Rainbow Six: Vegas (360) Announced

mckmas8808 said:
Well the health system would be better if you could be bandanged up with a first aid kit or something. It seems a little more realistic.
Halo 2 and CoD2 have done a pretty good job making this type of health system feel great and work great in games.

It is a solid system IMO just not up to the 1 shot, 1 kill crowd's standards.

Health packs are most likely a thing of the past in these types of games IMO.
cloudscapes said:
Nope, sorry. Devs can't say anything unless they've talked to PR first, since it's usually PR's job. "SFLUFAN" should recheck some of his sources, though, as well as write in a less biased way.

It's really bothering me, I really want to elaborate/correct a couple things, but it's not my job!

My main suggestion to the R6 team would be make the crosshair twist. I posted this on GAF, but I'll repost it here.

More than anything I want to see inovation with aiming with iron sights. Make them an optional server setting, and just don't tack them on as a poor mans crosshair. Motion Blur/Depth of Field the entire screen when aiming with them to help them feel more real. Have your movement animation be more clunky when trying to aim and move with them, it shouldn't move like your flying in a flight simulator.

Also since iron sights don't always make sense innovate on the weapon crosshair. Why is it that they only "bloom outwards" to show recoil. Why can't the crosshair also twist 90 degrees clockwise and counter clockwise along with "blooming"? Say your aiming at the same spot for 3 seconds, have the crosshair twist 90 degress to the right (clockwise) to reflect a carefull aim shot that is more accurate as a result of the long aim time.

By having a twist feature on the crosshair, this would give weapons a different charateristic besides recoil. For example instead of having weapon crosshairs "bloom" when moving around fast, have the cross hair twist to the left (counter-clockwise) to reflect a more inaccurate shot. "Bloom" would just represent weapon recoil, so in essense you could have the crosshair twisted to the left and blooming and this would result in very inaccurate shots.

A weapon like a MP-5 would be very resistant to crosshair twisting to the left compared to a M-16 which be more prone to it. While the M-16 is a better long range weapon, the MP-5 has advantages in Close Quarter Combat. It could even twist to the right faster than a M-16.
cloudscapes said:
Nope, sorry. Devs can't say anything unless they've talked to PR first, since it's usually PR's job. "SFLUFAN" should recheck some of his sources, though.

It's really bothering me, I really want to elaborate/correct a few things, but it's not my job!

*Damn I'm going to sound annoying* If you were to talk about the truths of RR6 compared to his post would it make the game look better?
Another update in the EGM Vegas thread on the R6 forum.

Ok, I just picked up this issue this morning and yes everyting this guy was saying is correct, plus im gonna add some more direct quotes and some clarification on the ones he listed from the article, so lets begin...

"So, what should you expect? Less dying, for one: The Team is adding a Halo-style health system, whereby avoiding fire will give you time to heal, meaning you'll ultimately spend less time picking "Retry Mission" from a menu screen."

"Ubisoft has brought the new game back in-house at Rainbow Six 3's original studio in Montreeal and has thrown a team of 150 people at the title, wich has been in development since 2004."

"Gameplay will be very cat-and-mouse, kills will not come easy."

"Blind fire and "no look" suppressing fire will be important components as well; the action switches to a third-person, over-the-shoulder camera during these moments, much like in 360 launch title Perfect Dark Zero."

"As mentioned before, the game is also no longer limited to solid ground. With so much of Las Vegas towering some 80 stories above street level, the city provides countless opportunities to scale up and rappel down buildings. Standard rappelling, fast roping (quickly sliding down a rope, slowing the fall with only clenched hands), and inverted rappelling (also known as Australian rappelling)"
Calling cloudscapes, calling cloudscapes looks like most of the information from a couple of days ago was true it seems.

And damn you guys have 150 people working on this one game? :oops: Is that some kind of record?
this must go out
"So, what should you expect? Less dying, for one: The Team is adding a Halo-style health system, whereby avoiding fire will give you time to heal, meaning you'll ultimately spend less time picking "Retry Mission" from a menu screen."

and i am slightly ambiguous on this one, i prefer option 1person/3person made by player (i am not aginst 3person view though, it looks cool)
the action switches to a third-person, over-the-shoulder camera during these moments, much like in 360 launch title Perfect Dark Zero."
mckmas8808 said:
Calling cloudscapes, calling cloudscapes looks like most of the information from a couple of days ago was true it seems.

And damn you guys have 150 people working on this one game? :oops: Is that some kind of record?

not everything

original post said:
- game is not using any form of the Unreal engine that previous R6 games used nor is it using the GR:AW engine, it's using its own graphics engine.

..is the main thing I wanted to correct. it's dead wrong. Dead. Wrong. however I don't know if I'm allowed to say how or why without talking to PR first. and seeing how it isn't a priority, don't expect me to rush. ;) though mark my words. that part is wrong.

and what I said earlier still stands, I just didn,t want to say how much was correct and how much wasn't. I still want to elaborate on some things, and the original post is still biased. for example, when it's said that the game has been in developpement for two years, it doesn't mean that it's been 150 people for two years. a lot (dare I say almost all) games start their first year with very few people. sometimes under twenty
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cloude, healing system must go, tell this to power-to-be ubi bosses
(use protective jackets for low caliber bullets or something), when you have shot wound you cant go back, its silly
cloudscapes said:
not everything

..is the main thing I wanted to correct. it's dead wrong. Dead. Wrong. however I don't know if I'm allowed to say how or why without talking to PR first. and seeing how it isn't a priority, don't expect me to rush. ;) though mark my words. that part is wrong.

and what I said earlier still stands, I just didn,t want to say how much was correct and how much wasn't. I still want to elaborate on some things, and the original post is still biased. for example, when it's said that the game has been in developpement for two years, it doesn't mean that it's been 150 people for two years. a lot (dare I say almost all) games start their first year with very few people. sometimes under twenty

but we do know that it isnt using the GR:AW engine...
Lysander said:
cloude, healing system must go, tell this to power-to-be ubi bosses
(use protective jackets for low caliber bullets or something), when you have shot wound you cant go back, its silly

Judging by the sales of games that use this system, COD2, Halo, gamers have no problem with it, and I have to agree.

Ideally I like something like ghost recon, one shot one kill. If you're gonna let me 'heal' myself, don't even bother cause it's fake and boring anyways. How many bullet wounds do you know that can be healed by a vial of pills, or a 1st aid pack? It's lame and all it does is force you to backtrack getting healthpacks and wasting time.

With the Halo style it doesn't take away from the game, any considerable damage will kill you, anything less will not, you either survive or you don't and it makes for a more enjoyable game. It no less realistic than the idea of popping some pills, or opening a little first aid kit, and healing your 15 bullet wounds :rolleyes:
just talked to PR and I'm afraid I can't say any more about the engine, for now.

in fact, I want to emphasize the fact that I won't be answering any questions regarding information that hasn't been made public yet. it's just not my job to do so, and PR want certain things to be unveiled at certain times.

I will, however, correct those who may think that what was publically released is false, just like that member forum another forum who was saying the 360-advertised screenshots were from a PS3 devkit.
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A series known for its realism progressively becomes arcadey. I hope there's a difficulty option that allows you to play... you know... Rainbow Six-style one-shot kills, no regenerating crap.
typoEDR said:
A series known for its realism progressively becomes arcadey. I hope there's a difficulty option that allows you to play... you know... Rainbow Six-style one-shot kills, no regenerating crap.

I agree, they should rename the series to something else because the gameplay in the last few R6's has changed, I don't want to say for the worse because its still a good game but not that classic R6 that I want when I play

I guess that market for that kind of gameplay is rather small, and I can understand that they need to expand their sales :cry:
typoEDR said:
A series known for its realism progressively becomes arcadey. I hope there's a difficulty option that allows you to play... you know... Rainbow Six-style one-shot kills, no regenerating crap.

Shouldnt one shot one kill be location specific?

Head, neck basically instant. Armor should make a difference. Most gunshot wounds arent fatal I think...

I mean if there was a game "Texas Cheney" you and your team could get hit by a barrage of buckshot in the face and still survive!

blakjedi said:
Head, neck basically instant. Armor should make a difference. Most gunshot wounds arent fatal I think...
It sounds goulish but its true, different shots, different effect, helmets and jackets should be put into consideration, if small wounds then person is still combat ready, if vital organ he is gone, diferent bullets power etc.
Halo=cqb simulator ??? :???:
Btw if ubi wants to sel rb6 as arcade, they shall fail.
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Lysander said:
Btw if ubi wants to sel rb6 as arcade, they shall fail.

They don't. it will definatelly be tactical.
I won't comment on the health system, as I don't know much about it myself, and things are always prone to change.
I hope Ubi remembers its the realism that made this series good. Regernating health bar maybe cool if done with moderation. 2-3 solid shots should still be a kill regardless, less depending on the hit zone.

Vertical maps are good, but I hope they don't try to turn rainbow six into James Bond or MGS.

Rainbow Six is a military style SWAT simulator. Keep it that.

(The high water mark for the series is still RB3 for the PC, followed by RB3 for the xbox)