[PS3] Modnation Racers

Weekend can't come soon enough. ^_^

I like the A-team van in the vehicle section. Sylvester (4th most popular character mod) looks really good too.
Yeah, I guess that's the original one then. ;) Thanks for the link. I was wondering about the ads in the other site.

Interesting to see though that it seems to be open enough to be integrated into other sites. Good choice.

I came across this video on the official forums showing off two tracks created by that user, and I must say they look pretty impressive! Getting hotter for this game by the minute.

...vide snip...

Not a problem. to be honest though, I wonder how long the official site will continue given the amount of IP being displayed.
I hope more people buy the game, 'specially after they patch the load time. I browsed through the mods again. :love: :love: the community's effort. So many adorable and familiar personalities !

Someone made a Insomniac + EA Partnership kart too:
The Blue Harbour and Tree Tops (see youtube link above) really shows off the draw distance of the engine!

Yes, that jump is breath-taking. But fooling around with the track editor is a notch more impressive.

I unwrapped the gift to my son 45 minutes ago (He fell down twice in the playground and was wailing ;-)). I thought him how to build a character, a car, and a track. The control is not friendly to a 5 year old. The coverage is too big for his hands. I don't think he can win any races, but he's been practising, so who knows. Remember, he beat me in the most difficult level in LBP.

The track auto-completion is the best feature here. The kid has already built 2 tracks by himself. However he needed some help to create complex elevated segments (You need to hold down 2 buttons and the stick, but his hands can't quite cover all easily). Hopefully, a control scheme using PS Move can cut down the button usage.

Despite coming in last for every race, he kept playing only because it's his own tracks. :)

Asked him if he likes Modnation Racer or LBP better. He chose the former -- for now. I'll ask again after the newness wears off.
The track auto-completion is the best feature here. The kid has already built 2 tracks by himself. However he needed some help to create complex elevated segments (You need to hold down 2 buttons and the stick, but his hands can't quite cover all easily). Hopefully, a control scheme using PS Move can cut down the button usage.
The elevation is also back-to-front, pushing down to change elevation up. It's not an aeroplane we're flying! The interface is actually a bit of a dog, with to many different button combinations needed (Triangle+R3 to enable yadaya), but then it's trying to do a great deal with the options.
My 4 year old is ok with the racing controls, but is a bit too impatient to build tracks. Awesome game though!

My son likes to see the final auto-population segment where buildings, items, traps and triggers pop up as the track rolls forward. :cool:

The elevation is also back-to-front, pushing down to change elevation up. It's not an aeroplane we're flying! The interface is actually a bit of a dog, with to many different button combinations needed (Triangle+R3 to enable yadaya), but then it's trying to do a great deal with the options.

That's very true. I hope if they implement Move support, they can use on-screen buttons to set the multiple modes/states, followed by simple movement to shape the track. That way we don't have to hold down multiple buttons.
If they're going to introduce such a mode (and they should!), then they should enable mouse input too. This is a tragic oversight IMO. PS3 support USB mice, which so many households have and use, for content creation it's the smart choice. I guess developers don't expect large enough adoption warrant creating a second interface, but I believe it'd prove popular.
If they're going to introduce such a mode (and they should!), then they should enable mouse input too. This is a tragic oversight IMO. PS3 support USB mice, which so many households have and use, for content creation it's the smart choice. I guess developers don't expect large enough adoption warrant creating a second interface, but I believe it'd prove popular.

Well LBP2 has it, so that's a great start and hopefully others will follow. But yeah, Move should be a huge improvement too.
Yap ! Or extend the damn Remote Keyboard to support all PCs and Macs. The software supports track pad. Should be trivial to support mouse. The added input lag may be detrimental to fast paced games but it should be ok for editors.
If they're going to introduce such a mode (and they should!), then they should enable mouse input too. This is a tragic oversight IMO. PS3 support USB mice, which so many households have and use, for content creation it's the smart choice. I guess developers don't expect large enough adoption warrant creating a second interface, but I believe it'd prove popular.

Not that I'm totally against mouse support, but I think people ask for it w/out really thinking about how it could be used. I think it would be totally useless in this (and LBP2) because the set up is already fast enough to use and designed around the DS3.
It's fast enough alright. It's the button combo we're hoping to simplify.

Mouse may be less expressive than Move because it's 2D though.

EDIT: Whoops... the other way round. Move may be more expressive than Mouse for 3D manipulation.
Not that I'm totally against mouse support, but I think people ask for it w/out really thinking about how it could be used. I think it would be totally useless in this (and LBP2) because the set up is already fast enough to use and designed around the DS3.
It's fast enough, but has a steep learning curve to become intuitive. A mouse interface would be far more intuitive and not have new creators fumbling with controls wondering how to do something.
It's fast enough, but has a steep learning curve to become intuitive. A mouse interface would be far more intuitive and not have new creators fumbling with controls wondering how to do something.

Yap, I played with a civil engineering friend's tools (for visualizing buildings) a few weeks ago. They are interested in iPad's gyro, Natal/Move's 3D controller to simplify navigation vs regular Mouse.
It's fast enough, but has a steep learning curve to become intuitive. A mouse interface would be far more intuitive and not have new creators fumbling with controls wondering how to do something.

A great setup for many applications would be to pretend 'hold' the object you're working on with a move controller in your left hand, and then apply stickers, paint, objects or whatever to it using a mouse or second move in your left hand.

Note that the power from the second move controller also comes from the analog front and back buttons (action and trigger buttons), which should allow for a great deal more 'artistic expression'. I'm sure something like this will show up (apparently 3D artists are already using Move for this now), and personally I can't wait!
Character mods after a few days:


I have heard mixed feedback on other forums but the ability to make tracks, make characters, and make cars is amazing. I would have to race it myself top gauge the gameplay (and ability to mod weapons??) but if I get a PS3 this would be the first game I got, at least to this point. I like the fact this franchise takes an established genre and then does what a game like Halo 3 did: bigger and deeper.

I hope the sales are solid enough to allow for a sequel.

EDIT: This would have been a much better idea than Home. At some point you need to trash the whole "lets make XXXXX so people will just give us money" and instead "Lets build this epic sandbox, let people go nuts, and THEN find a way to monetize it... and if not make it a huge selling point." Far too many "ideas" coming out of these CEOs you know where are driven by "how can we make something that will make money" instead of "lets make the coolest thing possible that people will love" and go from there.
I tried the demo some more and the game taught me about controlled powersliding holding x and using the analog stick. Pretty nice, adds some depth to it (though admittedly I have no idea what other kart games do these days)
I tried the demo some more and the game taught me about controlled powersliding holding x and using the analog stick. Pretty nice, adds some depth to it (though admittedly I have no idea what other kart games do these days)

The power slide + analog waggle was introduced in Mario Kart 64 (at least first time I saw it) and has been used in MKDD!! as well as in the new Sonic Racing game. Pretty standard mechanic. Btw this game screams for MLAA.

Since I don't have a PS3 I have only followed MNR from a high level, so a question:

Anyone got a list of weapons?

Can you create new weapons?

Can you modify how weapons are?

Any car mods (speed, turning abilities, acceleration, spin out time, etc)?

Do different karts of players have different skills?

Can you hop?

Can you add collectables, like coins, in your mods to increase speed?

Anything special about the kart racing? (Looked like a vanilla kart game in terms of racing from videos I have seen).

I have seen others on other forums say rubber banding is bad and the AI is very cheap on later chapters. Also mixed feedback on if this is a tight skilled racer or a loose, sliding racer. It looks fast which can obscure the driving model by viewing, especially if it has strong rubberband or cheat for AI.
My family is going slow (We are still making characters and tracks for the heck of it ^_^). Half of our library is locked and we have not explored weapons yet.

Here's some basic info about weapons:

I think some of the features you look at are filed under "track creation". e.g., There is no "hop". Only "shield" and "drift" are available for evasive action. Jumping is probably a track feature.
[EDIT 3: Learning as we go. You can "sideswipe" an enemy during race also]

There are mods for car parts, but those are locked for me, and I am not sure if they change car behaviors in any/what ways.

Would be great to hear from United Front about their next step for Modnation Racer.

EDIT: If you're looking at core game mechanics changes, LittleBigPlanet 2 may be more powerful/expressive (I am not totally sure yet). For now, Modnation Racer deserves a closer look by everyone (My son has raised to 7th place vs consistently last ;-))

EDIT 2: ZOMG, :LOL: :LOL: My wife saw the kid's kart and asked him what's with the bookshelf behind the car.
It's the rear spoiler !