PS3: Word of Mouth & Hands-on (Rumors)

seismologist said:
Tommy's impressions are not a rumor so I'm not sure why it's being lumped in with various internet rumors.

Just to give these no-name internet guys the benefit of the doubt
I'll asumme it's possible that different people may have seen different games at different stages of development?

The link I posted was just to add to the 'Fishie' link as a so-called source of valid information. You're absolutely right. These people could have seen software at an early stage so of course it will look like shit. Remember pre-XBox launch Halo and the framerate problems that game had?

I'll just wait for actual valid information and not these no-name people (Axsider included), because they exist to agitate those who anticipate any form of PS3 news.
What on earth are people talking about PGR3 for?! This thread isn't about PGR3's visuals apart from relation to one person observations of trees. Screenshots and talk of course accuracies or not belong elsewhere. Everything from Joe75's 'worst case grab of PGR3 despite no-one talking about what PGR3 looks like' on doesn't belong here.
It's all in an effort to discredit Tommy Tallerico as a valid news source. This spawns over several forums, mind you.
Not that anyone has actually seen the better looking trees he is talking about in an actual game with everything else going on.

IMO the guy is full of pastrami.

There is simply no way, at all, that the PS3 is going to be rendering hundreds or even Dozens of real trees in a full 3D racing game with the rest of the environment and cars and physics.

People in console land seem to often forget that a Console is a lot more than the CPU. Are you telling me a 7800GTX has the fill rate to render full trees, with full environmental lighting, and the rest of the game and the cars at playable FPS?

There is maybe a few of these trees in a small Demo level without the full game around it. That I could believe.

boltneck said:
Not that anyone has actually seen the better looking trees he is talking about in an actual game with everything else going on.

IMO the guy is full of pastrami.

There is simply no way, at all, that the PS3 is going to be rendering hundreds or even Dozens of real trees in a full 3D racing game with the rest of the environment and cars and physics.

People in console land seem to often forget that a Console is a lot more than the CPU. Are you telling me a 7800GTX has the fill rate to render full trees, with full environmental lighting, and the rest of the game and the cars at playable FPS?

There is maybe a few of these trees in a small Demo level without the full game around it. That I could believe.

My friend you must play PC version of Far Cry. I do not know if this person is saying truth or false but hundreds of trees is no problem for PS3 or Xbox360.
Pete said:
Kotaku followed up with another rumor of delays:

And the first comment in that Kotaku Fishie story provides some (unproven) corroboration:

Eh, both are absurdly weak in specifics. Take 'em for what they're worth.

Oh, probably the most specific and therefore interesting bit, from that last link:

Edit: Not much to see in those tiny, very early (Oct 25th) videos.

I know Nicked already mentioned this...but I figured I reiterate it because it seems to be overlooked with these rumors flying around.

"We reported Friday about what a man named Fishie claimed was his first hand experience with what he called a very not-ready-for-prime-time Playstation 3. Today I’ve got an interesting conversation between an in-the-know and a friend that occurred a few months ago."

This supposed conversation about technical problems with the ps3 (which don't really seem like technical problems...more like kinks involved in getting any new console ready for launch) took place months ago! Who cares? That was months ago. What's the deal with the PS3 NOW.
typoEDR said:
I am completely shocked. Also, to add fuel to the fire (probably very, very old, and probably posted already...):

That supposed interview was between Fishie and a forum goer (from Opaages, no less) named Red Cloak. He shouldn't be trusted, regardless of what he says... I'm sure some of you have witnessed his insanity before. Fishie isn't all that smart, either.
Bobbler said:
That supposed interview was between Fishie and a forum goer (from Opaages, no less) named Red Cloak. He shouldn't be trusted, regardless of what he says... I'm sure some of you have witnessed his insanity before. Fishie isn't all that smart, either.

That Red Cloak name sounds very familar. All i remember is bad stuff related to that name.
mckmas8808 said:
That Red Cloak name sounds very familar. All i remember is bad stuff related to that name.

A well known fanbot. :)

Fishie is not to be trusted either.

Claimed the first DoA4 pics werent from DoA4 on Xbox 360. False
Claimed the Nintendo DS would have a 1200 mAH battery. False.
etc. etc.

He also started the whole mess about PS3 not being backwards compatible, because the BD reader only could read 1 layer discs, and no Compact Disc or DVDs.

So just ignore the little Mythoman. :)
Fast said:
A well known fanbot. :)

Fishie is not to be trusted either.

Claimed the first DoA4 pics werent from DoA4 on Xbox 360. False
Claimed the Nintendo DS would have a 1200 mAH battery. False.
etc. etc.

He also started the whole mess about PS3 not being backwards compatible, because the BD reader only could read 1 layer discs, and no Compact Disc or DVDs.

So just ignore the little Mythoman. :)

Hold on! So, you're saying that the two people in question are known people not to listen too? Why did that Kakutu website give them so much credit? And pages later we are just finding this out. So no worry then. Great.
mckmas8808 said:
Hold on! So, you're saying that the two people in question are known people not to listen too? Why did that Kakutu website give them so much credit? And pages later we are just finding this out. So no worry then. Great.

You're a member on GAF right? ;)

Do a search on both names, Red Cloak is a well known xbot.
Fishie has had one lucky guess but from my understanding he has no inside knowlege what so ever.
Fast said:
You're a member on GAF right? ;)

Do a search on both names, Red Cloak is a well known xbot.
Fishie has had one lucky guess but from my understanding he has no inside knowlege what so ever.

Great, journalism passing ****** based fud around the internet as truth.

Go internet!
Fast said:
A well known fanbot. :)

Fishie is not to be trusted either.

Claimed the first DoA4 pics werent from DoA4 on Xbox 360. False
Claimed the Nintendo DS would have a 1200 mAH battery. False.
etc. etc.

He also started the whole mess about PS3 not being backwards compatible, because the BD reader only could read 1 layer discs, and no Compact Disc or DVDs.

So just ignore the little Mythoman. :)

in case you didnt know, he joked you guys .. huhuh
he just came back from japan interviewing tecmo, sega , konami and a whole list of big names... you think he gives out valid info for free like that? real NDA stuff he never comments on...

untill I get him drunk that is ..
mckmas8808 said:
Hold on! So, you're saying that the two people in question are known people not to listen too? Why did that Kakutu website give them so much credit? And pages later we are just finding this out. So no worry then. Great.

Kotaku will post anything if it gets them hits.