PS3 sales

Is Sony PR just on a serious bad role (for a whole year now?). Now they are getting called out by ArsTechnica. :???:

See, I really don't like it though, because Ars themselves is confused:

We reported on what their actual goal was: they wanted 4 million by the end of the year, and 2 million at launch. That was then brought down to 2 million shipped when they talked to the press. When was it ever 1 million? Engadget has an even more damning interview with Peter Dille. Let me repeat that he is the Senior Vice-President of Marketing. He should know better than to give a keynote that directly contradicts his own interviews

At revision:

US specific:

The 1 million 'reached' mark is for the US, a goal they did in fact achieve (seemingly). They missed Japan, but I don't understand why Ars is viewing it in the context of the US only. I think there's confusion on their end that the 2 million was worldwide, and not NA; either that or they completely forgot to account for the Japanese numbers. But either way, I think Sony gets the pass for claiming credit on achieving their NA (revised) targets. They missed in in Japan, but then again that's not what Sony was taking credit for in that PR blurb.
This, found in the comments to the ars story was funny..........
NOBODY ever said MotorStorm was going to be in 1080p- you must not speak Japanese because 1080p means 720p in English. Get a dictionary! True HD doesn't start until SONY says it does, which will be immediately after MGS4 and FFXIII ship AND THEY WILL BE AWESOME and run in Japanese 1080p (720p for you M$-tars) and 60fps (22fps)! Enjoy your FAKE HD Xbox360, suckers!
Lol, yeah gotta say that one was good. Sony-isms make any post and/or conversation hilarious.

The demo of Motorstorm runs at 720p though and I thought that was common knowledge; I didn't even realize there was this sort of 1080p idea in the air.

EDIT: I looked this up - this is from a piece I wrote at E3 of last year speaking with Simon Benson of Evolution Studios...

...The game plays smoothly, with no sign of frame drops and full motion blur in effect at all times. Blur intensity is determined by the speed at which you are traveling and/or whether you are being tossed around. And you do get tossed around! Besides falling/rolling off ledges and crashing into other vehicles, motion blur is especially noticeable when 'boost' is active. Simon also confirmed that high dynamic range lighting effects are present (such was readily apparent), and that the game would be targeting a resolution of 720p...

From back at E3
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Not to nitpick that studio list and not that it matters really, since it has most of them correctly stated, but SOE isn't owned by SCEA... it's a subsidiary of SPHE (Sony Pictures) and so it could arguably be considered an exclusive third party almost (SOE self publishes, even).
The ownership changed in the last year.
In April of 2006, SOE became Sony Online Entertainment LLC, owned by Sony Pictures Digital and Sony Computer Entertainment America.
Just commenting on the DS software performance - there are two games or non-games if you wish that I think will actually continually sell foreve (or the life of DS as a system) - Brain Training and Animal Crossing. If Wii is as successful you can probably add Wii Sports into that mix.
Taken from NeoGaf

DSlite: 110k
Wii: 96k
PSP: 45k
PS3: 34k
PS2: 24k
360: 9k

That doesnt sound worryingsome to me. Its selling more than PS2. What do those sales represent? Monthly? Weekly? What?
Well if these numbers are legit and they keep being outsold by Nintendo 3:1, the big resident publishers will certainly take notice.
That doesnt sound worryingsome to me. Its selling more than PS2. What do those sales represent? Monthly? Weekly? What?

Weekly. 34k is brutal, it should still be supply limited right now, and that should be 70-100k/week.

Even this early it seems safe to predict PS3 will not sell anywhere near as well as PS2 did in Japan, at least initially.
I see lots of posts on thie board saying the PS3 is going to dominate Japan, how is that going to happen if the WII keeps outselling it 3 to 1?

The PS3 is going to end up number 2 in Japan and number 3 everywhere else.
I see lots of posts on thie board saying the PS3 is going to dominate Japan, how is that going to happen if the WII keeps outselling it 3 to 1?

Yes will be tought, a lot of people here expect the ps3 to outsell the wii in the long run, but when the ps3 will be cheap, It will be easy for nintendo to keep its momemtum and to launch a Wii II who somewhat match the ps3 in the visual departement, that keep backward capability and with a reasonable price point.

Anyway, wait and see...
Weekly. 34k is brutal, it should still be supply limited right now, and that should be 70-100k/week.

Assuming, of course, that they have not reduced shipments to Japan in anticipation of the EU launch. This would not be unbelievable considering the time of year where demand would slow a little from the holidays.

We will see though. At some point the issue of general availability will become clearer in each region.