PS3 sales

Does anyone, by some small chance, have PS2 sales for the same relative period? I'd be kinda interested in seeing how the two compare.

According to, PS2 sales were also 30k this time of year in 2001. Unfortunately it launched in March 2000 so the numbers don't mean the same thing.
Consider this.

PS2 first 2 days 981,000 sold by Sony, Media Create 600k+ first week (rest Sony online). PS2 continued to sell everything Sony could ship for many months in Japan, when demand started to slacken there was a price drop. It was into the millions before it saw it's sales nosedive to the PS3's current level.

PS3 is only 500K LTD. and doing 30K a week? I realise these are not MC numbers but probably Famitsu or Dengkei but the difference between the 3 trackers is not going to be a lot.

Sony is in serious serious trouble in Japan. The 20GB has got a stigma attached to it, probably due to lack of Wi-Fi, so the product most people want is ~Y59,800. PS2 launched at Y39,800. Sony's price is much much higher. The Y49,800 core is largely irrelevant now. They need to get down to sub Y40,000 and ideally sub Y30,000 prices. Wii is Y25,000 with tax.

The thing is Wii could be treated as orthogonal to the market by SCEI as long as PS3 sold well, but the current state of PS3 sales is a total disaster. No diplomatic language available, no damage control strong enough. It is a total disaster, that will rapidly reach epic proportions if nothing is done to rectify the situation very quickly.

If this continues PS3's Japanese content advantage sales point can't be fulfilled. No publisher will keep exclusives on the system. The bottom will fall out of the strategy. It will turn into a very vicious circle. If SCEI/Group are still in denial then it will be a long time before they admit to it. Blu-Ray in Japan may have utterly destroyed HD-DVD but the fight seems to have been waged with such pathetic volumes that it is nothing to boast about. Seems like most Japanese do not care about Blu-Ray. The HDTV push is nothing new either given NHK STRL invented the format back in 1973. Selling Blu-Ray as major feature point of your console in Japan should have been realised as a non-starter. That cost should have been fully subsidised by the CE side.

Nintendo's dominance in Japan is now total. Sony could react, but they need to start a "craze" to bring PlayStation's brand back into play. The only way I can see them starting such a craze would be to use Sony Music Japan's exclusive artists in advertising campaigns, get as many celebrity endorsements as possible. Nintendo used such a strategy when they launched "Touch Generations!", the DS following just erupted after it.

The main thing is a price drop - this will be even more galling for Sony given the fact that Japan has the cheapest PS3 price out of all the regions announced for.
This is a historically slow week in Japan.

Yet the Wii sold 100k units.

Pretty lame excuse imo, it's only 6weeks after the launch of the new Playstation, historically slow week or not, poor game library or not, PS3 should still be selling much more than 34k.
Yet the Wii sold 100k units.

Pretty lame excuse imo, it's only 6weeks after the launch of the new Playstation, historically slow week or not, poor game library or not, PS3 should still be selling much more than 34k.

Which was half of last week's sales. It almost expect that the much cheaper console with far more hype should sell more. Things will be much different further down the road. You can't make any conclusions yet.
Nintendo's dominance in Japan is now total. .

Whoa, way to draw a long straight line from a tiny amount of data.

The Wii is, like the DS vs the PSP, a cute alternative, for "gaming-lite". The PS3 and the 360 isn't selling in volume yet because the gamers are still playing their PS2s, and last generation titles, and waiting for the content to justify the upgrade. Wii is a diversion meanwhile. So where is the vicious descending circle of doom for sony here? the chips for the next step up in content are available, but the Wii doesn't have them. So unless you are saying that, contrary the entire history of video game technology, we're in for sideways stagnation for 5+ years (which would only prolong the life of the PS2 still further), the PS3 (in japan) is the next stepping stone for the community there. There just isn't any other alternative.

I guess I'm clearly no believer that a generational leap is contained in a motion sensing controller. It is when all is said and done, a niche. Like guitar hero, or Dance Dance Revolution and its buddies.
BigN doesn't seem to want the same cycle lenght as MS or Sony, so i'm expecting a Wii II before the end of "next-gen wars" (ie ms/sony battle).
Big N could easily keep its mometum if anything change soon...
And there is few games to come for ps3 during 2007 who could make japenese change their mind about the product.
"the PS3 does not have many big games out, as a potential reason for its slow sales?"

Err and this is a good thing? The vast majority of games are Multi-plat these days and the PS3 does not have any major GEARs of WAR type system selling exclusives in the pipe line anytime soon.

When will the PS3 have a reason to spend 600$ on it? and by then will it be to late?

No its not a good thing, its a fact. PS3's 2007 release schedule may not be enough to match the 360's, but if enough of the exclusives are strong games, (I'm thinking HS, FF, DMC 4, Warhawk, Motorstorm and UT 2007) then it may be enough for people to buy one in anticiparion for 2008, which bring the big-hitters such as GT5, Killzone, MGS4, Tekken and surely many others.

It'll be interesting to see if MS introduces a price-cut. I think it may have to if it wants to win this generation, despite PS3's price. Rememeber, many gamers are still buying PS2 consoles and games, which bodes well for Sony when they can afford to reduce the PS3's price.
No its not a good thing, its a fact. PS3's 2007 release schedule may not be enough to match the 360's, but if enough of the exclusives are strong games, (I'm thinking HS, FF, DMC 4, Warhawk, Motorstorm and UT 2007) then it may be enough for people to buy one in anticiparion for 2008, which bring the big-hitters such as GT5, Killzone, MGS4, Tekken and surely many others.

It'll be interesting to see if MS introduces a price-cut. I think it may have to if it wants to win this generation, despite PS3's price. Rememeber, many gamers are still buying PS2 consoles and games, which bodes well for Sony when they can afford to reduce the PS3's price.
We are speaking about Japan are we?

Both Sony and Ms loose a lot of money in Japan. Ms won't cut price in Japn soon the 360 price is already low... Mostly Ms is out of the equation in japan.

I don't agree about the game you quoted :
Motorstrom is out in japan==> no huge effect on sales to say the least...
the intersting games for in your list are :
FFxiii, HS, DMC4, MSG4, tekken, gt5.
But FF, gt5, mgs4 are very likely to hit retail early 2008. 2007 won't be so great for sony on the software side, a lot of multiplateform game, fewer exclusive than MS or bigN.
Whoa, way to draw a long straight line from a tiny amount of data.

The Wii is, like the DS vs the PSP, a cute alternative, for "gaming-lite". The PS3 and the 360 isn't selling in volume yet because the gamers are still playing their PS2s, and last generation titles, and waiting for the content to justify the upgrade. Wii is a diversion meanwhile. So where is the vicious descending circle of doom for sony here? the chips for the next step up in content are available, but the Wii doesn't have them. So unless you are saying that, contrary the entire history of video game technology, we're in for sideways stagnation for 5+ years (which would only prolong the life of the PS2 still further), the PS3 (in japan) is the next stepping stone for the community there. There just isn't any other alternative.

I guess I'm clearly no believer that a generational leap is contained in a motion sensing controller. It is when all is said and done, a niche. Like guitar hero, or Dance Dance Revolution and its buddies.

Who cares if you count it as a new generation as long as people are buying it and its games?
Anyhow, people may just be waiting for a PS3 price drop/major game before jumping on, but if it causes the ps3 to be stillborn, they may never get that chance. Saturn had a slow initial uptake too...but then again so did the PSX until it hit $200 I believe.
We are speaking about Japan are we?

Both Sony and Ms loose a lot of money in Japan. Ms won't cut price in Japn soon the 360 price is already low... Mostly Ms is out of the equation in japan.

I don't agree about the game you quoted :
Motorstrom is out in japan==> no huge effect on sales to say the least...
the intersting games for in your list are :
FFxiii, HS, DMC4, MSG4, tekken, gt5.
But FF, gt5, mgs4 are very likely to hit retail early 2008. 2007 won't be so great for sony on the software side, a lot of multiplateform game, fewer exclusive than MS or bigN.

I was talking aboutt he global market.

The reason I mentioned MGS4, GT and Killzone is because I think these games could persuade people to buy PS3's this year, IF there are other good games to bide people over until 2008.

I take your point. Its up to Sony to bring up a decent release schedule, but expect them to highlight the 'technical merits' of the PS3 console in comparison to its rivals a lot aswell. They'll be talking a lot about the future of the PS3 as a platform IMO.
Whoa, way to draw a long straight line from a tiny amount of data.

The Wii is, like the DS vs the PSP, a cute alternative, for "gaming-lite". The PS3 and the 360 isn't selling in volume yet because the gamers are still playing their PS2s, and last generation titles, and waiting for the content to justify the upgrade. Wii is a diversion meanwhile. So where is the vicious descending circle of doom for sony here? the chips for the next step up in content are available, but the Wii doesn't have them. So unless you are saying that, contrary the entire history of video game technology, we're in for sideways stagnation for 5+ years (which would only prolong the life of the PS2 still further), the PS3 (in japan) is the next stepping stone for the community there. There just isn't any other alternative.

I guess I'm clearly no believer that a generational leap is contained in a motion sensing controller. It is when all is said and done, a niche. Like guitar hero, or Dance Dance Revolution and its buddies.

Way to be dismissive of Nintendo. Gaming-lite? Portable hardware make up the majority of the sales in japan, so its not a cute alternative. Diversion? How can the Wii serves as a diversion to a console that was released first?
I was talking aboutt he global market.

The reason I mentioned MGS4, GT and Killzone is because I think these games could persuade people to buy PS3's this year, IF there are other good games to bide people over until 2008.

I take your point. Its up to Sony to bring up a decent release schedule, but expect them to highlight the 'technical merits' of the PS3 console in comparison to its rivals a lot aswell. They'll be talking a lot about the future of the PS3 as a platform IMO.
If we speak about the global market, i agree with you.
We have no proof of the ps3 doing wrong in US.
But in order to compete Sony has to rush at least one three games for chrismass 2007.
Sony will speak about the technical merit of the plateform but most people can compare games on the system now so Sony needs HS and some multiplateform games that run at least as well as the 360 version (better is every expect as a consumer given the price of the device).
About the future of the plateform sony is already lagging behind ms in term of multimedia capabilities (online,iptv, content distribution) so they have to catch up with ms offering. They should push linux and help with money the YDL developpers in order to provide very soon an efficient, multitasking, user frinedly OS for the system. Vista will be out soon and ms has some stuff going on I guess.
The Wii is, like the DS vs the PSP, a cute alternative, for "gaming-lite".

If you are trying to say the DS (and Wii) only has small gimmicky (I hate that word) minigames you couldnt be wrong more. The DS has plenty of ''full games'', alot more than the PSP has, and ever will have. That something doesnt have the latest and greatest tech doesnt mean you cant have a full game on it.

the chips for the next step up in content are available, but the Wii doesn't have them. So unless you are saying that, contrary the entire history of video game technology, we're in for sideways stagnation for 5+ years (which would only prolong the life of the PS2 still further), the PS3 (in japan) is the next stepping stone for the community there. There just isn't any other alternative.

In the end it are the games that matter not your hardware. History has also proven that.

I guess I'm clearly no believer that a generational leap is contained in a motion sensing controller. It is when all is said and done, a niche. Like guitar hero, or Dance Dance Revolution and its buddies.

You seem to forget that games like DDR and guitar hero are very limited. They have one ''controller'' you need to buy extra and it can only be used for one or 2 games. Unlike the wiimote wich everyone has and can be used for all games. Its not a niche, I actually think it can have a bigger market than a standard controller.

BigN doesn't seem to want the same cycle lenght as MS or Sony, so i'm expecting a Wii II before the end of "next-gen wars" (ie ms/sony battle).
Big N could easily keep its mometum if anything change soon...
And there is few games to come for ps3 during 2007 who could make japenese change their mind about the product.

Nintendo already said they expect Wii to last around 5 years depending on the succes. They wont launch a Wii II in 3 - 4 years because its not usefull. People who bought a wii will feel it lasted to short (remember xbox?), devs wont be happy because they want to cash in more, nintendo can earn less because they have to build a new console, they wont keep in line with sony and ms in the console release schedule.

I take your point. Its up to Sony to bring up a decent release schedule, but expect them to highlight the 'technical merits' of the PS3 console in comparison to its rivals a lot aswell. They'll be talking a lot about the future of the PS3 as a platform IMO.

They probably will but in the end people will buy the ps3 for the games and not for the not-so-great media options. Because lets be honest, if you are interrested in a multifunctional media thingy you are way better of buying a Windows media center based system.
Whoa, way to draw a long straight line from a tiny amount of data.

The Wii is, like the DS vs the PSP, a cute alternative, for "gaming-lite".

Look out everyone ! It's early 2005 all over again ! :rolleyes:

I don't know if you have been sleeping under a rock for the last year and a half, but Japanese people can't get enough of this "gaming-lite" you are so dismissive of. The amazing success of the DS may or may not translate to the Wii, but saying people are playing DS (or Wii) just waiting for the good stuff to come is clearly delusional.

There just isn't any other alternative.

The big publishers like Square-Enix clearly understood that, and that's exactly why Dragon Quest IX will be released exclusively on the PS3. Oh wait.

I guess I'm clearly no believer that a generational leap is contained in a motion sensing controller.

Well, it's your opinion (and wallet) against those of a couple millions Wii owners, I guess.
Media Create numbers for Jan 8 - 14. The Wii takes the top spot (beating the DS, wow!) with 93,708, the PS3 came in with 25,531, and the Xbox 360 was the same as the other chart at 9,035.

Wii 93,708
DSL 89,287
PSP 48,804
PS3 25,531
PS2 22,663
Xbox360 9,035
GBM 1,959
GBASP 1,547
GC 611
GBA 79
DS 41
Media Create numbers for Jan 8 - 14. The Wii takes the top spot (beating the DS, wow!) with 93,708, the PS3 came in with 25,531, and the Xbox 360 was the same as the other chart at 9,035.

Wii 93,708
DSL 89,287
PSP 48,804
PS3 25,531
PS2 22,663
Xbox360 9,035
GBM 1,959
GBASP 1,547
GC 611
GBA 79
DS 41

Not a bad weekly total for 360. It could crush Xbox's lifetime Japan sales if it keeps this up a couple years or so. Hell I remember it used to be neck and neck with GC weekly sales, and people would joke about the big war between them. Now you see that's a distant memory.

PSP is really coming on strong, provided there wasn't a mass DSL shortage.

I wonder if low PS3 sales are due to supply, or if that's the kind of weekly number it's looking at as things settle down?