Dork you may have already sworn a oath of fealty to corporate power, but I say better dead than corporate fed!

I don't need some pseudo video game illumanti telling me what to think and feel.

That being said I'm still looking forward to R6:Vegas.
Brimstone said:
I'm just sharing the truth of my experience. The thread wasn't locked with a final post of explaining why. It was removed/deleted, which means all the other people that took the time and effort to type up some comments and post them on the forum are gone as well. We live in a information society, so to have peoples thoughts and expressions erased because it clashes with someones or somethings agenda, that raises the spector of George Orwells 1984 in my mind.

I don't believe your allowed to speak freely at TXB, that would go against all they're basic rules :LOL:
Hey cloud, I just wanted to say that I was blown away when I first saw the screen shots from Vegas - it's a stunning achievement by the developers, and you should be very proud! And thanks for contributing as much as you have without getting yourself trouble. You didn't have to say a thing, and we're very lucky.

Keep up the fantastic work man, I can't wait to see the game finished.
Don't feel bad, My b3d thread got deleted once for revealing the codename and info of the xbox360 gpu. Up until that point everyone hear was still calling it the r500. Dont take it personally, its not a conspiracy... its to protect the forum owners legal butts and keep them in good graces for privileged info. TXB gets alot of exclusives and they probably want to keep it going. Dave Baumann knew about xenos, but he probably didnt want to piss off ATi by having the first leak appear on his forums, or worse them think he leaked info (which he never did).
The blog of Kimi talking about her visit to UBI Montreal

1up preview on R6: VEGAS

Some screens



