Whaaaa!? You know the exact same thing can be said for Zelda and games of it's type.
Anyhow, I'm not sure how long you've spent with GeOW but it's not just another pretty looking shooter; Resistance may fall into that category, but definitely not Gears. What makes Gears "Game of the Year" worthy is that it PLAYS differently from almost every other shooter out there. This is a game that focuses on tactical maneuvering and close quarters combat. I haven't played Zelda:TP, but I definitely would have given Gears the nod over Okami.
Twilight Princess is in a league of its own. Not many games mirror Zelda well, and few have, i personally cant think of any off the top of my head.
I wasnt suggesting that Twilight Princess deserves any nods either, i'm exactly 24 hours into the game, about 3/4 done, and its simply been one of the biggest worlds they've ever attempted so far, and its definitly had some moments that were ripped straight from previous zelda games, but theres quite a bit new as well. My judgement over a game like this doesnt come until a few days after, when it sinks in. Like a good book it has to have excellent characters, plot, and story for the whole thing to stick even after you've completed it.
Gears never struck me as evolutionary or memorable in any way for its genre. I dont agree with all the acclaim it gets for the same reasons i think Halo is overhyped as well as Doom 3.