Rage (id Software)

HDD performance varies a lot between different models already and then there are people with all sorts of custom upgrades. This game will show that difference more obviously than most.
Just read the DF analysis and some of the issues mentioned about the PS3 version I'm struggling to see.
Most notably, I never noticed a sub-HD look on the PS3 version. I mean, it's obviously there, but is it really noticeable? So far, I've seen no complaints.
Texture streaming is definitely an issue but it's hardly a distraction, and from the sounds of it, it's still an issue on 360, albeit not as severe.
Reading the conclusion makes it sound like the PS3 version is crap, but it's far from it IMO.

Don't get me wrong, the 360 version definitely has the edge because of the better texture streaming (with install) and of a less aggressive dynamic scaler (at a small cost of performance) - I just think that some people might avoid this game after reading this... the game looks and runs great on PS3.
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Been playing this on the PS3 for a couple of hours and got annoyed by the frequent pop ins and static feel of the world. The texture streaming is really flawed and the matter is made worse with 60fps. I mean what good is a fast framerate if the engine can't load the detailed textures fast enough to keep up? The game would be so much better in 30fps since you won't have to worry dynamic resolution change and the high res texture would load up in sync with the frame rate.
So far not so impressed and I don't see how it got 10/10 from IGN in graphics.

Why would the textures load faster if you have a lesser frame rate?
I have the PC version, and dual SSD´s though encrypted that still deliver 200mb+

And a ATI card.. i just got a heavy reminder on how pc gaming is when i started this game :)

Just for the record (i re-read the above and i think i didnt make it clear what PC gaming was).

The PC-Version looks spectacular!

But.. it took me something like 2 hours of reading up on the issues , getting the config "done" before it looked spectacular. I had some crappy textures, and lots of plain texture/driver/welcome to pc issues before it "worked". And even now i have plain bugs with floating 3D objects and some texture flickering. A clear cluster f*ck of a pc game.

And, my point to this thread. As mentioned i have a Raid 0 SSD setup, a 3.33ghz i7 920, 6GB Ram, but only a 512MB 4870. And i see texture issues everytime i turn. I can just notice the lowres in a fraction of a second. But it is clearly there. I am gonna mess around a bit more with my config and who knows, maybe let the game be until i get a new Graphics card. But from the reading i have done here it does seem as if the 360 and PS3 versions are the versions to get.

And i would love to hear from ID what the original plan was with the game. Because from the little i have seen it does seem to me to have some elements that might indicate a more sandbox type of game than what we got.
And, my point to this thread. As mentioned i have a Raid 0 SSD setup, a 3.33ghz i7 920, 6GB Ram, but only a 512MB 4870. And i see texture issues everytime i turn.
The YouTube vids of Rage on a PS3 with SSD look very effective. How do your results compare?
Seeing DF analysis I differ a bit about subhd matter (yes on the ps3 it's more notable but not that notable to prefer 360 version); I concur about texture streaming: I found it atrocious on the ps3.
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After reading the DF face-off, I'm very impressed by the way Rage dynamically adjusts quality and resolution to keep a constant framerate. More developers should be doing this.
Why would the textures load faster if you have a lesser frame rate?

I think he meant that with lower frame rate, textures has longer time to load, thus not popping up all over the place. But really textures streaming is one of those thing that work better in concept, in real world it just doesn't work too well.
Well... It runs reasonably well on the full HDD install and the SSD HDD version ? Might be very useful later.

Since Id attempted to negotiate for a larger HDD install limit, I reckon that may be the easiest and perhaps most effective way to improve the situation. Otherwise they will need to manage the HDD install and BR streaming on the fly, which complicates the runtime. A simpler system is probably more suitable here.

The fragmentation point is interesting but I suspect it's an edge case, since DF's own defraged experiment didn't yield result. FWIW, PS3 may attempt to housekeep the HDD when items are deleted/added. e.g., I have heard some complains about 30 minute game data delete, or trophy install.
Let me troll for a bit and say that after hardware upgrades, patches, installs, data migrations, there's talk of console HDD defragmentation? You guys are just closet PC fans right? :p
Wow, how good does wellsprings look?! Carmack should be applauded for what he's achieved on consoles. I'm now at the point where streaming issues mean nothing to me....
Because they no longer happen? You've gotten ised to them? The game looks so good once they've loaded you don't care? You've upgraded to an SSD?
The showcase vids tend to look at 180 degree turns to highlight the loading. How much actual loading is there in ordinary gameplay? Is there a great deal of faster turning, or is gameplay a little more subtle so texture loading is mostly on surfaces entering the side of the screen and hence not exactly where you're looking? If the latter case, perhaps texture streaming could work with a buffer zone outside of the viewpoint, caching a decent degree of lookahead? If it takes 100 ms to load a texture tile, buffering 100 ms of rotational view either side of the screen (eg. 36 degrees if rotational speed is typical one turn a second) should solve most pop-in.
Has it been confirmed texturing difference between ps3 and xbox360 is really streaming(hdd) issue as such? Maybe xbox360 has more memory to cache tiles and hence there is less popup?
And, my point to this thread. As mentioned i have a Raid 0 SSD setup, a 3.33ghz i7 920, 6GB Ram, but only a 512MB 4870. And i see texture issues everytime i turn. I can just notice the lowres in a fraction of a second. But it is clearly there. I am gonna mess around a bit more with my config and who knows, maybe let the game be until i get a new Graphics card. But from the reading i have done here it does seem as if the 360 and PS3 versions are the versions to get.
PC version has at least one frame extra latency to detect texture pages that need to be loaded. It's because you have to transfer the texture page visibility data from GPU->CPU, and that isn't particularly fast. PC drivers have to keep display lists pretty long (so much API overhead), and it takes time for GPU to empty the display list and to execute the transfers over PCI express. If you don't want to stall the CPU, you need to wait for a pretty long time before actually accessing the data you have requested from the GPU. Xbox 360 and PS3 can interleave CPU & GPU calculation better, since there's no API overhead, and lower latency memory access / transfer (and GPU can interrupt CPU immediately as data is ready). Xbox obviously doesn't need to transfer data from GPU to CPU at all, since it's an unified memory system.

Rage is also the first PC game that does huge amount of texture resource updating (CPU->GPU->CPU traffic). And it is using OpenGL, and there haven't been many games using it recently, so the drivers seem to be a bit rusty...
So I got the game and it's utterly beautiful as I've expected. Kinda fun, too :)

Now... am I the only one to notice the two guards in Wellspring called Spector and Warren? Nice touch really :D