PS3 sales

X360 hasn't hit over 300k since last November I believe.

So are there data indicating it's finally hit 300k again? It should with GoW and the Holidays.

In Japan, is the Wii getting FF or the DQ games?

Even if it does, I think the PS3 and the Wii are seen as in separate segments of the market. Eventually many of those who bought the Wii this year will get the PS3, especially after price cuts. Remains to be seen if X360 will make any noise over there.
Even if it does, I think the PS3 and the Wii are seen as in separate segments of the market. Eventually many of those who bought the Wii this year will get the PS3, especially after price cuts. Remains to be seen if X360 will make any noise over there.

For everything that is holy, Sony needs to cut the price of the PS3 by $100 on both versions asap and get production up. If they can do that by the end of 2007 or very early 2008 I think they should be okay.
On a somewhat related note, what's going on with the ad-campaign? I haven't seen a single one for PS3 on TV. All I see are Wii (Red Steel) and X360 (Gears, Sonic and Best Buy).
Why would they 'waste' money on that? They'll sell any console they can ship...

Agreed, in the presnt situtation, where they are from satsifying demand, with ads the ony thing you might do is to piss people of that they can not get one, making an ad or a product that does not "exist" doesn't really make sense. the only thing would be to show people that the PS3 has launched and it is out there, somewhere and keep people from bying 360 instead and still a bit of its "thunder"...
Sony doesn't need to advertise now. They will kick in their advertising campaign when first of all there are enough PS3's out there that they will be worrying about actually selling enough, and not now that they're worried about supply. Advertising when your supply is too low to satisfy demand doesn't make sense.
Except Sony is advertising the PS3. I've see many ads on the the Comedy channel. Some commercial breaks even have all 3 consoles' advertisements, almost consecutively.

Even if they sell out, they still have to get the word out, so that little Johnny asks for it as xmas gift... to keep it in public consciousness as a "hot xmas gift" idea. Just like the Wii is selling out, but Nintendo is pumping out the ads anyway.
Except Sony is advertising the PS3. I've see many ads on the the Comedy channel. Some commercial breaks even have all 3 consoles' advertisements, almost consecutively.

Even if they sell out, they still have to get the word out, so that little Johnny asks for it as xmas gift... to keep it in public consciousness as a "hot xmas gift" idea. Just like the Wii is selling out, but Nintendo is pumping out the ads anyway.

They ARE Advertising, of course, but they are not advertising as much as they will when supply will be better. Spending lots of money in advertising now (as much as MS is spending at the moment) doesn't make sense for Sony. In a few months, we'll see PS3 every-bloody-where!
So what is the state of PS3 production right now? Are they really ramping up in a significative way?
Right now I think they're in trouble, at this rate they'll probably manage to sell only 1 million units worlwide by the end of the year instead of the promised 2 million units (which are half of their original 4 million plan).
Oh my,Kutaragi has fucked the PS3 launch so badly (it seems he was in fantasy land when the console was designed, price and manufacturability weren't even considered) he deserved to be fired.
Ive seen quite a few of their ads on network tv.
Go to the link above and look at some of the digg submissions, they usually link to he youtube video.


Thanks :) I just found it odd that I'd be seeing a bunch of Wii commercials with next to nothing for PS3. I haven't seen any here at least...not on Spike, toon channel (which seems to be dominated by Gears), TBS, Fox, Space...

They surely don't *need* to advertise from a sales perspective, but at least it'll be out there. If I wasn't hanging out on forums all the time I wouldn't have known the PS3 existed until I saw the flyers.
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I've seen quite a few PS3 ads, you must not be watching enough sporscentre!

I think they're all pretty poor though, I mean the freaky lookin baby doll thing is so overdone by now, and the one with the eggs....well, whatever.

It seems Sony Marketing isn't it's usual ass-kicking self.
All the PS3 ads I've seen have made me want to avoid the PS3 more than play it (much less buy one!). The person in charge of those should probably be demoted and replaced before Sony reaches the point where their supply meets demand--and sooner if possible.

Seriously, the baby just freaks me out.
I would say I've seen PS3 ads here (Arizona USA) about 1 time for every 2 360 system and game ads. which is actually quite a few.

I agree, there is no need for Sony to advertise when the systems are not on the shelf other than to try to stop some of the 360 holiday purchases.
Media Create Hardware Sales 27 November - 3 December

Wii 350,358
DSL 176,901
PS3 31,436
PSP 23,917
PS2 23,115
Xbox360 4,053
GBASP 1,572
GBM 1,252
GC 821
DS 140
GBA 22
Xbox 11