PS3: Word of Mouth & Hands-on (Rumors)


in Project Gotham racing if you stop on the side of the road and look at a tree... it is basically just two texture maps pasted together in a cross pattern (like games have done for the past 10 years)...
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Well a thread were i can spoke without spreading my ignorance lol.
What shoke me is that there is an other rumor about the PS3 delayed...
I think cell is ready for porduction for some times now.
I lean to think the same about the RSX whatever is in.
so stay the developpement enviroment...
We will see at early january, but the fact of not seeing a single piece of in game trailers, appears for me as a bad sign.
So I think USA will see PS3 early end 2006 for Japan.
Everybody agrees that PS3 has a tech edge, SOny can't come with fast finished games.
They've promised a lot to their consumers (excluding Japan), be late can can be forgivable but for the quality it's an other things...
I don't expect USA and EU consumers to wait if the japan launch isn't astounding.
A another point, and there already a thread right here online and it's the online gaming that MS seems to push a lot.
On many point sony will be very late. except in Japan they 're really have to delivers quality wise.
I haven't buy console this gen (pc rpg...) i'm a somewhat standart consumer who don't spend a lot. MS offer with online is a cheap response for online gaming without get bored with the neverending 3d card quest lol.
Anyway i will wait.
i would like to see my neverwinter night sorcerer crushing Hundred of opponents like in HS or NNN.
The real power of fire blasting lol
edit i hope MS will give up and offer keyboard and mouse so convinient for complex RPG (not ff kind ;) )
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seismologist said:
I dont think PS3 fans are the ones who are insecure. Most of us have nothing to lose right now.

If you look closely most of the ******s nowadays are 360 owners trying to downplay any good news about the PS3. It happens in almost every PS3 related thread.

Everyone can only speake about themselfes but this lies in human nature, the grass is always greener on the other side etz.
Can depend on many things, very young people that blow their weekly savings that they saved for a year should be the most common but in many cases there is not witch make it a little pathetic IMO.
If you see the PS3 lineup and like it save money for that and ENJOY and look forward too the games!

Also i think that theres a big difference between a fan or f@nboy and troll.The first one theres a lack of while the second/third spreads their shit like a virus.

Windfire said:
I'm looking forward to the PS3 launching. Honestly.

It is either going to be as cool as the ******s say, which is good for all of us! It raises the bar. On the other hand, this ******ism almost makes me want the PS3 to fail.

He i dont agree with you that i would want PS3 to fail. Maybe depends witch forums you frequent visit and other things.
On B3D i think the trend have been quite different where more people have defendend 360 instead of PS3. If this trend is because B3D is a 3DTECH-site and unified-language(hardware) is the next in PC i cannot know for sure, but i tend to belive thats the case.
Also that it is ATI in the 360 and people/members here with what we can call a "preference" for their products also plays a part.

Windfire said:
The most ironic part is that there are people that really feel they are more justified as a person by having the PS3 beat the 360. Funny. :) 99.99% of us have no financial or professional gain either way.

edit: The ******ism is "f@nboyism".

Well that goes both ways ie 360 beat PS3, and yeah i think its funny because of the reason you mentioned aswell as its really not a "joke" for many but they REALLY feel that.
ROG27 said:
dude...summer in the northern hemisphere starts June 21st every year (summer solstice...longest day of the year. Technically June 20th is still spring.

Maybe in your country, I think it's stupid to say that summer starts at June 21st, not only because it's just one day, but because it's the longest day and therefore it's midsummer and that's how we treat it over here.
Windfire said:
I'm looking forward to the PS3 launching. Honestly.

It is either going to be as cool as the ******s say, which is good for all of us! It raises the bar. On the other hand, this ******ism almost makes me want the PS3 to fail.

The most ironic part is that there are people that really feel they are more justified as a person by having the PS3 beat the 360. Funny. :) 99.99% of us have no financial or professional gain either way.

edit: The ******ism is "f@nboyism".
I'm a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. I have "no financial or professional gain either way". But I cheer for them and support them. Well..... so stupid, ha? ...... ;-)
dukmahsik said:
so tommy is saying each leaf on the tree is emmitting it's own shadow on everything else? while swaying in the wind?
if u wanna see each an example of leaves casting shadows and swaying in the wind
check this out (esp the video)
whilst i done this on a pc, this sort of stuff is taylor made for the cell in fact with the cell u could easily ramp up the tree / grass count by a factor of 5 and still hit 60fps
mckmas8808 said:
Lysander with all due respect what does that prove? The man never said PGR3 is a bad looking game.
If you look at the top of the purple car in the second picture (the roof) you can see jaggies. My TV is either bigger or sharper than that one because I can see them even easier in real of the worst places to have jaggies! (right in the middle of the screen where you focus the most.) It just totally ruins the otherwise great graphics, big shame it is. I really hope they can figure out that edram/tiling, because if that's the best they can do MS is in trouble. (and that's running at 30fps to boot.)
Kotaku followed up with another rumor of delays:
In-the-know says:
MS has the same problem

In-the-know says:
but Sony miscalculated the added complexity of the cell infrastructure and its adverse effects on development

And the first comment in that Kotaku Fishie story provides some (unproven) corroboration:
He mentioned that there was no way that the ps3 was going to make a spring launch, because the dev. system that his company had was in a huge box. He went on to say that it was a pain in the ass to program for as compared to the 360 but that he thought it was more powerful. He was very firm in the fact that in his opinion the system wouldn't be ready for spring.

Eh, both are absurdly weak in specifics. Take 'em for what they're worth.

Oh, probably the most specific and therefore interesting bit, from that last link:
Friend mole tells us we should go take a look at what he calls the only footage of Playstation 3 code in motion. It’s for a game called Fatal Inertia and you can catch two bits of gameplay at GameSpot.
Edit: Not much to see in those tiny, very early (Oct 25th) videos.
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Pete said:
Kotaku followed up with another rumor of delays:
"Today I’ve got an interesting conversation between an in-the-know and a friend that occurred a few months ago."

In other words, today some anonymous fan made up some content and sent it to my inbox, have at thee, because this shit provides good pagehits!

Kotaku said:
He mentioned that there was no way that the ps3 was going to make a spring launch, because the dev. system that his company had was in a huge box

...isn't that the alpha kit? Great insider knowledge :|



Almost as useful as the article with the anonymous developer saying they didn't have final kits by November.
Now if thats a statement that final kits still haven't been delivered yet, maybe thats understandable, but its not exactly a statement that random joe couldn't come up with.
seismologist said:
I dont think PS3 fans are the ones who are insecure. Most of us have nothing to lose right now.

If you look closely most of the ******s nowadays are 360 owners trying to downplay any good news about the PS3. It happens in almost every PS3 related thread.

Let us not pretend that one group of ******s are better than another group of ******s. ******s are ******s no matter what they're a ****** of.

***, ***** **** ****** ;)
That screen must be from the Nürburgring, easily the most rushed track in the game.

It's totally unrepresentative of PGR3. Although Tallarico has a point with regards to the trees - a lot of the London tracks I've played on exhibit his observations.
Unfortunately I am under strict NDA and cannot mention any titles. The gameplay graphics look a little better than minor... but it more of the way the worlds and environments are being created and built.

Tommy's impressions are not a rumor so I'm not sure why it's being lumped in with various internet rumors.

typoEDR said:
Also, to add fuel to the fire (probably very, very old, and probably posted already...):

Just to give these no-name internet guys the benefit of the doubt
I'll asumme it's possible that different people may have seen different games at different stages of development?

avaya said:
That screen must be from the Nürburgring, easily the most rushed track in the game.

It's totally unrepresentative of PGR3. Although Tallarico has a point with regards to the trees - a lot of the London tracks I've played on exhibit his observations.

Nurburgring is always something wrong. PGR2 is completely incorrect. Forza is also wrong. It is said 13 miles but actually it is much longer. If you drive at same slow speed for full length of track you will see too! GT4 track is almost fully correct and has correct bumps and height change but speed of corner is too high (Forza has even faster corner speed!) but I have not played PGR3 so I do not know what is PGR3 Nurburgring like but that screenshot is very bad. That is not 90,000+ polygons. Maybe screen is from early version.